# frozen_string_literal: true require 'sidekiq/api' Sidekiq::Worker.extend ActiveSupport::Concern # rubocop:disable Cop/SidekiqApiUsage module ApplicationWorker extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Sidekiq::Worker # rubocop:disable Cop/IncludeSidekiqWorker include WorkerAttributes include WorkerContext include Gitlab::SidekiqVersioning::Worker LOGGING_EXTRA_KEY = 'extra' SAFE_PUSH_BULK_LIMIT = 1000 included do set_queue after_set_class_attribute { set_queue } def structured_payload(payload = {}) context = Gitlab::ApplicationContext.current.merge( 'class' => self.class.name, 'job_status' => 'running', 'queue' => self.class.queue, 'jid' => jid ) payload.stringify_keys.merge(context) end def log_extra_metadata_on_done(key, value) @done_log_extra_metadata ||= {} @done_log_extra_metadata[key] = value end def logging_extras return {} unless @done_log_extra_metadata # Prefix keys with class name to avoid conflicts in Elasticsearch types. # Also prefix with "extra." so that we know to log these new fields. @done_log_extra_metadata.transform_keys do |k| "#{LOGGING_EXTRA_KEY}.#{self.class.name.gsub("::", "_").underscore}.#{k}" end end end class_methods do extend ::Gitlab::Utils::Override def inherited(subclass) subclass.set_queue subclass.after_set_class_attribute { subclass.set_queue } end def with_status status_from_class = self.sidekiq_options_hash['status_expiration'] set(status_expiration: status_from_class || Gitlab::SidekiqStatus::DEFAULT_EXPIRATION) end def generated_queue_name Gitlab::SidekiqConfig::WorkerRouter.queue_name_from_worker_name(self) end def validate_worker_attributes! # Since the delayed data_consistency will use sidekiq built in retry mechanism, it is required that this mechanism # is not disabled. if retry_disabled? && get_data_consistency == :delayed raise ArgumentError, "Retry support cannot be disabled if data_consistency is set to :delayed" end end # Checks if sidekiq retry support is disabled def retry_disabled? get_sidekiq_options['retry'] == 0 || get_sidekiq_options['retry'] == false end override :sidekiq_options def sidekiq_options(opts = {}) super.tap do validate_worker_attributes! end end override :data_consistency def data_consistency(data_consistency, feature_flag: nil) super validate_worker_attributes! end def set_queue queue_name = ::Gitlab::SidekiqConfig::WorkerRouter.global.route(self) sidekiq_options queue: queue_name # rubocop:disable Cop/SidekiqOptionsQueue end def queue_namespace(new_namespace = nil) if new_namespace sidekiq_options queue_namespace: new_namespace set_queue else get_sidekiq_options['queue_namespace']&.to_s end end def queue get_sidekiq_options['queue'].to_s end # Set/get which arguments can be logged and sent to Sentry. # # Numeric arguments are logged by default, so there is no need to # list those. # # Non-numeric arguments must be listed by position, as Sidekiq # cannot see argument names. # def loggable_arguments(*args) if args.any? @loggable_arguments = args else @loggable_arguments || [] end end def log_bulk_perform_async? @log_bulk_perform_async end def log_bulk_perform_async! @log_bulk_perform_async = true end def bulk_perform_async(args_list) if log_bulk_perform_async? Sidekiq.logger.info('class' => self.name, 'args_list' => args_list, 'args_list_count' => args_list.length, 'message' => 'Inserting multiple jobs') end do_push_bulk(args_list).tap do |job_ids| if log_bulk_perform_async? Sidekiq.logger.info('class' => self.name, 'jid_list' => job_ids, 'jid_list_count' => job_ids.length, 'message' => 'Completed JID insertion') end end end def bulk_perform_in(delay, args_list, batch_size: nil, batch_delay: nil) now = Time.now.to_i base_schedule_at = now + delay.to_i if base_schedule_at <= now raise ArgumentError, 'The schedule time must be in the future!' end schedule_at = base_schedule_at if batch_size && batch_delay batch_size = batch_size.to_i batch_delay = batch_delay.to_i raise ArgumentError, 'batch_size should be greater than 0' unless batch_size > 0 raise ArgumentError, 'batch_delay should be greater than 0' unless batch_delay > 0 # build an array of schedules corresponding to each item in `args_list` bulk_schedule_at = Array.new(args_list.size) do |index| batch_number = index / batch_size base_schedule_at + (batch_number * batch_delay) end schedule_at = bulk_schedule_at end in_safe_limit_batches(args_list, schedule_at) do |args_batch, schedule_at_for_batch| Sidekiq::Client.push_bulk('class' => self, 'args' => args_batch, 'at' => schedule_at_for_batch) # rubocop:disable Cop/SidekiqApiUsage end end private def do_push_bulk(args_list) in_safe_limit_batches(args_list) do |args_batch, _| Sidekiq::Client.push_bulk('class' => self, 'args' => args_batch) # rubocop:disable Cop/SidekiqApiUsage end end def in_safe_limit_batches(args_list, schedule_at = nil, safe_limit = SAFE_PUSH_BULK_LIMIT) # `schedule_at` could be one of # - nil. # - a single Numeric that represents time, like `30.minutes.from_now.to_i`. # - an array, where each element is a Numeric that reprsents time. # - Each element in this array would correspond to the time at which # - the job in `args_list` at the corresponding index needs to be scheduled. # In the case where `schedule_at` is an array of Numeric, it needs to be sliced # in the same manner as the `args_list`, with each slice containing `safe_limit` # number of elements. schedule_at = schedule_at.each_slice(safe_limit).to_a if schedule_at.is_a?(Array) args_list.each_slice(safe_limit).with_index.flat_map do |args_batch, index| schedule_at_for_batch = process_schedule_at_for_batch(schedule_at, index) yield(args_batch, schedule_at_for_batch) end end def process_schedule_at_for_batch(schedule_at, index) return unless schedule_at return schedule_at[index] if schedule_at.is_a?(Array) && schedule_at.all?(Array) schedule_at end end end