class Spinach::Features::ProjectMergeRequests < Spinach::FeatureSteps include SharedAuthentication include SharedIssuable include SharedProject include SharedNote include SharedPaths include SharedMarkdown include SharedDiffNote include SharedUser include WaitForAjax after do wait_for_ajax if javascript_test? end step 'I click link "New Merge Request"' do click_link "New Merge Request" end step 'I click link "Bug NS-04"' do click_link "Bug NS-04" end step 'I click link "Feature NS-05"' do click_link "Feature NS-05" end step 'I click link "All"' do click_link "All" # Waits for load expect(find('.issues-state-filters > .active')).to have_content 'All' end step 'I click link "Merged"' do click_link "Merged" end step 'I click link "Closed"' do page.within('.issues-state-filters') do click_link "Closed" end end step 'I should see merge request "Wiki Feature"' do page.within '.merge-request' do expect(page).to have_content "Wiki Feature" end end step 'I should see closed merge request "Bug NS-04"' do merge_request = MergeRequest.find_by!(title: "Bug NS-04") expect(merge_request).to be_closed expect(page).to have_content "Closed by" end step 'I should see merge request "Bug NS-04"' do expect(page).to have_content "Bug NS-04" end step 'I should see merge request "Feature NS-05"' do expect(page).to have_content "Feature NS-05" end step 'I should not see "master" branch' do expect(find('.merge-request-info')).not_to have_content "master" end step 'I should see "feature_conflict" branch' do expect(page).to have_content "feature_conflict" end step 'I should see "Bug NS-04" in merge requests' do expect(page).to have_content "Bug NS-04" end step 'I should see "Feature NS-03" in merge requests' do expect(page).to have_content "Feature NS-03" end step 'I should not see "Feature NS-03" in merge requests' do expect(page).not_to have_content "Feature NS-03" end step 'I should not see "Bug NS-04" in merge requests' do expect(page).not_to have_content "Bug NS-04" end step 'I should see that I am subscribed' do expect(find('.issuable-subscribe-button span')).to have_content 'Unsubscribe' end step 'I should see that I am unsubscribed' do expect(find('.issuable-subscribe-button span')).to have_content 'Subscribe' end step 'I click button "Unsubscribe"' do click_on "Unsubscribe" wait_for_ajax end step 'I click link "Close"' do first(:css, '.close-mr-link').click end step 'I submit new merge request "Wiki Feature"' do find('.js-source-branch').click find('.dropdown-source-branch .dropdown-content a', text: 'fix').click find('.js-target-branch').click first('.dropdown-target-branch .dropdown-content a', text: 'feature').click click_button "Compare branches" fill_in "merge_request_title", with: "Wiki Feature" click_button "Submit merge request" end step 'project "Shop" have "Bug NS-04" open merge request' do create(:merge_request, title: "Bug NS-04", source_project: project, target_project: project, source_branch: 'fix', target_branch: 'merge-test', author: project.users.first, description: "# Description header" ) end step 'project "Shop" have "Bug NS-06" open merge request' do create(:merge_request, title: "Bug NS-06", source_project: project, target_project: project, source_branch: 'fix', target_branch: 'feature_conflict', author: project.users.first, description: "# Description header" ) end step 'project "Shop" have "Bug NS-05" open merge request with diffs inside' do create(:merge_request_with_diffs, title: "Bug NS-05", source_project: project, target_project: project, author: project.users.first, source_branch: 'merge-test') end step 'project "Shop" have "Feature NS-05" merged merge request' do create(:merged_merge_request, title: "Feature NS-05", source_project: project, target_project: project, author: project.users.first) end step 'project "Shop" have "Bug NS-07" open merge request with rebased branch' do create(:merge_request, :rebased, title: "Bug NS-07", source_project: project, target_project: project, author: project.users.first) end step 'project "Shop" have "Bug NS-08" open merge request with diverged branch' do create(:merge_request, :diverged, title: "Bug NS-08", source_project: project, target_project: project, author: project.users.first) end step 'project "Shop" have "Feature NS-03" closed merge request' do create(:closed_merge_request, title: "Feature NS-03", source_project: project, target_project: project, author: project.users.first) end step 'project "Community" has "Bug CO-01" open merge request with diffs inside' do project = Project.find_by(name: "Community") create(:merge_request_with_diffs, title: "Bug CO-01", source_project: project, target_project: project, author: project.users.first) end step 'merge request "Bug NS-04" have 2 upvotes and 1 downvote' do merge_request = MergeRequest.find_by(title: 'Bug NS-04') create_list(:award_emoji, 2, awardable: merge_request) create(:award_emoji, :downvote, awardable: merge_request) end step 'merge request "Bug NS-06" have 1 upvote and 2 downvotes' do awardable = MergeRequest.find_by(title: 'Bug NS-06') create(:award_emoji, awardable: awardable) create_list(:award_emoji, 2, :downvote, awardable: awardable) end step 'The list should