# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::Job do let(:entry) { described_class.new(config, name: :rspec) } it_behaves_like 'with inheritable CI config' do let(:inheritable_key) { 'default' } let(:inheritable_class) { Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::Default } # These are entries defined in Default # that we know that we don't want to inherit # as they do not have sense in context of Job let(:ignored_inheritable_columns) do %i[] end end describe '.nodes' do context 'when filtering all the entry/node names' do subject { described_class.nodes.keys } let(:result) do %i[before_script script stage type after_script cache image services only except rules needs variables artifacts environment coverage retry interruptible] end it { is_expected.to match_array result } end end describe '.matching?' do subject { described_class.matching?(name, config) } context 'when config is not a hash' do let(:name) { :rspec } let(:config) { 'string' } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'when config is a regular job' do let(:name) { :rspec } let(:config) do { script: 'ls -al' } end it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when config is a bridge job' do let(:name) { :rspec } let(:config) do { trigger: 'other-project' } end it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'when config is a hidden job' do let(:name) { '.rspec' } let(:config) do { script: 'ls -al' } end it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end describe 'validations' do before do entry.compose! end context 'when entry config value is correct' do let(:config) { { script: 'rspec' } } describe '#valid?' do it 'is valid' do expect(entry).to be_valid end end context 'when job name is empty' do let(:entry) { described_class.new(config, name: ''.to_sym) } it 'reports error' do expect(entry.errors).to include "job name can't be blank" end end context 'when delayed job' do context 'when start_in is specified' do let(:config) { { script: 'echo', when: 'delayed', start_in: '1 day' } } it { expect(entry).to be_valid } end end context 'when has needs' do let(:config) do { stage: 'test', script: 'echo', needs: ['another-job'] } end it { expect(entry).to be_valid } context 'when has dependencies' do let(:config) do { stage: 'test', script: 'echo', dependencies: ['another-job'], needs: ['another-job'] } end it { expect(entry).to be_valid } end end end context 'when entry value is not correct' do context 'incorrect config value type' do let(:config) { ['incorrect'] } describe '#errors' do it 'reports error about a config type' do expect(entry.errors) .to include 'job config should be a hash' end end end context 'when config is empty' do let(:config) { {} } describe '#valid' do it 'is invalid' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid end end end context 'when unknown keys detected' do let(:config) { { unknown: true } } describe '#valid' do it 'is not valid' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid end end end context 'when script is not provided' do let(:config) { { stage: 'test' } } it 'returns error about missing script entry' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include "job script can't be blank" end end context 'when extends key is not a string' do let(:config) { { extends: 123 } } it 'returns error about wrong value type' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include "job extends should be an array of strings or a string" end end context 'when parallel value is not correct' do context 'when it is not a numeric value' do let(:config) { { parallel: true } } it 'returns error about invalid type' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include 'job parallel is not a number' end end context 'when it is lower than two' do let(:config) { { parallel: 1 } } it 'returns error about value too low' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors) .to include 'job parallel must be greater than or equal to 2' end end context 'when it is bigger than 50' do let(:config) { { parallel: 51 } } it 'returns error about value too high' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors) .to include 'job parallel must be less than or equal to 50' end end context 'when it is not an integer' do let(:config) { { parallel: 1.5 } } it 'returns error about wrong value' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include 'job parallel must be an integer' end end context 'when it uses both "when:" and "rules:"' do let(:config) do { script: 'echo', when: 'on_failure', rules: [{ if: '$VARIABLE', when: 'on_success' }] } end it 'returns an error about when: being combined with rules' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include 'job config key may not be used with `rules`: when' end end end context 'when delayed job' do context 'when start_in is specified' do let(:config) { { script: 'echo', when: 'delayed', start_in: '1 day' } } it 'returns error about invalid type' do expect(entry).to be_valid end end context 'when start_in is empty' do let(:config) { { when: 'delayed', start_in: nil } } it 'returns error about invalid type' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include 'job start in should be a duration' end end context 'when start_in is not formatted as a duration' do let(:config) { { when: 'delayed', start_in: 'test' } } it 'returns error about invalid type' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include 'job start in should be a duration' end end context 'when start_in is longer than one day' do let(:config) { { when: 'delayed', start_in: '2 days' } } it 'returns error about exceeding the limit' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include 'job start in should not exceed the limit' end end end context 'when only: is used with rules:' do let(:config) { { only: ['merge_requests'], rules: [{ if: '$THIS' }] } } it 'returns error about mixing only: with rules:' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include /may not be used with `rules`/ end context 'and only: is blank' do let(:config) { { only: nil, rules: [{ if: '$THIS' }] } } it 'returns error about mixing only: with rules:' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include /may not be used with `rules`/ end end context 'and rules: is blank' do let(:config) { { only: ['merge_requests'], rules: nil } } it 'returns error about mixing only: with rules:' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include /may not be used with `rules`/ end end end context 'when except: is used with rules:' do let(:config) { { except: { refs: %w[master] }, rules: [{ if: '$THIS' }] } } it 'returns error about mixing except: with rules:' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include /may not be used with `rules`/ end context 'and except: is blank' do let(:config) { { except: nil, rules: [{ if: '$THIS' }] } } it 'returns error about mixing except: with