# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Database module MigrationHelpers include Migrations::BackgroundMigrationHelpers include Migrations::BatchedBackgroundMigrationHelpers include DynamicModelHelpers include RenameTableHelpers include AsyncIndexes::MigrationHelpers def define_batchable_model(table_name, connection: self.connection) super(table_name, connection: connection) end def each_batch(table_name, connection: self.connection, **kwargs) super(table_name, connection: connection, **kwargs) end def each_batch_range(table_name, connection: self.connection, **kwargs) super(table_name, connection: connection, **kwargs) end # https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-syntax-lexical.html#SQL-SYNTAX-IDENTIFIERS MAX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_LENGTH = 63 DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_COLUMNS = %i[created_at updated_at].freeze # Adds `created_at` and `updated_at` columns with timezone information. # # This method is an improved version of Rails' built-in method `add_timestamps`. # # By default, adds `created_at` and `updated_at` columns, but these can be specified as: # # add_timestamps_with_timezone(:my_table, columns: [:created_at, :deleted_at]) # # This allows you to create just the timestamps you need, saving space. # # Available options are: # :default - The default value for the column. # :null - When set to `true` the column will allow NULL values. # The default is to not allow NULL values. # :columns - the column names to create. Must end with `_at`. # Default value: `DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_COLUMNS` # # All options are optional. def add_timestamps_with_timezone(table_name, options = {}) columns = options.fetch(:columns, DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_COLUMNS) columns.each do |column_name| validate_timestamp_column_name!(column_name) add_column( table_name, column_name, :datetime_with_timezone, default: options[:default], null: options[:null] || false ) end end # To be used in the `#down` method of migrations that # use `#add_timestamps_with_timezone`. # # Available options are: # :columns - the column names to remove. Must be one # Default value: `DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_COLUMNS` # # All options are optional. def remove_timestamps(table_name, options = {}) columns = options.fetch(:columns, DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_COLUMNS) columns.each do |column_name| remove_column(table_name, column_name) end end # @deprecated Use `create_table` in V2 instead # # Creates a new table, optionally allowing the caller to add check constraints to the table. # Aside from that addition, this method should behave identically to Rails' `create_table` method. # # Example: # # create_table_with_constraints :some_table do |t| # t.integer :thing, null: false # t.text :other_thing # # t.check_constraint :thing_is_not_null, 'thing IS NOT NULL' # t.text_limit :other_thing, 255 # end # # See Rails' `create_table` for more info on the available arguments. def create_table_with_constraints(table_name, **options, &block) helper_context = self with_lock_retries do check_constraints = [] create_table(table_name, **options) do |t| t.define_singleton_method(:check_constraint) do |name, definition| helper_context.send(:validate_check_constraint_name!, name) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend check_constraints << { name: name, definition: definition } end t.define_singleton_method(:text_limit) do |column_name, limit, name: nil| # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend name = helper_context.send(:text_limit_name, table_name, column_name, name: name) helper_context.send(:validate_check_constraint_name!, name) # rubocop:enable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend column_name = helper_context.quote_column_name(column_name) definition = "char_length(#{column_name}) <= #{limit}" check_constraints << { name: name, definition: definition } end t.instance_eval(&block) unless block.nil? end next if check_constraints.empty? constraint_clauses = check_constraints.map do |constraint| "ADD CONSTRAINT #{quote_table_name(constraint[:name])} CHECK (#{constraint[:definition]})" end execute(<<~SQL) ALTER TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} #{constraint_clauses.join(",\n")} SQL end end # Creates a new index, concurrently # # Example: # # add_concurrent_index :users, :some_column # # See Rails' `add_index` for more info on the available arguments. def add_concurrent_index(table_name, column_name, options = {}) if transaction_open? raise 'add_concurrent_index can not be run inside a transaction, ' \ 'you can disable transactions by calling disable_ddl_transaction! ' \ 'in the body of your migration class' end options = options.merge({ algorithm: :concurrently }) if index_exists?(table_name, column_name, **options) name = options[:name] || index_name(table_name, column_name) _, schema = table_name.to_s.split('.').reverse if index_invalid?(name, schema: schema) say "Index being recreated because the existing version was INVALID: table_name: #{table_name}, column_name: #{column_name}" remove_concurrent_index_by_name(table_name, name) else say "Index not created because it already exists (this may be due to an aborted migration or similar): table_name: #{table_name}, column_name: #{column_name}" return end end disable_statement_timeout do add_index(table_name, column_name, **options) end # We created this index. Now let's remove the queuing entry for async creation in case it's still there. unprepare_async_index(table_name, column_name, **options) end def index_invalid?