import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import { backoffMockImplementation } from 'helpers/backoff_helper'; import testAction from 'helpers/vuex_action_helper'; import createFlash from '~/flash'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import * as commonUtils from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; import statusCodes from '~/lib/utils/http_status'; import { ENVIRONMENT_AVAILABLE_STATE } from '~/monitoring/constants'; import getAnnotations from '~/monitoring/queries/getAnnotations.query.graphql'; import getDashboardValidationWarnings from '~/monitoring/queries/getDashboardValidationWarnings.query.graphql'; import getEnvironments from '~/monitoring/queries/getEnvironments.query.graphql'; import { createStore } from '~/monitoring/stores'; import { setGettingStartedEmptyState, setInitialState, setExpandedPanel, clearExpandedPanel, filterEnvironments, fetchData, fetchDashboard, receiveMetricsDashboardSuccess, fetchDashboardData, fetchPrometheusMetric, fetchDeploymentsData, fetchEnvironmentsData, fetchAnnotations, fetchDashboardValidationWarnings, toggleStarredValue, duplicateSystemDashboard, updateVariablesAndFetchData, fetchVariableMetricLabelValues, fetchPanelPreview, } from '~/monitoring/stores/actions'; import * as getters from '~/monitoring/stores/getters'; import * as types from '~/monitoring/stores/mutation_types'; import storeState from '~/monitoring/stores/state'; import { gqClient, parseEnvironmentsResponse, parseAnnotationsResponse, } from '~/monitoring/stores/utils'; import Tracking from '~/tracking'; import { defaultTimeRange } from '~/vue_shared/constants'; import { metricsDashboardResponse, metricsDashboardViewModel, metricsDashboardPanelCount, } from '../fixture_data'; import { deploymentData, environmentData, annotationsData, dashboardGitResponse, mockDashboardsErrorResponse, } from '../mock_data'; jest.mock('~/flash'); describe('Monitoring store actions', () => { const { convertObjectPropsToCamelCase } = commonUtils; let mock; let store; let state; let dispatch; let commit; beforeEach(() => { store = createStore({ getters }); state = store.state.monitoringDashboard; mock = new MockAdapter(axios); commit = jest.fn(); dispatch = jest.fn(); jest.spyOn(commonUtils, 'backOff').mockImplementation(backoffMockImplementation); }); afterEach(() => { mock.reset(); commonUtils.backOff.mockReset(); createFlash.mockReset(); }); // Setup describe('setGettingStartedEmptyState', () => { it('should commit SET_GETTING_STARTED_EMPTY_STATE mutation', (done) => { testAction( setGettingStartedEmptyState, null, state, [ { type: types.SET_GETTING_STARTED_EMPTY_STATE, }, ], [], done, ); }); }); describe('setInitialState', () => { it('should commit SET_INITIAL_STATE mutation', (done) => { testAction( setInitialState, { currentDashboard: '.gitlab/dashboards/dashboard.yml', deploymentsEndpoint: 'deployments.json', }, state, [ { type: types.SET_INITIAL_STATE, payload: { currentDashboard: '.gitlab/dashboards/dashboard.yml', deploymentsEndpoint: 'deployments.json', }, }, ], [], done, ); }); }); describe('setExpandedPanel', () => { it('Sets a panel as expanded', () => { const group = 'group_1'; const panel = { title: 'A Panel' }; return testAction( setExpandedPanel, { group, panel }, state, [{ type: types.SET_EXPANDED_PANEL, payload: { group, panel } }], [], ); }); }); describe('clearExpandedPanel', () => { it('Clears a panel as expanded', () => { return testAction( clearExpandedPanel, undefined, state, [{ type: types.SET_EXPANDED_PANEL, payload: { group: null, panel: null } }], [], ); }); }); // All Data describe('fetchData', () => { it('dispatches fetchEnvironmentsData and fetchEnvironmentsData', () => { return testAction( fetchData, null, state, [], [ { type: 'fetchEnvironmentsData' }, { type: 'fetchDashboard' }, { type: 