# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'Incident timeline events', :js do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } let_it_be(:developer) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:incident) { create(:incident, project: project) } before_all do project.add_developer(developer) end before do sign_in(developer) visit project_issues_incident_path(project, incident) wait_for_requests click_link s_('Incident|Timeline') end context 'when add event is clicked' do it 'submits event data when save is clicked' do click_button s_('Incident|Add new timeline event') expect(page).to have_selector('.common-note-form') fill_in _('Description'), with: 'Event note goes here' fill_in 'timeline-input-hours', with: '07' fill_in 'timeline-input-minutes', with: '25' click_button _('Save') expect(page).to have_selector('.incident-timeline-events') page.within '.timeline-event-note' do expect(page).to have_content('Event note goes here') expect(page).to have_content('07:25') end end end context 'when edit is clicked' do before do click_button 'Add new timeline event' fill_in 'Description', with: 'Event note to edit' click_button _('Save') end it 'shows the confirmation modal and edits the event' do click_button _('More actions') page.within '.gl-new-dropdown-contents' do expect(page).to have_content(_('Edit')) page.find('.gl-new-dropdown-item-text-primary', text: _('Edit')).click end expect(page).to have_selector('.common-note-form') fill_in _('Description'), with: 'Event note goes here' fill_in 'timeline-input-hours', with: '07' fill_in 'timeline-input-minutes', with: '25' click_button _('Save') wait_for_requests page.within '.timeline-event-note' do expect(page).to have_content('Event note goes here') expect(page).to have_content('07:25') end end end context 'when delete is clicked' do before do click_button s_('Incident|Add new timeline event') fill_in _('Description'), with: 'Event note to delete' click_button _('Save') end it 'shows the confirmation modal and deletes the event' do click_button _('More actions') page.within '.gl-new-dropdown-contents' do expect(page).to have_content(_('Delete')) page.find('.gl-new-dropdown-item-text-primary', text: 'Delete').click end page.within '.modal' do expect(page).to have_content(s_('Incident|Delete event')) end click_button s_('Incident|Delete event') wait_for_requests expect(page).to have_content(s_('Incident|No timeline items have been added yet.')) end end end