import Flash from '~/flash'; import { __ } from '~/locale'; export default { props: { note: { type: Object, required: true, }, }, computed: { discussionResolved() { const { notes, resolved } = this.note; if (notes) { // Decide resolved state using store. Only valid for discussions. return notes.every(note => note.resolved && !note.system); } return resolved; }, resolveButtonTitle() { if (this.updatedNoteBody) { if (this.discussionResolved) { return __('Comment and unresolve discussion'); } return __('Comment and resolve discussion'); } return this.discussionResolved ? __('Unresolve discussion') : __('Resolve discussion'); }, }, methods: { resolveHandler(resolvedState = false) { this.isResolving = true; const endpoint = this.note.resolve_path || `${this.note.path}/resolve`; const isResolved = this.discussionResolved || resolvedState; const discussion = this.resolveAsThread; this.toggleResolveNote({ endpoint, isResolved, discussion }) .then(() => { this.isResolving = false; }) .catch(() => { this.isResolving = false; const msg = __('Something went wrong while resolving this discussion. Please try again.'); Flash(msg, 'alert', this.$el); }); }, }, };