(index_name, schema: nil) index_name = connection.quote(index_name) schema = connection.quote(schema) if schema schema ||= 'current_schema()' connection.select_value(<<~SQL) select not i.indisvalid from pg_class c inner join pg_index i on c.oid = i.indexrelid inner join pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace where n.nspname = #{schema} and c.relname = #{index_name} SQL end # Removes an existed index, concurrently # # Example: # # remove_concurrent_index :users, :some_column # # See Rails' `remove_index` for more info on the available arguments. def remove_concurrent_index(table_name, column_name, options = {}) if transaction_open? raise 'remove_concurrent_index can not be run inside a transaction, ' \ 'you can disable transactions by calling disable_ddl_transaction! ' \ 'in the body of your migration class' end options = options.merge({ algorithm: :concurrently }) unless index_exists?(table_name, column_name, **options) Gitlab::AppLogger.warn "Index not removed because it does not exist (this may be due to an aborted migration or similar): table_name: #{table_name}, column_name: #{column_name}" return end disable_statement_timeout do remove_index(table_name, **options.merge({ column: column_name })) end # We removed this index. Now let's make sure it's not queued for async creation. unprepare_async_index(table_name, column_name, **options) end # Removes an existing index, concurrently # # Example: # # remove_concurrent_index :users, "index_X_by_Y" # # See Rails' `remove_index` for more info on the available arguments. def remove_concurrent_index_by_name(table_name, index_name, options = {}) if transaction_open? raise 'remove_concurrent_index_by_name can not be run inside a transaction, ' \ 'you can disable transactions by calling disable_ddl_transaction! ' \ 'in the body of your migration class' end index_name = index_name[:name] if index_name.is_a?(Hash) raise 'remove_concurrent_index_by_name must get an index name as the second argument' if index_name.blank? options = options.merge({ algorithm: :concurrently }) unless index_exists_by_name?(table_name, index_name) Gitlab::AppLogger.warn "Index not removed because it does not exist (this may be due to an aborted migration or similar): table_name: #{table_name}, index_name: #{index_name}" return end disable_statement_timeout do remove_index(table_name, **options.merge({ name: index_name })) end # We removed this index. Now let's make sure it's not queued for async creation. unprepare_async_index_by_name(table_name, index_name, **options) end # Adds a foreign key with only minimal locking on the tables involved. # # This method only requires minimal locking # # source - The source table containing the foreign key. # target - The target table the key points to. # column - The name of the column to create the foreign key on. # target_column - The name of the referenced column, defaults to "id". # on_delete - The action to perform when associated data is removed, # defaults to "CASCADE". # name - The name of the foreign key. # validate - Flag that controls whether the new foreign key will be validated after creation. # If the flag is not set, the constraint will only be enforced for new data. # reverse_lock_order - Flag that controls whether we should attempt to acquire locks in the reverse # order of the ALTER TABLE. This can be useful in situations where the foreign # key creation could deadlock with another process. # def add_concurrent_foreign_key(source, target, column:, on_delete: :cascade, target_column: :id, name: nil, validate: true, reverse_lock_order: false) # Transactions would result in ALTER TABLE locks being held for the # duration of the transaction, defeating the purpose of this method. if transaction_open? raise 'add_concurrent_foreign_key can not be run inside a transaction' end options = { column: column, on_delete: on_delete, name: name.presence || concurrent_foreign_key_name(source, column), primary_key: target_column } if foreign_key_exists?(source, target, **options) warning_message = "Foreign key not created because it exists already " \ "(this may be due to an aborted migration or similar): " \ "source: #{source}, target: #{target}, column: #{options[:column]}, "\ "name: #{options[:name]}, on_delete: #{options[:on_delete]}" Gitlab::AppLogger.warn warning_message else # Using NOT VALID allows us to create a key without immediately # validating it. This means we keep the ALTER TABLE lock only for a # short period of time. The key _is_ enforced for any newly created # data. with_lock_retries do execute("LOCK TABLE #{target}, #{source} IN SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE") if reverse_lock_order execute <<-EOF.strip_heredoc ALTER TABLE #{source} ADD CONSTRAINT #{options[:name]} FOREIGN KEY (#{options[:column]}) REFERENCES #{target} (#{target_column}) #{on_delete_statement(options[:on_delete])} NOT VALID; EOF end end # Validate the existing constraint. This can potentially take a very # long time to complete, but fortunately does not lock the source table # while running. # Disable this check by passing `validate: false` to the method call # The check will be enforced for new data (inserts) coming in, # but validating existing data is delayed. # # Note this is a no-op in case the constraint is VALID already if validate disable_statement_timeout do execute("ALTER TABLE #{source} VALIDATE CONSTRAINT #{options[:name]};") end end end def validate_foreign_key(source, column, name: nil) fk_name = name || concurrent_foreign_key_name(source, column) unless foreign_key_exists?