# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Database module BackgroundMigration class BatchedMigration < SharedModel JOB_CLASS_MODULE = 'Gitlab::BackgroundMigration' BATCH_CLASS_MODULE = "#{JOB_CLASS_MODULE}::BatchingStrategies" MAXIMUM_FAILED_RATIO = 0.5 MINIMUM_JOBS = 50 FINISHED_PROGRESS_VALUE = 100 self.table_name = :batched_background_migrations has_many :batched_jobs, foreign_key: :batched_background_migration_id has_one :last_job, -> { order(max_value: :desc) }, class_name: 'Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedJob', foreign_key: :batched_background_migration_id validates :job_arguments, uniqueness: { scope: [:job_class_name, :table_name, :column_name] } validate :validate_batched_jobs_status, if: -> { status_changed? && finished? } scope :queue_order, -> { order(id: :asc) } scope :queued, -> { with_statuses(:active, :paused) } scope :ordered_by_created_at_desc, -> { order(created_at: :desc) } # on_hold_until is a temporary runtime status which puts execution "on hold" scope :executable, -> { with_status(:active).where('on_hold_until IS NULL OR on_hold_until < NOW()') } scope :created_after, ->(time) { where('created_at > ?', time) } scope :for_configuration, ->(gitlab_schema, job_class_name, table_name, column_name, job_arguments) do relation = where(job_class_name: job_class_name, table_name: table_name, column_name: column_name) .where("job_arguments = ?", job_arguments.to_json) # rubocop:disable Rails/WhereEquals # This method is called from migrations older than the gitlab_schema column, # check and add this filter only if the column exists. relation = relation.for_gitlab_schema(gitlab_schema) if gitlab_schema_column_exists? relation end def self.gitlab_schema_column_exists? column_names.include?('gitlab_schema') end scope :for_gitlab_schema, ->(gitlab_schema) do where(gitlab_schema: gitlab_schema) end state_machine :status, initial: :paused do state :paused, value: 0 state :active, value: 1 state :finished, value: 3 state :failed, value: 4 state :finalizing, value: 5 event :pause do transition [:active, :paused] => :paused end event :execute do transition [:active, :paused, :failed] => :active end event :finish do transition [:paused, :finished, :active, :finalizing] => :finished end event :failure do transition [:failed, :finalizing, :active] => :failed end event :finalize do transition any => :finalizing end before_transition any => :active do |migration| migration.started_at = Time.current if migration.respond_to?(:started_at) end end attribute :pause_ms, :integer, default: 100 def self.valid_status state_machine.states.map(&:name) end def self.find_for_configuration(gitlab_schema, job_class_name, table_name, column_name, job_arguments) for_configuration(gitlab_schema, job_class_name, table_name, column_name, job_arguments).first end def self.active_migration(connection:) for_gitlab_schema(Gitlab::Database.gitlab_schemas_for_connection(connection)) .executable.queue_order.first end def self.successful_rows_counts(migrations) BatchedJob .with_status(:succeeded) .where(batched_background_migration_id: migrations) .group(:batched_background_migration_id) .sum(:batch_size) end def reset_attempts_of_blocked_jobs! batched_jobs.blocked_by_max_attempts.each_batch(of: 100) do |batch| batch.update_all(attempts: 0) end end def interval_elapsed?(variance: 0) return true unless last_job interval_with_variance = interval - variance last_job.created_at <= Time.current - interval_with_variance end def create_batched_job!(min, max) batched_jobs.create!( min_value: min, max_value: max, batch_size: batch_size, sub_batch_size: sub_batch_size, pause_ms: pause_ms ) end def retry_failed_jobs! batched_jobs.with_status(:failed).each_batch(of: 100) do |batch| self.class.transaction do batch.lock.each(&:split_and_retry!) self.execute! end end self.execute! end def should_stop? return unless started_at total_jobs = batched_jobs.created_since(started_at).count return if total_jobs < MINIMUM_JOBS failed_jobs = batched_jobs.with_status(:failed).created_since(started_at).count failed_jobs.fdiv(total_jobs) > MAXIMUM_FAILED_RATIO end def next_min_value last_job&.max_value&.next || min_value end def job_class "#{JOB_CLASS_MODULE}::#{job_class_name}".constantize end def batch_class "#{BATCH_CLASS_MODULE}::#{batch_class_name}".constantize end def job_class_name=(class_name) write_attribute(:job_class_name, class_name.delete_prefix("::")) end def batch_class_name=(class_name) write_attribute(:batch_class_name, class_name.delete_prefix("::")) end def migrated_tuple_count batched_jobs.with_status(:succeeded).sum(:batch_size) end def prometheus_labels @prometheus_labels ||= { migration_id: id, migration_identifier: "%s/%s.%s" % [job_class_name, table_name, column_name] } end def smoothed_time_efficiency(number_of_jobs: 10, alpha: 0.2) jobs = batched_jobs.successful_in_execution_order.reverse_order.limit(number_of_jobs).with_preloads return if jobs.size < number_of_jobs efficiencies = jobs.map(&:time_efficiency).reject(&:nil?).each_with_index dividend = efficiencies.reduce(0) do |total, (job_eff, i)| total + job_eff * (1 - alpha)**i end divisor = efficiencies.reduce(0) do |total, (job_eff, i)| total + (1 - alpha)**i end return if divisor == 0 (dividend / divisor).round(2) end def optimize! BatchOptimizer.new(self).optimize! end def health_context HealthStatus::Context.new(connection, [table_name]) end def hold!(until_time: 10.minutes.from_now) duration_s = (until_time - Time.current).round Gitlab::AppLogger.info( message: "#{self} put on hold until #{until_time}", migration_id: id, job_class_name: job_class_name, duration_s: duration_s ) update!(on_hold_until: until_time) end def on_hold? return false unless on_hold_until on_hold_until > Time.zone.now end def to_s "BatchedMigration[id: #{id}]" end # Computes an estimation of the progress of the migration in percents. # # Because `total_tuple_count` is an estimation of the tuples based on DB statistics # when the migration is complete there can actually be more or less tuples that initially # estimated as `total_tuple_count` so the progress may not show 100%. For that reason when # we know migration completed successfully, we just return the 100 value def progress return FINISHED_PROGRESS_VALUE if finished? return unless total_tuple_count.to_i > 0 100 * migrated_tuple_count / total_tuple_count end private def validate_batched_jobs_status errors.add(:batched_jobs, 'jobs need to be succeeded') if batched_jobs.except_succeeded.exists? end end end end end