import { commitItemIconMap } from '~/ide/constants'; import { getCommitIconMap, isTextFile, registerLanguages, trimPathComponents } from '~/ide/utils'; import { decorateData } from '~/ide/stores/utils'; import { languages } from 'monaco-editor'; describe('WebIDE utils', () => { describe('isTextFile', () => { it('returns false for known binary types', () => { expect(isTextFile('file content', 'image/png', 'my.png')).toBeFalsy(); // mime types are case insensitive expect(isTextFile('file content', 'IMAGE/PNG', 'my.png')).toBeFalsy(); }); it('returns true for known text types', () => { expect(isTextFile('file content', 'text/plain', 'my.txt')).toBeTruthy(); // mime types are case insensitive expect(isTextFile('file content', 'TEXT/PLAIN', 'my.txt')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('returns true for file extensions that Monaco supports syntax highlighting for', () => { // test based on both MIME and extension expect(isTextFile('{"éêė":"value"}', 'application/json', 'my.json')).toBeTruthy(); expect(isTextFile('{"éêė":"value"}', 'application/json', '.tsconfig')).toBeTruthy(); expect(isTextFile('SELECT "éêė" from tablename', 'application/sql', 'my.sql')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('returns true even irrespective of whether the mimes, extensions or file names are lowercase or upper case', () => { expect(isTextFile('{"éêė":"value"}', 'application/json', 'MY.JSON')).toBeTruthy(); expect(isTextFile('SELECT "éêė" from tablename', 'application/sql', 'MY.SQL')).toBeTruthy(); expect( isTextFile('var code = "something"', 'application/javascript', 'Gruntfile'), ).toBeTruthy(); expect( isTextFile( 'MAINTAINER Александр ""', 'application/octet-stream', 'dockerfile', ), ).toBeTruthy(); }); it('returns false if filename is same as the expected extension', () => { expect(isTextFile('SELECT "éêė" from tablename', 'application/sql', 'sql')).toBeFalsy(); }); it('returns true for ASCII only content for unknown types', () => { expect(isTextFile('plain text', 'application/x-new-type', 'hello.mytype')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('returns true for relevant filenames', () => { expect( isTextFile( 'MAINTAINER Александр ""', 'application/octet-stream', 'Dockerfile', ), ).toBeTruthy(); }); it('returns false for non-ASCII content for unknown types', () => { expect(isTextFile('{"éêė":"value"}', 'application/octet-stream', 'my.random')).toBeFalsy(); }); }); const createFile = (name = 'name', id = name, type = '', parent = null) => decorateData({ id, type, icon: 'icon', url: 'url', name, path: parent ? `${parent.path}/${name}` : name, parentPath: parent ? parent.path : '', lastCommit: {}, }); describe('getCommitIconMap', () => { let entry; beforeEach(() => { entry = createFile('Entry item'); }); it('renders "deleted" icon for deleted entries', () => { entry.deleted = true; expect(getCommitIconMap(entry)).toEqual(commitItemIconMap.deleted); }); it('renders "addition" icon for temp entries', () => { entry.tempFile = true; expect(getCommitIconMap(entry)).toEqual(commitItemIconMap.addition); }); it('renders "modified" icon for newly-renamed entries', () => { entry.prevPath = 'foo/bar'; entry.tempFile = false; expect(getCommitIconMap(entry)).toEqual(commitItemIconMap.modified); }); it('renders "modified" icon even for temp entries if they are newly-renamed', () => { entry.prevPath = 'foo/bar'; entry.tempFile = true; expect(getCommitIconMap(entry)).toEqual(commitItemIconMap.modified); }); }); describe('trimPathComponents', () => { it.each` input | output ${'example path '} | ${'example path'} ${'p/somefile '} | ${'p/somefile'} ${'p /somefile '} | ${'p/somefile'} ${'p/ somefile '} | ${'p/somefile'} ${' p/somefile '} | ${'p/somefile'} ${'p/somefile .md'} | ${'p/somefile .md'} ${'path / to / some/file.doc '} | ${'path/to/some/file.doc'} `('trims all path components in path: "$input"', ({ input, output }) => { expect(trimPathComponents(input)).toEqual(output); }); }); describe('registerLanguages', () => { let langs; beforeEach(() => { langs = [ { id: 'html', extensions: ['.html'], conf: { comments: { blockComment: [''] } }, language: { tokenizer: {} }, }, { id: 'css', extensions: ['.css'], conf: { comments: { blockComment: ['/*', '*/'] } }, language: { tokenizer: {} }, }, { id: 'js', extensions: ['.js'], conf: { comments: { blockComment: ['/*', '*/'] } }, language: { tokenizer: {} }, }, ]; jest.spyOn(languages, 'register').mockImplementation(() => {}); jest.spyOn(languages, 'setMonarchTokensProvider').mockImplementation(() => {}); jest.spyOn(languages, 'setLanguageConfiguration').mockImplementation(() => {}); }); it('registers all the passed languages with Monaco', () => { registerLanguages(...langs); expect(languages.register.mock.calls).toEqual([ [ { conf: { comments: { blockComment: ['/*', '*/'] } }, extensions: ['.css'], id: 'css', language: { tokenizer: {} }, }, ], [ { conf: { comments: { blockComment: ['/*', '*/'] } }, extensions: ['.js'], id: 'js', language: { tokenizer: {} }, }, ], [ { conf: { comments: { blockComment: [''] } }, extensions: ['.html'], id: 'html', language: { tokenizer: {} }, }, ], ]); expect(languages.setMonarchTokensProvider.mock.calls).toEqual([ ['css', { tokenizer: {} }], ['js', { tokenizer: {} }], ['html', { tokenizer: {} }], ]); expect(languages.setLanguageConfiguration.mock.calls).toEqual([ ['css', { comments: { blockComment: ['/*', '*/'] } }], ['js', { comments: { blockComment: ['/*', '*/'] } }], ['html', { comments: { blockComment: [''] } }], ]); }); }); });