'fetchAnnotations' }, ], ); }); it('dispatches when feature metricsDashboardAnnotations is on', () => { const origGon = window.gon; window.gon = { features: { metricsDashboardAnnotations: true } }; return testAction( fetchData, null, state, [], [ { type: 'fetchEnvironmentsData' }, { type: 'fetchDashboard' }, { type: 'fetchAnnotations' }, ], ).then(() => { window.gon = origGon; }); }); }); // Metrics dashboard describe('fetchDashboard', () => { const response = metricsDashboardResponse; beforeEach(() => { state.dashboardEndpoint = '/dashboard'; }); it('on success, dispatches receive and success actions, then fetches dashboard warnings', () => { = 'projects:environments:metrics'; mock.onGet(state.dashboardEndpoint).reply(200, response); return testAction( fetchDashboard, null, state, [], [ { type: 'requestMetricsDashboard' }, { type: 'receiveMetricsDashboardSuccess', payload: { response }, }, { type: 'fetchDashboardValidationWarnings' }, ], ); }); describe('on failure', () => { let result; beforeEach(() => { const params = {}; const localGetters = { fullDashboardPath: store.getters['monitoringDashboard/fullDashboardPath'], }; result = () => { mock.onGet(state.dashboardEndpoint).replyOnce(500, mockDashboardsErrorResponse); return fetchDashboard({ state, commit, dispatch, getters: localGetters }, params); }; }); it('dispatches a failure', (done) => { result() .then(() => { expect(commit).toHaveBeenCalledWith( types.SET_ALL_DASHBOARDS, mockDashboardsErrorResponse.all_dashboards, ); expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'receiveMetricsDashboardFailure', new Error('Request failed with status code 500'), ); expect(createFlash).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('dispatches a failure action when a message is returned', (done) => { result() .then(() => { expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'receiveMetricsDashboardFailure', new Error('Request failed with status code 500'), ); expect(createFlash).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: expect.stringContaining(mockDashboardsErrorResponse.message), }); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('does not show a flash error when showErrorBanner is disabled', (done) => { state.showErrorBanner = false; result() .then(() => { expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'receiveMetricsDashboardFailure', new Error('Request failed with status code 500'), ); expect(createFlash).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); }); describe('receiveMetricsDashboardSuccess', () => { it('stores groups', () => { const response = metricsDashboardResponse; receiveMetricsDashboardSuccess({ state, commit, dispatch }, { response }); expect(commit).toHaveBeenCalledWith( types.RECEIVE_METRICS_DASHBOARD_SUCCESS, metricsDashboardResponse.dashboard, ); expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('fetchDashboardData'); }); it('sets the dashboards loaded from the repository', () => { const params = {}; const response = metricsDashboardResponse; response.all_dashboards = dashboardGitResponse; receiveMetricsDashboardSuccess( { state, commit, dispatch, }, { response, params, }, ); expect(commit).toHaveBeenCalledWith(types.SET_ALL_DASHBOARDS, dashboardGitResponse); }); }); // Metrics describe('fetchDashboardData', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(Tracking, 'event'); state.timeRange = defaultTimeRange; }); it('commits empty state when state.groups is empty', (done) => { const localGetters = { metricsWithData: () => [], }; fetchDashboardData({ state, commit, dispatch, getters: localGetters }) .then(() => { expect(Tracking.event).toHaveBeenCalledWith(, 'dashboard_fetch', { label: 'custom_metrics_dashboard', property: 'count', value: 0, }, ); expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('fetchDeploymentsData'); expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('fetchVariableMetricLabelValues', { defaultQueryParams: { start_time: expect.any(String), end_time: expect.any(String), step: expect.any(Number), }, }); expect(createFlash).