be sorted by "Least popular"' do page.within '.mr-list' do page.within 'li.merge-request:nth-child(1)' do expect(page).to have_content 'Bug NS-06' expect(page).to have_content '1 2' end page.within 'li.merge-request:nth-child(2)' do expect(page).to have_content 'Bug NS-04' expect(page).to have_content '2 1' end page.within 'li.merge-request:nth-child(3)' do expect(page).to have_content 'Bug NS-05' expect(page).not_to have_content '0 0' end end end step 'The list should be sorted by "Most popular"' do page.within '.mr-list' do page.within 'li.merge-request:nth-child(1)' do expect(page).to have_content 'Bug NS-04' expect(page).to have_content '2 1' end page.within 'li.merge-request:nth-child(2)' do expect(page).to have_content 'Bug NS-06' expect(page).to have_content '1 2' end page.within 'li.merge-request:nth-child(3)' do expect(page).to have_content 'Bug NS-05' expect(page).not_to have_content '0 0' end end end step 'I click on the Changes tab' do page.within '.merge-request-tabs' do click_link 'Changes' end # Waits for load expect(page).to have_css('.tab-content') end step 'I should see the proper Inline and Side-by-side links' do expect(page).to have_css('#parallel-diff-btn', count: 1) expect(page).to have_css('#inline-diff-btn', count: 1) end step 'I switch to the merge request\'s comments tab' do visit namespace_project_merge_request_path(project.namespace, project, merge_request) end step 'I click on the commit in the merge request' do page.within '.merge-request-tabs' do click_link 'Commits' end page.within '.commits' do click_link Commit.truncate_sha( end end step 'I leave a comment on the diff page' do init_diff_note leave_comment "One comment to rule them all" end step 'I leave a comment on the diff page in commit' do click_diff_line(sample_commit.line_code) leave_comment "One comment to rule them all" end step 'I leave a comment like "Line is wrong" on diff' do init_diff_note leave_comment "Line is wrong" end step 'user "John Doe" leaves a comment like "Line is wrong" on diff' do mr = MergeRequest.find_by(title: "Bug NS-05") create(:diff_note_on_merge_request, project: project, noteable: mr, author: user_exists("John Doe"), note: 'Line is wrong') end step 'I leave a comment like "Line is wrong" on diff in commit' do click_diff_line(sample_commit.line_code) leave_comment "Line is wrong" end step 'I change the comment "Line is wrong" to "Typo, please fix" on diff' do page.within('.diff-file:nth-of-type(5) .note') do find('.js-note-edit').click page.within('.current-note-edit-form', visible: true) do fill_in 'note_note', with: 'Typo, please fix' click_button 'Save Comment' end expect(page).not_to have_button 'Save Comment', disabled: true, visible: true end end step 'I should not see a diff comment saying "Line is wrong"' do page.within('.diff-file:nth-of-type(5) .note') do expect(page).not_to have_visible_content 'Line is wrong' end end step 'I should see a diff comment saying "Typo, please fix"' do page.within('.diff-file:nth-of-type(5) .note') do expect(page).to have_visible_content 'Typo, please fix' end end step 'I delete the comment "Line is wrong" on diff' do page.within('.diff-file:nth-of-type(5) .note') do find('.js-note-delete').click end end step 'I click on the Discussion tab' do page.within '.merge-request-tabs' do click_link 'Discussion' end # Waits for load expect(page).to have_css('.tab-content') end step 'I should not see any discussion' do expect(page).not_to have_css('.notes .discussion') end step 'I should see a discussion has started on diff' do page.within(".notes .discussion") do page.should have_content "#{} #{current_user.to_reference} started a discussion" page.should have_content sample_commit.line_code_path page.should have_content "Line is wrong" end end step 'I should see a discussion by user "John Doe" has started on diff' do page.within(".notes .discussion") do page.should have_content "#{user_exists("John Doe").name} #{user_exists("John Doe").to_reference} started a discussion" page.should have_content sample_commit.line_code_path page.should have_content "Line is wrong" end end step 'I should see a badge of "1" next to the discussion link' do expect_discussion_badge_to_have_counter("1") end step 'I should see a badge of "0" next to the discussion link' do expect_discussion_badge_to_have_counter("0") end step 'I should see a discussion has started on commit diff' do page.within(".notes .discussion") do page.should have_content "#{} #{current_user.to_reference} started a discussion on commit" page.should have_content sample_commit.line_code_path page.should have_content "Line is wrong" end end step 'I should see a discussion has started on commit' do page.within(".notes .discussion") do page.should have_content "#{} #{current_user.to_reference} started a discussion on commit" page.should have_content "One comment to rule them all" end end step 'merge request is mergeable' do expect(page).to have_button 'Accept Merge Request' end step 'I modify merge commit message' do find('.modify-merge-commit-link').click fill_in 'commit_message', with: 'wow such merge' end step 'merge request "Bug NS-05" is mergeable' do merge_request.mark_as_mergeable