rules:' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include /may not be used with `rules`/ end end context 'and rules: is blank' do let(:config) { { except: { refs: %w[master] }, rules: nil } } it 'returns error about mixing except: with rules:' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include /may not be used with `rules`/ end end end context 'when only: and except: are both used with rules:' do let(:config) do { only: %w[merge_requests], except: { refs: %w[master] }, rules: [{ if: '$THIS' }] } end it 'returns errors about mixing both only: and except: with rules:' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include /may not be used with `rules`/ expect(entry.errors).to include /may not be used with `rules`/ end context 'when only: and except: as both blank' do let(:config) do { only: nil, except: nil, rules: [{ if: '$THIS' }] } end it 'returns errors about mixing both only: and except: with rules:' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include /may not be used with `rules`/ expect(entry.errors).to include /may not be used with `rules`/ end end context 'when rules: is blank' do let(:config) do { only: %w[merge_requests], except: { refs: %w[master] }, rules: nil } end it 'returns errors about mixing both only: and except: with rules:' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include /may not be used with `rules`/ expect(entry.errors).to include /may not be used with `rules`/ end end end context 'when start_in specified without delayed specification' do let(:config) { { start_in: '1 day' } } it 'returns error about invalid type' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include 'job start in must be blank' end end context 'when has dependencies' do context 'that are not a array of strings' do let(:config) do { script: 'echo', dependencies: 'build-job' } end it 'returns error about invalid type' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include 'job dependencies should be an array of strings' end end end context 'when has needs' do context 'when have dependencies that are not subset of needs' do let(:config) do { stage: 'test', script: 'echo', dependencies: ['another-job'], needs: ['build-job'] } end it 'returns error about invalid data' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include 'job dependencies the another-job should be part of needs' end end context 'when stage: is missing' do let(:config) do { script: 'echo', needs: ['build-job'] } end it 'returns error about invalid data' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include 'job config missing required keys: stage' end end end context 'when timeout value is not correct' do context 'when it is higher than instance wide timeout' do let(:config) { { timeout: '3 months' } } it 'returns error about value too high' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors) .to include "job timeout should not exceed the limit" end end context 'when it is not a duration' do let(:config) { { timeout: 100 } } it 'returns error about wrong value' do expect(entry).not_to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to include 'job timeout should be a duration' end end end context 'when timeout value is correct' do let(:config) { { script: 'echo', timeout: '1m 1s' } } it 'returns correct timeout' do expect(entry).to be_valid expect(entry.errors).to be_empty expect(entry.timeout).to eq('1m 1s') end end end end describe '#relevant?' do it 'is a relevant entry' do entry = described_class.new({ script: 'rspec' }, name: :rspec) expect(entry).to be_relevant end end describe '#compose!' do let(:specified) do double('specified', 'specified?' => true, value: 'specified') end let(:unspecified) { double('unspecified', 'specified?' => false) } let(:default) { double('default', '[]' => unspecified) } let(:deps) { double('deps', 'default' => default, '[]' => unspecified) } context 'when job config overrides default config' do before do entry.compose!(deps) end let(:config) do { script: 'rspec', image: 'some_image', cache: { key: 'test' } } end it 'overrides default config' do expect(entry[:image].value).to eq(name: 'some_image') expect(entry[:cache].value).to eq(key: 'test', policy: 'pull-push') end end context 'when job config does not override default config' do before do allow(default).to receive('[]').with(:image).and_return(specified) entry.compose!(deps) end let(:config) { { script: 'ls', cache: { key: 'test' } } } it 'uses config from default entry' do expect(entry[:image].value).to eq 'specified' expect(entry[:cache].value).to eq(key: 'test', policy: 'pull-push') end end end context 'when composed' do before do entry.compose! end describe '#value' do before do entry.compose! end context 'when entry is correct' do let(:config) do { before_script: %w[ls pwd], script: 'rspec', after_script: %w[cleanup] } end it 'returns correct value' do expect(entry.value) .to eq(name: :rspec, before_script: %w[ls pwd], script: %w[rspec], stage: 'test', ignore: false, after_script: %w[cleanup], only: { refs: %w[branches tags] }, variables: {}) end end end end describe '#manual_action?' do context 'when job is a manual action' do let(:config) { { script: 'deploy', when: 'manual' } } it 'is a manual action' do expect(entry).to be_manual_action end end context 'when job is not a manual action' do let(:config) { { script: 'deploy' } } it 'is not a manual action' do expect(entry).not_to be_manual_action end end end describe '#delayed?' do context 'when job is a delayed' do let(:config) { { script: 'deploy', when: 'delayed' } } it 'is a delayed' do expect(entry).to be_delayed end end context 'when job is not a delayed' do let(:config) { { script: 'deploy' } } it 'is not a delayed' do expect(entry).not_to be_delayed end end end describe '#ignored?' do context 'when job is a manual action' do context 'when it is not specified if job is allowed to fail' do let(:config) do { script: 'deploy', when: 'manual' } end it 'is an ignored job' do expect(entry).to be_ignored end end context 'when job is allowed to fail' do let(:config) do { script: 'deploy', when: 'manual', allow_failure: true } end it 'is an ignored job' do expect(entry).to be_ignored end end context 'when job is not allowed to fail' do let(:config) do { script: 'deploy', when: 'manual', allow_failure: false } end it 'is not an ignored job' do expect(entry).not_to be_ignored end end end context 'when job is not a manual action' do context 'when it is not specified if job is allowed to fail' do let(:config) { { script: 'deploy' } } it 'is not an ignored job' do expect(entry).not_to be_ignored end end context 'when job is allowed to fail' do let(:config) { { script: 'deploy', allow_failure: true } } it 'is an ignored job' do expect(entry).to be_ignored end end context 'when job is not allowed to fail' do let(:config) { { script: 'deploy', allow_failure: false } } it 'is not an ignored job' do expect(entry).not_to be_ignored end end end end end