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('dispatches fetchPrometheusMetric for each panel query', (done) => { state.dashboard.panelGroups = convertObjectPropsToCamelCase( metricsDashboardResponse.dashboard.panel_groups, ); const [metric] = state.dashboard.panelGroups[0].panels[0].metrics; const localGetters = { metricsWithData: () => [], }; fetchDashboardData({ state, commit, dispatch, getters: localGetters }) .then(() => { expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('fetchPrometheusMetric', { metric, defaultQueryParams: { start_time: expect.any(String), end_time: expect.any(String), step: expect.any(Number), }, }); expect(Tracking.event).toHaveBeenCalledWith(, 'dashboard_fetch', { label: 'custom_metrics_dashboard', property: 'count', value: 1, }, ); done(); }) .catch(; done(); }); it('dispatches fetchPrometheusMetric for each panel query, handles an error', (done) => { state.dashboard.panelGroups = metricsDashboardViewModel.panelGroups; const metric = state.dashboard.panelGroups[0].panels[0].metrics[0]; dispatch.mockResolvedValueOnce(); // fetchDeploymentsData dispatch.mockResolvedValueOnce(); // fetchVariableMetricLabelValues // Mock having one out of four metrics failing dispatch.mockRejectedValueOnce(new Error('Error fetching this metric')); dispatch.mockResolvedValue(); fetchDashboardData({ state, commit, dispatch }) .then(() => { const defaultQueryParams = { start_time: expect.any(String), end_time: expect.any(String), step: expect.any(Number), }; expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(metricsDashboardPanelCount + 2); // plus 1 for deployments expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('fetchDeploymentsData'); expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('fetchVariableMetricLabelValues', { defaultQueryParams, }); expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('fetchPrometheusMetric', { metric, defaultQueryParams, }); expect(createFlash).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); done(); }) .catch(; done(); }); }); describe('fetchPrometheusMetric', () => { const defaultQueryParams = { start_time: '2019-08-06T12:40:02.184Z', end_time: '2019-08-06T20:40:02.184Z', step: 60, }; let metric; let data; let prometheusEndpointPath; beforeEach(() => { state = storeState(); [metric] = metricsDashboardViewModel.panelGroups[0].panels[0].metrics; prometheusEndpointPath = metric.prometheusEndpointPath; data = { metricId: metric.metricId, result: [1582065167.353, 5, 1582065599.353], }; }); it('commits result', (done) => { mock.onGet(prometheusEndpointPath).reply(200, { data }); // One attempt testAction( fetchPrometheusMetric, { metric, defaultQueryParams }, state, [ { type: types.REQUEST_METRIC_RESULT, payload: { metricId: metric.metricId, }, }, { type: types.RECEIVE_METRIC_RESULT_SUCCESS, payload: { metricId: metric.metricId, data, }, }, ], [], () => { done(); }, ).catch(; }); describe('without metric defined step', () => { const expectedParams = { start_time: '2019-08-06T12:40:02.184Z', end_time: '2019-08-06T20:40:02.184Z', step: 60, }; it('uses calculated step', (done) => { mock.onGet(prometheusEndpointPath).reply(200, { data }); // One attempt testAction( fetchPrometheusMetric, { metric, defaultQueryParams }, state, [ { type: types.REQUEST_METRIC_RESULT, payload: { metricId: metric.metricId, }, }, { type: types.RECEIVE_METRIC_RESULT_SUCCESS, payload: { metricId: metric.metricId, data, }, }, ], [], () => { expect(mock.history.get[0].params).toEqual(expectedParams); done(); }, ).catch(; }); }); describe('with metric defined step', () => { beforeEach(() => { metric.step = 7; }); const