end step 'I accept this merge request' do page.within '.mr-state-widget' do click_button "Accept Merge Request" end end step 'I should see merged request' do page.within '.status-box' do expect(page).to have_content "Merged" end end step 'I click link "Reopen"' do first(:css, '.reopen-mr-link').click end step 'I should see reopened merge request "Bug NS-04"' do page.within '.status-box' do expect(page).to have_content "Open" end end step 'I click link "Hide inline discussion" of the third file' do page.within '.files [id^=diff]:nth-child(3)' do find('.js-toggle-diff-comments').trigger('click') end end step 'I click link "Show inline discussion" of the third file' do page.within '.files [id^=diff]:nth-child(3)' do find('.js-toggle-diff-comments').trigger('click') end end step 'I should not see a comment like "Line is wrong" in the third file' do page.within '.files [id^=diff]:nth-child(3)' do expect(page).not_to have_visible_content "Line is wrong" end end step 'I should see a comment like "Line is wrong" in the third file' do page.within '.files [id^=diff]:nth-child(3) .note-body > .note-text' do expect(page).to have_visible_content "Line is wrong" end end step 'I should not see a comment like "Line is wrong here" in the third file' do page.within '.files [id^=diff]:nth-child(3)' do expect(page).not_to have_visible_content "Line is wrong here" end end step 'I should see a comment like "Line is wrong here" in the third file' do page.within '.files [id^=diff]:nth-child(3) .note-body > .note-text' do expect(page).to have_visible_content "Line is wrong here" end end step 'I leave a comment like "Line is correct" on line 12 of the second file' do init_diff_note_first_file page.within(".js-discussion-note-form") do fill_in "note_note", with: "Line is correct" click_button "Comment" end page.within ".files [id^=diff]:nth-child(2) .note-body > .note-text" do expect(page).to have_content "Line is correct" end end step 'I leave a comment like "Line is wrong" on line 39 of the third file' do init_diff_note_second_file page.within(".js-discussion-note-form") do fill_in "note_note", with: "Line is wrong on here" click_button "Comment" end end step 'I should still see a comment like "Line is correct" in the second file' do page.within '.files [id^=diff]:nth-child(2) .note-body > .note-text' do expect(page).to have_visible_content "Line is correct" end end step 'I unfold diff' do expect(page).to have_css('.js-unfold') first('.js-unfold').click end step 'I should see additional file lines' do expect(first('.text-file')).to have_content('.bundle') end step 'I click Side-by-side Diff tab' do find('a', text: 'Side-by-side').trigger('click') # Waits for load expect(page).to have_css('.parallel') end step 'I should see comments on the side-by-side diff page' do page.within '.files [id^=diff]:nth-child(2) .parallel .note-body > .note-text' do expect(page).to have_visible_content "Line is correct" end end step 'I fill in merge request search with "Fe"' do fill_in 'issuable_search', with: "Fe" end step 'I click the "Target branch" dropdown' do expect(page).to have_content('Target branch') first('.target_branch').click end step 'I select a new target branch' do select "feature", from: "merge_request_target_branch" click_button 'Save' end step 'I should see new target branch changes' do expect(page).to have_content 'Request to merge fix into feature' expect(page).to have_content 'Target branch changed from merge-test to feature' wait_for_ajax end step 'I click on "Email Patches"' do click_link "Email Patches" end step 'I click on "Plain Diff"' do click_link "Plain Diff" end step 'I should see a patch diff' do expect(page).to have_content('diff --git') end step '"Bug NS-05" has CI status' do project = merge_request.source_project project.enable_ci pipeline = create :ci_pipeline, project: project, sha: merge_request.diff_head_sha, ref: merge_request.source_branch create :ci_build, pipeline: pipeline end step 'I should see merge request "Bug NS-05" with CI status' do page.within ".mr-list" do expect(page).to have_link "Pipeline: pending" end end step 'I should see the diverged commits count' do page.within ".mr-source-target" do expect(page).to have_content /([0-9]+ commits behind)/ end end step 'I should not see the diverged commits count' do page.within ".mr-source-target" do expect(page).not_to have_content /([0-9]+ commit[s]? behind)/ end end def merge_request @merge_request ||= MergeRequest.find_by!(title: "Bug NS-05") end def init_diff_note click_diff_line(sample_commit.line_code) end def leave_comment(message) page.within(".js-discussion-note-form", visible: true) do fill_in "note_note", with: message click_button "Comment" end page.within(".notes_holder", visible: true) do expect(page).to have_content message end end def init_diff_note_first_file click_diff_line(sample_compare.changes[0][:line_code]) end def init_diff_note_second_file click_diff_line(sample_compare.changes[1][:line_code]) end def have_visible_content(text) have_css("*", text: text, visible: true) end def expect_discussion_badge_to_have_counter(value) page.within(".notes-tab .badge") do page.should have_content value end end end