import { __, s__, n__, sprintf } from '~/locale'; export const ADD_DISCUSSION_COMMENT_ERROR = s__( 'DesignManagement|Could not add a new comment. Please try again.', ); export const ADD_IMAGE_DIFF_NOTE_ERROR = s__( 'DesignManagement|Could not create new discussion. Please try again.', ); export const UPDATE_IMAGE_DIFF_NOTE_ERROR = s__( 'DesignManagement|Could not update discussion. Please try again.', ); export const UPDATE_NOTE_ERROR = s__('DesignManagement|Could not update note. Please try again.'); export const UPLOAD_DESIGN_ERROR = s__( 'DesignManagement|Error uploading a new design. Please try again.', ); export const UPLOAD_DESIGN_INVALID_FILETYPE_ERROR = __( 'Could not upload your designs as one or more files uploaded are not supported.', ); export const DESIGN_NOT_FOUND_ERROR = __('Could not find design.'); export const DESIGN_VERSION_NOT_EXIST_ERROR = __('Requested design version does not exist.'); export const EXISTING_DESIGN_DROP_MANY_FILES_MESSAGE = __( 'You can only upload one design when dropping onto an existing design.', ); export const EXISTING_DESIGN_DROP_INVALID_FILENAME_MESSAGE = __( 'You must upload a file with the same file name when dropping onto an existing design.', ); export const MOVE_DESIGN_ERROR = __( 'Something went wrong when reordering designs. Please try again', ); export const CREATE_DESIGN_TODO_ERROR = __('Failed to create a to-do item for the design.'); export const CREATE_DESIGN_TODO_EXISTS_ERROR = __('There is already a to-do item for this design.'); export const DELETE_DESIGN_TODO_ERROR = __('Failed to remove a to-do item for the design.'); export const TOGGLE_TODO_ERROR = __('Failed to toggle the to-do status for the design.'); const DESIGN_UPLOAD_SKIPPED_MESSAGE = s__('DesignManagement|Upload skipped. %{reason}'); const MAX_SKIPPED_FILES_LISTINGS = 5; /** * Return warning message indicating that some (but not all) uploaded * files were skipped. * @param {Array<{ filename }>} skippedFiles */ const someDesignsSkippedMessage = (skippedFiles) => { const skippedFilesList = skippedFiles .slice(0, MAX_SKIPPED_FILES_LISTINGS) .map(({ filename }) => filename) .join(', '); const uploadSkippedReason = skippedFiles.length > MAX_SKIPPED_FILES_LISTINGS ? sprintf( s__( 'DesignManagement|Some of the designs you tried uploading did not change: %{skippedFiles} and %{moreCount} more.', ), { skippedFiles: skippedFilesList, moreCount: skippedFiles.length - MAX_SKIPPED_FILES_LISTINGS, }, ) : sprintf( s__( 'DesignManagement|Some of the designs you tried uploading did not change: %{skippedFiles}.', ), { skippedFiles: skippedFilesList }, ); return sprintf(DESIGN_UPLOAD_SKIPPED_MESSAGE, { reason: uploadSkippedReason, }); }; export const designDeletionError = (designsCount = 1) => { return n__( 'Failed to archive a design. Please try again.', 'Failed to archive designs. Please try again.', designsCount, ); }; /** * Return warning message, if applicable, that one, some or all uploaded * files were skipped. * @param {Array<{ filename }>} uploadedDesigns * @param {Array<{ filename }>} skippedFiles */ export const designUploadSkippedWarning = (uploadedDesigns, skippedFiles) => { if (skippedFiles.length === 0) { return null; } if (skippedFiles.length === uploadedDesigns.length) { const { filename } = skippedFiles[0]; const uploadSkippedReason = sprintf( n__( 'DesignManagement|%{filename} did not change.', 'DesignManagement|The designs you tried uploading did not change.', skippedFiles.length, ), { filename }, ); return sprintf(DESIGN_UPLOAD_SKIPPED_MESSAGE, { reason: uploadSkippedReason, }); } return someDesignsSkippedMessage(skippedFiles); };