#!/usr/bin/env -S ENABLE_SPRING=0 bin/rails runner -e test # This is helper script to swap foreign key to loose foreign key # using DB schema require 'optparse' $options = { milestone: "#{Gitlab.version_info.major}.#{Gitlab.version_info.minor}", cross_schema: false, dry_run: false, branch: true, rspec: true } OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{$0} [options] " opts.on("-c", "--cross-schema", "Show only cross-schema foreign keys") do |v| $options[:cross_schema] = v end opts.on("-n", "--dry-run", "Do not execute any commands (dry run)") do |v| $options[:dry_run] = v end opts.on("-b", "--[no-]branch", "Create or not a new branch") do |v| $options[:branch] = v end opts.on("-r", "--[no-]rspec", "Create or not a rspecs automatically") do |v| $options[:rspec] = v end opts.on("-m", "--milestone MILESTONE", "Specify custom milestone (current: #{$options[:milestone]})") do |v| $options[:milestone] = v end opts.on("-h", "--help", "Prints this help") do puts opts exit end end.parse! unless system("git diff --quiet db/structure.sql") raise "The db/structure.sql is changed. Reset branch or commit changes." end unless system("git diff --quiet") raise "There are uncommitted changes. Commit to continue." end if Gitlab::Database.database_base_models.many? raise 'Cannot run in multiple-databases mode. Use only `main:` in `config/database.yml`.' end puts "Re-creating current test database" ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.drop_current ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.create_current ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.load_schema_current ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.migrate ActiveRecord::Migration.check_pending! ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.disconnect! puts def exec_cmd(*args, fail: nil) # output full command if $options[:dry_run] puts ">> #{args.shelljoin}" return true end # truncate up-to 60 chars or first line command = args.shelljoin truncated_command = command.truncate([command.lines.first.length+3, 120].min) puts ">> #{truncated_command}" return true if system(*args) raise fail if fail puts "--------------------------------------------------" puts "This command failed:" puts ">> #{command}" puts "--------------------------------------------------" false end def has_lfk?(definition) Gitlab::Database::LooseForeignKeys.definitions.any? do |lfk_definition| lfk_definition.from_table == definition.from_table && lfk_definition.to_table == definition.to_table && lfk_definition.column == definition.column end end def matching_filter?(definition, filters) filters.all? do |filter| definition.from_table.include?(filter) || definition.to_table.include?(filter) || definition.column.include?(filter) end end def columns(*args) puts("%5s | %7s | %40s | %20s | %30s | %15s " % args) end def add_definition_to_yaml(definition) content = YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join('config/gitlab_loose_foreign_keys.yml')) table_definitions = content[definition.from_table] # insert new entry at random place to avoid conflicts unless table_definitions table_definitions = [] insert_idx = rand(content.count+1) # insert at a given index in ordered hash content = content.to_a content.insert(insert_idx, [definition.from_table, table_definitions]) content = content.to_h end on_delete = case definition.on_delete when :cascade 'async_delete' when :nullify 'async_nullify' else raise "Unsupported on_delete behavior: #{definition.on_delete}" end yaml_definition = { "table" => definition.to_table, "column" => definition.column, "on_delete" => on_delete } # match and update by "table", "column" if existing = table_definitions.pluck("table", "column").index([definition.to_table, definition.column]) puts "Updated existing definition from #{table_definitions[existing]} to #{yaml_definition}." table_definitions[existing] = yaml_definition else puts "Add new definition for #{yaml_definition}." table_definitions.append(yaml_definition) end # emulate existing formatting File.write( Rails.root.join('config/gitlab_loose_foreign_keys.yml'), content.to_yaml.gsub(/^([- ] )/, ' \1') ) exec_cmd("git", "add", "config/gitlab_loose_foreign_keys.yml") end def generate_migration(definition) timestamp = Time.now.utc.