# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Integrations::ChatMessage::DeploymentMessage do subject { described_class.new(args) } let_it_be(:user) { create(:user, name: 'John Smith', username: 'smith') } let_it_be(:namespace) { create(:namespace, name: 'myspace') } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository, namespace: namespace, name: 'myproject') } let_it_be(:commit) { project.commit('HEAD') } let_it_be(:ci_build) { create(:ci_build, project: project) } let_it_be(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'myenvironment', project: project) } let_it_be(:deployment) { create(:deployment, status: :success, deployable: ci_build, environment: environment, project: project, user: user, sha: commit.sha) } let(:args) do Gitlab::DataBuilder::Deployment.build(deployment, Time.current) end it_behaves_like Integrations::ChatMessage describe '#pretext' do it 'returns a message with the data returned by the deployment data builder' do expect(subject.pretext).to eq("Deploy to myenvironment succeeded") end it 'returns a message for a successful deployment' do args.merge!( status: 'success', environment: 'production' ) expect(subject.pretext).to eq('Deploy to production succeeded') end it 'returns a message for a failed deployment' do args.merge!( status: 'failed', environment: 'production' ) expect(subject.pretext).to eq('Deploy to production failed') end it 'returns a message for a canceled deployment' do args.merge!( status: 'canceled', environment: 'production' ) expect(subject.pretext).to eq('Deploy to production canceled') end it 'returns a message for a deployment to another environment' do args.merge!( status: 'success', environment: 'staging' ) expect(subject.pretext).to eq('Deploy to staging succeeded') end it 'returns a message for a deployment with any other status' do args.merge!( status: 'unknown', environment: 'staging' ) expect(subject.pretext).to eq('Deploy to staging unknown') end it 'returns a message for a running deployment' do args.merge!( status: 'running', environment: 'production' ) expect(subject.pretext).to eq('Starting deploy to production') end end describe '#attachments' do def deployment_data(params) { object_kind: "deployment", status: "success", deployable_id: 3, deployable_url: "deployable_url", environment: "sandbox", project: { name: "greatproject", web_url: "project_web_url", path_with_namespace: "project_path_with_namespace" }, user: { name: "Jane Person", username: "jane" }, user_url: "user_url", short_sha: "12345678", commit_url: "commit_url", commit_title: "commit title text" }.merge(params) end it 'returns attachments with the data returned by the deployment data builder' do job_url = Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.project_job_url(project, ci_build) commit_url = Gitlab::UrlBuilder.build(deployment.commit) user_url = Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.user_url(user) expect(subject.attachments).to eq([{ text: "[myspace/myproject](#{project.web_url}) with job [##{ci_build.id}](#{job_url}) by [John Smith (smith)](#{user_url})\n[#{deployment.short_sha}](#{commit_url}): #{commit.title}", color: "good" }]) end it 'returns attachments for a failed deployment' do data = deployment_data(status: 'failed') message = described_class.new(data) expect(message.attachments).to eq([{ text: "[project_path_with_namespace](project_web_url) with job [#3](deployable_url) by [Jane Person (jane)](user_url)\n[12345678](commit_url): commit title text", color: "danger" }]) end it 'returns attachments for a canceled deployment' do data = deployment_data(status: 'canceled') message = described_class.new(data) expect(message.attachments).to eq([{ text: "[project_path_with_namespace](project_web_url) with job [#3](deployable_url) by [Jane Person (jane)](user_url)\n[12345678](commit_url): commit title text", color: "warning" }]) end it 'uses a neutral color for a deployment with any other status' do data = deployment_data(status: 'some-new-status-we-make-in-the-future') message = described_class.new(data) expect(message.attachments).to eq([{ text: "[project_path_with_namespace](project_web_url) with job [#3](deployable_url) by [Jane Person (jane)](user_url)\n[12345678](commit_url): commit title text", color: "#334455" }]) end end end