--- # Warning: gitlab.Acronyms # # Checks for unexpanded acronyms. # # For a list of all options, see https://errata-ai.gitbook.io/vale/getting-started/styles extends: conditional message: '"%s" has no definition.' link: https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/marketing/growth-marketing/content/editorial-team/#acronyms level: warning ignorecase: false # Ensures that the existence of 'first' implies the existence of 'second'. first: '\b([A-Z]{3,5})\b' second: '(?:\b[A-Z][a-z]+ )+\(([A-Z]{3,5})\)' # ... with the exception of these: exceptions: - API - ARN - ASCII - AWS - CLI - CNAME - CPU - CORE - CSS - CSV - DNS - EKS - FAQ - GDK - GET - GNU - GPG - GPL - HTML - HTTP - HTTPS - IAM - IBM - IDE - IRC - ISO - JSON - LDAP - LDAPS - LESS - LFS - LRU - NFS - NGINX - NOTE - NPM - ONLY - PDF - PGP - PHP - POST - PUT - RPC - RAM - RSA - RSS - SAML - SCIM - SCP - SCSS - SHA - SQL - SSH - SSL - SSO - SVN - TCP - TIP - TLS - TODO - TOML - UNIX - USB - URI - URL - UUID - VPC - WIP - XML - YAML