import { bufferToBase64, base64ToBase64Url } from '~/authentication/webauthn/util'; import { PKCE_CODE_CHALLENGE_DIGEST_ALGORITHM } from './constants'; // PKCE codeverifier should have a maximum length of 128 characters. // Using 96 bytes generates a string of 128 characters. // RFC: export const CODE_VERIFIER_BYTES = 96; /** * Generate a cryptographically random string. * @param {Number} lengthBytes * @returns {String} a random string */ function getRandomString(lengthBytes) { // generate random values and load them into byteArray. const byteArray = new Uint8Array(lengthBytes); window.crypto.getRandomValues(byteArray); // Convert array to string const randomString = bufferToBase64(byteArray); return randomString; } /** * Creates a code verifier to be used for OAuth PKCE authentication. * The code verifier has 128 characters. * * RFC: * @returns {String} code verifier */ export function createCodeVerifier() { const verifier = getRandomString(CODE_VERIFIER_BYTES); return base64ToBase64Url(verifier); } /** * Creates a code challenge for OAuth PKCE authentication. * The code challenge is derived from the given [codeVerifier]. * [codeVerifier] is tranformed in the following way (as per the RFC): * code_challenge = BASE64URL-ENCODE(SHA256(ASCII(codeVerifier))) * * RFC: * @param {String} codeVerifier * @returns {String} code challenge */ export async function createCodeChallenge(codeVerifier) { // Generate SHA-256 digest of the [codeVerifier] const buffer = new TextEncoder().encode(codeVerifier); const digestArrayBuffer = await window.crypto.subtle.digest( PKCE_CODE_CHALLENGE_DIGEST_ALGORITHM.long, buffer, ); // Convert digest to a Base64URL-encoded string const digestHash = bufferToBase64(digestArrayBuffer); // Escape string to remove reserved charaters const codeChallenge = base64ToBase64Url(digestHash); return codeChallenge; }