# frozen_string_literal: true class PrometheusService < MonitoringService include PrometheusAdapter # Access to prometheus is directly through the API prop_accessor :api_url boolean_accessor :manual_configuration # We need to allow the self-monitoring project to connect to the internal # Prometheus instance. # Since the internal Prometheus instance is usually a localhost URL, we need # to allow localhost URLs when the following conditions are true: # 1. project is the self-monitoring project. # 2. api_url is the internal Prometheus URL. with_options presence: true, if: :manual_configuration? do validates :api_url, public_url: true, unless: proc { |object| object.allow_local_api_url? } validates :api_url, url: true, if: proc { |object| object.allow_local_api_url? } end before_save :synchronize_service_state after_save :clear_reactive_cache! def initialize_properties if properties.nil? self.properties = {} end end def show_active_box? false end def editable? manual_configuration? || !prometheus_available? end def title 'Prometheus' end def description s_('PrometheusService|Time-series monitoring service') end def self.to_param 'prometheus' end def fields return [] unless editable? [ { type: 'checkbox', name: 'manual_configuration', title: s_('PrometheusService|Active'), required: true }, { type: 'text', name: 'api_url', title: 'API URL', placeholder: s_('PrometheusService|Prometheus API Base URL, like http://prometheus.example.com/'), required: true } ] end # Check we can connect to the Prometheus API def test(*args) prometheus_client.ping { success: true, result: 'Checked API endpoint' } rescue Gitlab::PrometheusClient::Error => err { success: false, result: err } end def prometheus_client return unless should_return_client? Gitlab::PrometheusClient.new(api_url) end def prometheus_available? return false if template? return false unless project project.clusters.enabled.any? { |cluster| cluster.application_prometheus_available? } end def allow_local_api_url? self_monitoring_project? && internal_prometheus_url? end private def self_monitoring_project? project && project.id == current_settings.instance_administration_project_id end def internal_prometheus_url? api_url.present? && api_url == ::Gitlab::Prometheus::Internal.uri end def should_return_client? api_url.present? && manual_configuration? && active? && valid? end def current_settings Gitlab::CurrentSettings.current_application_settings end def synchronize_service_state self.active = prometheus_available? || manual_configuration? true end end