import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import Vue from 'vue'; import Vuex from 'vuex'; import DiffView from '~/diffs/components/diff_view.vue'; describe('DiffView', () => { const DiffExpansionCell = { template: `
` }; const DiffRow = { template: `
` }; const DiffCommentCell = { template: `
` }; const DraftNote = { template: `
` }; const showCommentForm = jest.fn(); const setSelectedCommentPosition = jest.fn(); const getDiffRow = (wrapper) => wrapper.findComponent(DiffRow).vm; const createWrapper = (props) => { Vue.use(Vuex); const batchComments = { getters: { shouldRenderDraftRow: () => false, shouldRenderParallelDraftRow: () => () => true, draftForLine: () => false, draftsForFile: () => false, hasParallelDraftLeft: () => false, hasParallelDraftRight: () => false, }, namespaced: true, }; const diffs = { actions: { showCommentForm }, getters: { commitId: () => 'abc123', fileLineCoverage: () => ({}) }, namespaced: true, }; const notes = { actions: { setSelectedCommentPosition }, state: { selectedCommentPosition: null, selectedCommentPositionHover: null }, }; const store = new Vuex.Store({ modules: { diffs, notes, batchComments }, }); const propsData = { diffFile: { file_hash: '123' }, diffLines: [], ...props, }; const stubs = { DiffExpansionCell, DiffRow, DiffCommentCell, DraftNote }; return shallowMount(DiffView, { propsData, store, stubs }); }; it('renders a match line', () => { const wrapper = createWrapper({ diffLines: [{ isMatchLineLeft: true, left: { rich_text: 'matched text', lineDraft: {} } }], }); expect(wrapper.find(DiffExpansionCell).exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain('matched text'); }); it.each` type | side | container | sides | total ${'parallel'} | ${'left'} | ${'.old'} | ${{ left: { lineDraft: {}, renderDiscussion: true }, right: { lineDraft: {}, renderDiscussion: true } }} | ${2} ${'parallel'} | ${'right'} | ${'.new'} | ${{ left: { lineDraft: {}, renderDiscussion: true }, right: { lineDraft: {}, renderDiscussion: true } }} | ${2} ${'inline'} | ${'left'} | ${'.old'} | ${{ left: { lineDraft: {}, renderDiscussion: true } }} | ${1} ${'inline'} | ${'left'} | ${'.old'} | ${{ left: { lineDraft: {}, renderDiscussion: true } }} | ${1} ${'inline'} | ${'left'} | ${'.old'} | ${{ left: { lineDraft: {}, renderDiscussion: true } }} | ${1} `( 'renders a $type comment row with comment cell on $side', ({ type, container, sides, total }) => { const wrapper = createWrapper({ diffLines: [{ renderCommentRow: true, ...sides }], inline: type === 'inline', }); expect(wrapper.findAll(DiffCommentCell).length).toBe(total); expect(wrapper.find(container).find(DiffCommentCell).exists()).toBe(true); }, ); it('renders a draft row', () => { const wrapper = createWrapper({ diffLines: [{ renderCommentRow: true, left: { lineDraft: { isDraft: true } } }], }); expect(wrapper.find(DraftNote).exists()).toBe(true); }); describe('drag operations', () => { it('sets `dragStart` onStartDragging', () => { const wrapper = createWrapper({ diffLines: [{}] }); wrapper.findComponent(DiffRow).vm.$emit('startdragging', { line: { test: true } }); expect(wrapper.vm.idState.dragStart).toEqual({ test: true }); }); it('does not call `setSelectedCommentPosition` on different chunks onDragOver', () => { const wrapper = createWrapper({ diffLines: [{}] }); const diffRow = getDiffRow(wrapper); diffRow.$emit('startdragging', { line: { chunk: 0 } }); diffRow.$emit('enterdragging', { chunk: 1 }); expect(setSelectedCommentPosition).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it.each` start | end | expectation ${1} | ${2} | ${{ start: { index: 1 }, end: { index: 2 } }} ${2} | ${1} | ${{ start: { index: 1 }, end: { index: 2 } }} ${1} | ${1} | ${{ start: { index: 1 }, end: { index: 1 } }} `( 'calls `setSelectedCommentPosition` with correct `updatedLineRange`', ({ start, end, expectation }) => { const wrapper = createWrapper({ diffLines: [{}] }); const diffRow = getDiffRow(wrapper); diffRow.$emit('startdragging', { line: { chunk: 1, index: start } }); diffRow.$emit('enterdragging', { chunk: 1, index: end }); const arg = setSelectedCommentPosition.mock.calls[0][1]; expect(arg).toMatchObject(expectation); }, ); it('sets `dragStart` to null onStopDragging', () => { const wrapper = createWrapper({ diffLines: [{}] }); const diffRow = getDiffRow(wrapper); diffRow.$emit('startdragging', { line: { test: true } }); expect(wrapper.vm.idState.dragStart).toEqual({ test: true }); diffRow.$emit('stopdragging'); expect(wrapper.vm.idState.dragStart).toBeNull(); expect(showCommentForm).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); });