import { debounce } from 'lodash'; import { BLOB_PREVIEW_ERROR } from '~/blob_edit/constants'; import createFlash from '~/flash'; import { sanitize } from '~/lib/dompurify'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import { __ } from '~/locale'; import syntaxHighlight from '~/syntax_highlight'; import { EXTENSION_MARKDOWN_PREVIEW_PANEL_CLASS, EXTENSION_MARKDOWN_PREVIEW_ACTION_ID, EXTENSION_MARKDOWN_PREVIEW_PANEL_WIDTH, EXTENSION_MARKDOWN_PREVIEW_PANEL_PARENT_CLASS, EXTENSION_MARKDOWN_PREVIEW_UPDATE_DELAY, } from '../constants'; const fetchPreview = (text, previewMarkdownPath) => { return axios .post(previewMarkdownPath, { text, }) .then(({ data }) => { return data.body; }); }; const setupDomElement = ({ injectToEl = null } = {}) => { const previewEl = document.createElement('div'); previewEl.classList.add(EXTENSION_MARKDOWN_PREVIEW_PANEL_CLASS); = 'none'; if (injectToEl) { injectToEl.appendChild(previewEl); } return previewEl; }; export class EditorMarkdownPreviewExtension { static get extensionName() { return 'EditorMarkdownPreview'; } onSetup(instance, setupOptions) { this.preview = { el: undefined, action: undefined, shown: false, modelChangeListener: undefined, path: setupOptions.previewMarkdownPath, }; this.setupPreviewAction(instance); instance.getModel().onDidChangeLanguage(({ newLanguage, oldLanguage } = {}) => { if (newLanguage === 'markdown' && oldLanguage !== newLanguage) { instance.setupPreviewAction(); } else { instance.cleanup(); } }); instance.onDidChangeModel(() => { const model = instance.getModel(); if (model) { const { language } = model.getLanguageIdentifier(); instance.cleanup(); if (language === 'markdown') { instance.setupPreviewAction(); } } }); } togglePreviewLayout(instance) { const { width, height } = instance.getLayoutInfo(); const newWidth = this.preview.shown ? width / EXTENSION_MARKDOWN_PREVIEW_PANEL_WIDTH : width * EXTENSION_MARKDOWN_PREVIEW_PANEL_WIDTH; instance.layout({ width: newWidth, height }); } togglePreviewPanel(instance) { const parentEl = instance.getDomNode().parentElement; const { el: previewEl } = this.preview; parentEl.classList.toggle(EXTENSION_MARKDOWN_PREVIEW_PANEL_PARENT_CLASS); if ( === 'none') { // Show the preview panel this.fetchPreview(instance); } else { // Hide the preview panel = 'none'; } } fetchPreview(instance) { const { el: previewEl } = this.preview; fetchPreview(instance.getValue(), this.preview.path) .then((data) => { previewEl.innerHTML = sanitize(data); syntaxHighlight(previewEl.querySelectorAll('.js-syntax-highlight')); = 'block'; }) .catch(() => createFlash(BLOB_PREVIEW_ERROR)); } setupPreviewAction(instance) { if (instance.getAction(EXTENSION_MARKDOWN_PREVIEW_ACTION_ID)) return; this.preview.action = instance.addAction({ id: EXTENSION_MARKDOWN_PREVIEW_ACTION_ID, label: __('Preview Markdown'), keybindings: [ // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise,no-undef monaco.KeyMod.chord(monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyMod.Shift | monaco.KeyCode.KEY_P), ], contextMenuGroupId: 'navigation', contextMenuOrder: 1.5, // Method that will be executed when the action is triggered. // @param ed The editor instance is passed in as a convenience run(inst) { inst.togglePreview(); }, }); } provides() { return { markdownPreview: this.preview, cleanup: (instance) => { if (this.preview.modelChangeListener) { this.preview.modelChangeListener.dispose(); } this.preview.action.dispose(); if (this.preview.shown) { this.togglePreviewPanel(instance); this.togglePreviewLayout(instance); } this.preview.shown = false; }, fetchPreview: (instance) => this.fetchPreview(instance), setupPreviewAction: (instance) => this.setupPreviewAction(instance), togglePreview: (instance) => { if (!this.preview?.el) { this.preview.el = setupDomElement({ injectToEl: instance.getDomNode().parentElement }); } this.togglePreviewLayout(instance); this.togglePreviewPanel(instance); if (!this.preview?.shown) { this.preview.modelChangeListener = instance.onDidChangeModelContent( debounce( this.fetchPreview.bind(this, instance), EXTENSION_MARKDOWN_PREVIEW_UPDATE_DELAY, ), ); } else { this.preview.modelChangeListener.dispose(); } this.preview.shown = !this.preview?.shown; }, }; } }