expectedParams = { start_time: '2019-08-06T12:40:02.184Z', end_time: '2019-08-06T20:40:02.184Z', step: 7, }; it('uses metric step', (done) => { mock.onGet(prometheusEndpointPath).reply(200, { data }); // One attempt testAction( fetchPrometheusMetric, { metric, defaultQueryParams }, state, [ { type: types.REQUEST_METRIC_RESULT, payload: { metricId: metric.metricId, }, }, { type: types.RECEIVE_METRIC_RESULT_SUCCESS, payload: { metricId: metric.metricId, data, }, }, ], [], () => { expect(mock.history.get[0].params).toEqual(expectedParams); done(); }, ).catch(; }); }); it('commits failure, when waiting for results and getting a server error', (done) => { mock.onGet(prometheusEndpointPath).reply(500); const error = new Error('Request failed with status code 500'); testAction( fetchPrometheusMetric, { metric, defaultQueryParams }, state, [ { type: types.REQUEST_METRIC_RESULT, payload: { metricId: metric.metricId, }, }, { type: types.RECEIVE_METRIC_RESULT_FAILURE, payload: { metricId: metric.metricId, error, }, }, ], [], ).catch((e) => { expect(e).toEqual(error); done(); }); }); }); // Deployments describe('fetchDeploymentsData', () => { it('dispatches receiveDeploymentsDataSuccess on success', () => { state.deploymentsEndpoint = '/success'; mock.onGet(state.deploymentsEndpoint).reply(200, { deployments: deploymentData, }); return testAction( fetchDeploymentsData, null, state, [], [{ type: 'receiveDeploymentsDataSuccess', payload: deploymentData }], ); }); it('dispatches receiveDeploymentsDataFailure on error', () => { state.deploymentsEndpoint = '/error'; mock.onGet(state.deploymentsEndpoint).reply(500); return testAction( fetchDeploymentsData, null, state, [], [{ type: 'receiveDeploymentsDataFailure' }], () => { expect(createFlash).toHaveBeenCalled(); }, ); }); }); // Environments describe('fetchEnvironmentsData', () => { beforeEach(() => { state.projectPath = 'gitlab-org/gitlab-test'; }); it('setting SET_ENVIRONMENTS_FILTER should dispatch fetchEnvironmentsData', () => { jest.spyOn(gqClient, 'mutate').mockReturnValue({ data: { project: { data: { environments: [], }, }, }, }); return testAction( filterEnvironments, {}, state, [ { type: 'SET_ENVIRONMENTS_FILTER', payload: {}, }, ], [ { type: 'fetchEnvironmentsData', }, ], ); }); it('fetch environments data call takes in search param', () => { const mockMutate = jest.spyOn(gqClient, 'mutate'); const searchTerm = 'Something'; const mutationVariables = { mutation: getEnvironments, variables: { projectPath: state.projectPath, search: searchTerm, states: [ENVIRONMENT_AVAILABLE_STATE], }, }; state.environmentsSearchTerm = searchTerm; mockMutate.mockResolvedValue({}); return testAction( fetchEnvironmentsData, null, state, [], [ { type: 'requestEnvironmentsData' }, { type: 'receiveEnvironmentsDataSuccess', payload: [] }, ], () => { expect(mockMutate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mutationVariables); }, ); }); it('dispatches receiveEnvironmentsDataSuccess on success', () => { jest.spyOn(gqClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue({ data: { project: { data: { environments: environmentData, }, }, }, }); return testAction( fetchEnvironmentsData, null, state, [], [ { type: 'requestEnvironmentsData' }, { type: 'receiveEnvironmentsDataSuccess', payload: parseEnvironmentsResponse(environmentData, state.projectPath), }, ], ); }); it('dispatches receiveEnvironmentsDataFailure on error', () => { jest.spyOn(gqClient, 'mutate').mockRejectedValue({}); return testAction( fetchEnvironmentsData, null, state, [], [{ type: 'requestEnvironmentsData' }, { type: 'receiveEnvironmentsDataFailure' }], ); }); }); describe('fetchAnnotations', () => { beforeEach(() => { state.timeRange = { start: '2020-04-15T12:54:32.137Z', end: '2020-08-15T12:54:32.137Z', }; state.projectPath = 'gitlab-org/gitlab-test'; state.currentEnvironmentName = 'production'; state.currentDashboard = '.gitlab/dashboards/custom_dashboard.yml'; // testAction doesn't have access to getters. The state is passed in as getters // instead of the actual getters inside the testAction method implementation. // All methods downstream that needs access to getters will throw and error. // For that reason, the result of the getter is set as a state variable. state.fullDashboardPath = store.getters['monitoringDashboard/fullDashboardPath']; }); it('fetches annotations data and dispatches receiveAnnotationsSuccess', () => { const mockMutate = jest.spyOn(gqClient, 'mutate'); const mutationVariables = { mutation: getAnnotations, variables: { projectPath: state.projectPath, environmentName: state.currentEnvironmentName, dashboardPath: state.currentDashboard, startingFrom: state.timeRange.start, }, }; const parsedResponse = parseAnnotationsResponse(annotationsData); mockMutate.mockResolvedValue({ data: { project: { environments: { nodes: [ { metricsDashboard: { annotations: { nodes: parsedResponse, }, }, }, ], }, }, }, }); return testAction( fetchAnnotations, null, state, [], [{ type: 'receiveAnnotationsSuccess', payload: parsedResponse }], () => { expect(mockMutate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mutationVariables); }, ); }); it('dispatches receiveAnnotationsFailure if the annotations API call fails', () => { const mockMutate = jest.spyOn(gqClient, 'mutate'); const mutationVariables = { mutation: getAnnotations, variables: { projectPath: state.projectPath, environmentName: state.currentEnvironmentName, dashboardPath: state.currentDashboard, startingFrom: state.timeRange.start, }, }; mockMutate.mockRejectedValue({}); return testAction( fetchAnnotations, null, state, [], [{ type: 'receiveAnnotationsFailure' }], () => { expect(mockMutate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mutationVariables); }, ); }); }); describe('fetchDashboardValidationWarnings', () => { let mockMutate; let mutationVariables; beforeEach(() => { state.projectPath = 'gitlab-org/gitlab-test'; state.currentEnvironmentName = 'production'; state.currentDashboard = '.gitlab/dashboards/dashboard_with_warnings.yml'; // testAction doesn't have access to getters. The state is passed in as getters // instead of the actual getters inside the testAction method implementation. // All methods downstream that needs access to getters will throw and error. // For that reason, the result of the getter is set as a state variable. state.fullDashboardPath = store.getters['monitoringDashboard/fullDashboardPath']; mockMutate = jest.spyOn(gqClient, 'mutate'); mutationVariables = { mutation: getDashboardValidationWarnings, variables: { projectPath: state.projectPath, environmentName: state.currentEnvironmentName, dashboardPath: state.fullDashboardPath, }, }; }); it('dispatches receiveDashboardValidationWarningsSuccess with true payload when there are warnings', () => { mockMutate.mockResolvedValue({ data: { project: { id: 'gid://gitlab/Project/29', environments: { nodes: [ { name: 'production', metricsDashboard: { path: '.gitlab/dashboards/dashboard_errors_test.yml', schemaValidationWarnings: ["unit: can't be blank"], }, }, ], }, }, }, }); return testAction( fetchDashboardValidationWarnings, null, state, [], [{ type: 'receiveDashboardValidationWarningsSuccess', payload: true }], () => { expect(mockMutate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mutationVariables); }, ); }); it('dispatches receiveDashboardValidationWarningsSuccess with false payload when there are no warnings', () => { mockMutate.mockResolvedValue({ data: { project: { id: 'gid://gitlab/Project/29', environments: { nodes: [ { name: 'production', metricsDashboard: { path: '.gitlab/dashboards/dashboard_errors_test.yml', schemaValidationWarnings: [], }, }, ], }, }, }, }); return