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # db/post_migrate/20220111221516_remove_projects_ci_pending_builds_fk.rb migration_name = "db/post_migrate/#{timestamp}_remove_#{definition.to_table}_#{definition.from_table}_#{definition.column}_fk.rb" puts "Writing #{migration_name}" content = <<-EOF.strip_heredoc # frozen_string_literal: true class Remove#{definition.to_table.camelcase}#{definition.from_table.camelcase}#{definition.column.camelcase}Fk < Gitlab::Database::Migration[1.0] disable_ddl_transaction! def up return unless foreign_key_exists?(:#{definition.from_table}, :#{definition.to_table}, name: "#{definition.name}") with_lock_retries do execute('LOCK #{definition.to_table}, #{definition.from_table} IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE') if transaction_open? remove_foreign_key_if_exists(:#{definition.from_table}, :#{definition.to_table}, name: "#{definition.name}") end end def down add_concurrent_foreign_key(:#{definition.from_table}, :#{definition.to_table}, name: "#{definition.name}", column: :#{definition.column}, target_column: :#{definition.primary_key}, on_delete: :#{definition.on_delete}) end end EOF File.write(migration_name, content) exec_cmd("git", "add", migration_name, fail: "Failed to add migration file.") exec_cmd("bin/rails", "db:migrate", fail: "Failed to run db:migrate.") exec_cmd("git", "add", "db/schema_migrations/#{timestamp}", "db/structure.sql", fail: "There are uncommitted changes. We should not have any.") exec_cmd("git diff --exit-code --name-only", fail: "There are uncommitted changes. We should not have any.") end def class_by_table_name @index_by_table_name ||= ActiveRecord::Base .descendants .reject(&:abstract_class) .map(&:base_class) .index_by(&:table_name) end def spec_from_clazz(clazz, definition) %w[spec/models ee/spec/models].each do |specs_path| path = File.join(specs_path, clazz.underscore + "_spec.rb") return path if File.exist?(path) end raise "Cannot find specs for #{clazz} (#{definition.from_table})" end def add_test_to_specs(definition) return unless $options[:rspec] clazz = class_by_table_name[definition.from_table] raise "Cannot map #{definition.from_table} to clazz" unless clazz spec_path = spec_from_clazz(clazz, definition) puts "Adding test to #{spec_path}..." spec_test = <<-EOF.strip_heredoc.indent(2) context 'loose foreign key on #{definition.from_table}.#{definition.column}' do it_behaves_like 'cleanup by a loose foreign key' do let!(:parent) { create(:#{definition.to_table.singularize}) } let!(:model) { create(:#{definition.from_table.singularize}, #{definition.column.delete_suffix("_id").singularize}: parent) } end end EOF # append to end of file with empty line before lines = File.readlines(spec_path) insert_line = lines.count - 1 lines.insert(insert_line, "\n", *spec_test.lines) File.write(spec_path, lines.join("")) # find a matching line test_lines = (1..lines.count).select do |line| lines[line-1].include?("it_behaves_like 'cleanup by a loose foreign key' do") end.join(":") loop do if system("bin/rspec", "#{spec_path}:#{test_lines}") puts "Test seems fine?" break end puts "--------------------------------------------------" puts "Test failed:" puts "Edit: vim #{spec_path} (lines #{test_lines})" puts "Re-run: bin/rspec #{spec_path}:#{test_lines}" puts "--------------------------------------------------" puts "Running bash. To exit do 'Ctrl-D' to re-run, or do 'Ctrl-C' to break (and ignore failure)." puts unless exec_cmd("bash") break end end exec_cmd("git", "add", spec_path, fail: "There are uncommitted changes. We should not have any.") end def update_no_cross_db_foreign_keys_spec(definition) from_column = "#{definition.from_table}.#{definition.column}" spec_path = "spec/lib/gitlab/database/no_cross_db_foreign_keys_spec.rb" puts "Updating #{spec_path}..." lines = File.readlines(spec_path) updated = lines.reject { |line| line.strip == from_column } if lines.count == updated.count puts "Nothing changed." return end File.write(spec_path, updated.join("")) exec_cmd("git", "add", spec_path, fail: "Failed to add changes from #{spec_path}") end def commit_changes(definition) branch_name = "remove-#{definition.to_table}_#{definition.from_table}_#{definition.column}-fk" commit_title = "Swap FK #{definition.from_table} to #{definition.to_table} for LFK" mr_title = "Swap FK #{definition.from_table}.#{definition.column} to #{definition.to_table} for LFK" description = <<-EOF.strip_heredoc Swaps FK for #{definition.from_table}.