testAction( fetchDashboardValidationWarnings, null, state, [], [{ type: 'receiveDashboardValidationWarningsSuccess', payload: false }], () => { expect(mockMutate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mutationVariables); }, ); }); it('dispatches receiveDashboardValidationWarningsSuccess with false payload when the response is empty ', () => { mockMutate.mockResolvedValue({ data: { project: null, }, }); return testAction( fetchDashboardValidationWarnings, null, state, [], [{ type: 'receiveDashboardValidationWarningsSuccess', payload: false }], () => { expect(mockMutate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mutationVariables); }, ); }); it('dispatches receiveDashboardValidationWarningsFailure if the warnings API call fails', () => { mockMutate.mockRejectedValue({}); return testAction( fetchDashboardValidationWarnings, null, state, [], [{ type: 'receiveDashboardValidationWarningsFailure' }], () => { expect(mockMutate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mutationVariables); }, ); }); }); // Dashboard manipulation describe('toggleStarredValue', () => { let unstarredDashboard; let starredDashboard; beforeEach(() => { state.isUpdatingStarredValue = false; [unstarredDashboard, starredDashboard] = dashboardGitResponse; }); it('performs no changes if no dashboard is selected', () => { return testAction(toggleStarredValue, null, state, [], []); }); it('performs no changes if already changing starred value', () => { state.selectedDashboard = unstarredDashboard; state.isUpdatingStarredValue = true; return testAction(toggleStarredValue, null, state, [], []); }); it('stars dashboard if it is not starred', () => { state.selectedDashboard = unstarredDashboard; mock.onPost(unstarredDashboard.user_starred_path).reply(200); return testAction(toggleStarredValue, null, state, [ { type: types.REQUEST_DASHBOARD_STARRING }, { type: types.RECEIVE_DASHBOARD_STARRING_SUCCESS, payload: { newStarredValue: true, selectedDashboard: unstarredDashboard, }, }, ]); }); it('unstars dashboard if it is starred', () => { state.selectedDashboard = starredDashboard; mock.onPost(starredDashboard.user_starred_path).reply(200); return testAction(toggleStarredValue, null, state, [ { type: types.REQUEST_DASHBOARD_STARRING }, { type: types.RECEIVE_DASHBOARD_STARRING_FAILURE }, ]); }); }); describe('duplicateSystemDashboard', () => { beforeEach(() => { state.dashboardsEndpoint = '/dashboards.json'; }); it('Succesful POST request resolves', (done) => { mock.onPost(state.dashboardsEndpoint).reply(statusCodes.CREATED, { dashboard: dashboardGitResponse[1], }); testAction(duplicateSystemDashboard, {}, state, [], []) .then(() => { expect(; done(); }) .catch(; }); it('Succesful POST request resolves to a dashboard', (done) => { const mockCreatedDashboard = dashboardGitResponse[1]; const params = { dashboard: 'my-dashboard', fileName: 'file-name.yml', branch: 'my-new-branch', commitMessage: 'A new commit message', }; const expectedPayload = JSON.stringify({ dashboard: 'my-dashboard', file_name: 'file-name.yml', branch: 'my-new-branch', commit_message: 'A new commit message', }); mock.onPost(state.dashboardsEndpoint).reply(statusCodes.CREATED, { dashboard: mockCreatedDashboard, }); testAction(duplicateSystemDashboard, params, state, [], []) .then((result) => { expect(; expect([0].data).toEqual(expectedPayload); expect(result).toEqual(mockCreatedDashboard); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('Failed POST request throws an error', (done) => { mock.onPost(state.dashboardsEndpoint).reply(statusCodes.BAD_REQUEST); testAction(duplicateSystemDashboard, {}, state, [], []).catch((err) => { expect(; expect(err).toEqual(expect.any(String)); done(); }); }); it('Failed POST request throws an error with a description', (done) => { const backendErrorMsg = 'This file already exists!'; mock.onPost(state.dashboardsEndpoint).reply(statusCodes.BAD_REQUEST, { error: backendErrorMsg, }); testAction(duplicateSystemDashboard, {}, state, [], []).catch((err) => { expect(; expect(err).toEqual(expect.any(String)); expect(err).toEqual(expect.stringContaining(backendErrorMsg)); done(); }); }); }); // Variables manipulation describe('updateVariablesAndFetchData', () => { it('should commit UPDATE_VARIABLE_VALUE mutation and fetch data', (done) => { testAction( updateVariablesAndFetchData, { pod: 'POD' }, state, [ { type: types.UPDATE_VARIABLE_VALUE, payload: { pod: 'POD' }, }, ], [ { type: 'fetchDashboardData', }, ], done, ); }); }); describe('fetchVariableMetricLabelValues', () => { const variable = { type: 'metric_label_values', name: 'label1', options: { prometheusEndpointPath: '/series?match[]=metric_name', label: 'job', }, }; const defaultQueryParams = { start_time: '2019-08-06T12:40:02.184Z', end_time: '2019-08-06T20:40:02.184Z', }; beforeEach(() => { state = { ...state, timeRange: defaultTimeRange, variables: [variable], }; }); it('should commit UPDATE_VARIABLE_METRIC_LABEL_VALUES mutation and fetch data', () => { const data = [ { __name__: 'up', job: 'prometheus', }, { __name__: 'up', job: 'POD', }, ]; mock.onGet('/series?match[]=metric_name').reply(200, { status: 'success', data, }); return testAction( fetchVariableMetricLabelValues, { defaultQueryParams }, state, [ { type: types.UPDATE_VARIABLE_METRIC_LABEL_VALUES, payload: { variable, label: 'job', data }, }, ], [], ); }); it('should notify the user that dynamic options were not loaded', () => { mock.onGet('/series?match[]=metric_name').reply(500); return testAction(fetchVariableMetricLabelValues, { defaultQueryParams }, state, [], []).then( () => { expect(createFlash).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(createFlash).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: expect.stringContaining('error getting options for variable "label1"'), }); }, ); }); }); describe('fetchPanelPreview', () => { const panelPreviewEndpoint = '/builder.json'; const mockYmlContent = 'mock yml content'; beforeEach(() => { state.panelPreviewEndpoint = panelPreviewEndpoint; }); it('should not commit or dispatch if payload is empty', () => { testAction(fetchPanelPreview, '', state, [], []); }); it('should store the panel and fetch metric results', () => { const mockPanel = { title: 'Go heap size', type: 'area-chart', }; mock .onPost(panelPreviewEndpoint, { panel_yaml: mockYmlContent }) .reply(statusCodes.OK, mockPanel); testAction( fetchPanelPreview, mockYmlContent, state, [ { type: types.SET_PANEL_PREVIEW_IS_SHOWN, payload: true }, { type: types.REQUEST_PANEL_PREVIEW, payload: mockYmlContent }, { type: types.RECEIVE_PANEL_PREVIEW_SUCCESS, payload: mockPanel }, ], [{ type: 'fetchPanelPreviewMetrics' }], ); }); it('should display a validation error when the backend cannot process the yml', () => { const mockErrorMsg = 'Each "metric" must define one of :query or :query_range'; mock .onPost(panelPreviewEndpoint, { panel_yaml: mockYmlContent }) .reply(statusCodes.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, { message: mockErrorMsg, }); testAction(fetchPanelPreview, mockYmlContent, state, [ { type: types.SET_PANEL_PREVIEW_IS_SHOWN, payload: true }, { type: types.REQUEST_PANEL_PREVIEW, payload: mockYmlContent }, { type: types.RECEIVE_PANEL_PREVIEW_FAILURE, payload: mockErrorMsg }, ]); }); it('should display a generic error when the backend fails', () => { mock.onPost(panelPreviewEndpoint, { panel_yaml: mockYmlContent }).reply(500); testAction(fetchPanelPreview, mockYmlContent, state, [ { type: types.SET_PANEL_PREVIEW_IS_SHOWN, payload: true }, { type: types.REQUEST_PANEL_PREVIEW, payload: mockYmlContent }, { type: types.RECEIVE_PANEL_PREVIEW_FAILURE, payload: 'Request failed with status code 500', }, ]); }); }); });