#{definition.column} to #{definition.to_table} Changelog: changed EOF commit_message = "#{commit_title}\n\n#{description}" existing_branch = %x[git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD].strip if $options[:branch] unless exec_cmd("git", "checkout", "-b", branch_name) raise "Failed to create branch: #{branch_name}" end end unless exec_cmd("git", "commit", "-m", commit_message) raise "Failed to commit changes." end if $options[:branch] exec_cmd("git", "push", "origin", "-u", "HEAD", "-o", "merge_request.create", "-o", "merge_request.target=#{existing_branch}", "-o", "merge_request.milestone=#{$options[:milestone]}", "-o", "merge_request.title=#{mr_title}" ) puts puts "--------------------------------------------------" puts "Put this as MR description:" puts "--------------------------------------------------" puts <<-EOF.strip_heredoc ## What does this MR do and why? Per https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/7249 As part of our CI "decomposition" efforts we need to remove all foreign keys that are cross-database (ie. between the planned \`main\` and \`ci\` databases). We are going to replace them all with ["loose foreign keys"](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/database/loose_foreign_keys.html). Related: ## Validations - **Best team to review (check off when reviewed):** TBD - [ ] No way for user to access once parent is deleted. Please explain: - [ ] Possible to access once parent deleted but low user impact. Please explain: - [ ] Possible Sidekiq workers that may load directly and possibly lead to exceptions. Please explain: - [ ] Possible user impact to be evaluated or mitigated. Please explain: - [ ] Is this FK safe to be removed to avoid LOCKing problems? (Explanation: https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/7249#note_819662046). Please explain: ## MR acceptance checklist This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability. * [ ] I have evaluated the [MR acceptance checklist](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/code_review.html#acceptance-checklist) for this MR. /label ~"ci-decomposition::phase4" ~"database::review pending" ~"devops::enablement" ~"group::sharding" ~"section::enablement" ~"sharding::active" ~"type::feature" ~"workflow::in dev" ~backend ~"ci-decomposition" ~database ~"Category:Sharding" /milestone %"#{$options[:milestone]}" /assign_reviewer @ahegyi EOF puts "--------------------------------------------------" end end all_foreign_keys = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.flat_map do |table| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.foreign_keys(table) end # Show only cross-schema foreign keys if $options[:cross_schema] all_foreign_keys.select! do |definition| Gitlab::Database::GitlabSchema.table_schema(definition.from_table) != Gitlab::Database::GitlabSchema.table_schema(definition.to_table) end end if $options[:cross_schema] puts "Showing cross-schema foreign keys (#{all_foreign_keys.count}):" else puts "Showing all foreign keys (#{all_foreign_keys.count}):" puts "Did you meant `#{$0} --cross-schema ...`?" end columns("ID", "HAS_LFK", "FROM", "TO", "COLUMN", "ON_DELETE") all_foreign_keys.each_with_index do |definition, idx| columns(idx, has_lfk?(definition) ? 'Y' : 'N', definition.from_table, definition.to_table, definition.column, definition.on_delete) end puts puts "To match FK write one or many filters to match against FROM/TO/COLUMN:" puts "- #{$0} " puts "- #{$0} ci_job_artifacts project_id" puts "- #{$0} dast_site_profiles_pipelines" puts return if ARGV.empty? puts "Loading all models..." # Fix bug with loading `app/models/identity/uniqueness_scopes.rb` require_relative Rails.root.join('app/models/identity.rb') %w[app/models/**/*.rb ee/app/models/**/*.rb].each do |filter| Dir.glob(filter).each do |path| require_relative Rails.root.join(path) end end puts puts "Generating Loose Foreign Key for given filters: #{ARGV}" all_foreign_keys.each_with_index do |definition, idx| next unless matching_filter?(definition, ARGV) puts "Matched: #{idx} (#{definition.from_table}, #{definition.to_table}, #{definition.column})" add_definition_to_yaml(definition) generate_migration(definition) add_test_to_specs(definition) update_no_cross_db_foreign_keys_spec(definition) commit_changes(definition) end puts