(source, name: fk_name) raise missing_schema_object_message(source, "foreign key", fk_name) end disable_statement_timeout do execute("ALTER TABLE #{source} VALIDATE CONSTRAINT #{fk_name};") end end def foreign_key_exists?(source, target = nil, **options) foreign_keys(source).any? do |foreign_key| tables_match?(target.to_s, foreign_key.to_table.to_s) && options_match?(foreign_key.options, options) end end # Returns the name for a concurrent foreign key. # # PostgreSQL constraint names have a limit of 63 bytes. The logic used # here is based on Rails' foreign_key_name() method, which unfortunately # is private so we can't rely on it directly. # # prefix: # - The default prefix is `fk_` for backward compatibility with the existing # concurrent foreign key helpers. # - For standard rails foreign keys the prefix is `fk_rails_` # def concurrent_foreign_key_name(table, column, prefix: 'fk_') identifier = "#{table}_#{column}_fk" hashed_identifier = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(identifier).first(10) "#{prefix}#{hashed_identifier}" end # Long-running migrations may take more than the timeout allowed by # the database. Disable the session's statement timeout to ensure # migrations don't get killed prematurely. # # There are two possible ways to disable the statement timeout: # # - Per transaction (this is the preferred and default mode) # - Per connection (requires a cleanup after the execution) # # When using a per connection disable statement, code must be inside # a block so we can automatically execute `RESET statement_timeout` after block finishes # otherwise the statement will still be disabled until connection is dropped # or `RESET statement_timeout` is executed def disable_statement_timeout if block_given? if statement_timeout_disabled? # Don't do anything if the statement_timeout is already disabled # Allows for nested calls of disable_statement_timeout without # resetting the timeout too early (before the outer call ends) yield else begin execute('SET statement_timeout TO 0') yield ensure execute('RESET statement_timeout') end end else unless transaction_open? raise <<~ERROR Cannot call disable_statement_timeout() without a transaction open or outside of a transaction block. If you don't want to use a transaction wrap your code in a block call: disable_statement_timeout { # code that requires disabled statement here } This will make sure statement_timeout is disabled before and reset after the block execution is finished. ERROR end execute('SET LOCAL statement_timeout TO 0') end end # Executes the block with a retry mechanism that alters the +lock_timeout+ and +sleep_time+ between attempts. # The timings can be controlled via the +timing_configuration+ parameter. # If the lock was not acquired within the retry period, a last attempt is made without using +lock_timeout+. # # Note this helper uses subtransactions when run inside an already open transaction. # # ==== Examples # # Invoking without parameters # with_lock_retries do # drop_table :my_table # end # # # Invoking with custom +timing_configuration+ # t = [ # [1.second, 1.second], # [2.seconds, 2.seconds] # ] # # with_lock_retries(timing_configuration: t) do # drop_table :my_table # this will be retried twice # end # # # Disabling the retries using an environment variable # > export DISABLE_LOCK_RETRIES=true # # with_lock_retries do # drop_table :my_table # one invocation, it will not retry at all # end # # ==== Parameters # * +timing_configuration+ - [[ActiveSupport::Duration, ActiveSupport::Duration], ...] lock timeout for the block, sleep time before the next iteration, defaults to `Gitlab::Database::WithLockRetries::DEFAULT_TIMING_CONFIGURATION` # * +logger+ - [Gitlab::JsonLogger] # * +env+ - [Hash] custom environment hash, see the example with `DISABLE_LOCK_RETRIES` def with_lock_retries(*args, **kwargs, &block) raise_on_exhaustion = !!kwargs.delete(:raise_on_exhaustion) merged_args = { connection: connection, klass: self.class, logger: Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::Logger, allow_savepoints: true }.merge(kwargs) Gitlab::Database::WithLockRetries.new(**merged_args) .run(raise_on_exhaustion: raise_on_exhaustion, &block) end def true_value Database.true_value end def false_value Database.false_value end # Updates the value of a column in batches. # # This method updates the table in batches of 5% of the total row count. # A `batch_size` option can also be passed to set this to a fixed number. # This method will continue updating rows until no rows remain. # # When given a block this method will yield two values to the block: # # 1. An instance of `Arel::Table` for the table that is being updated. # 2. The query to run as an Arel object. # # By supplying a block one can add extra conditions to the queries being # executed. Note that the same block is used for _all_ queries. # # Example: # # update_column_in_batches(:projects, :foo, 10) do |table, query| # query.where(table[:some_column].eq('hello')) # end # # This would result in this method updating only rows where # `projects.some_column` equals "hello". # # table - The name of the table. # column - The name of the column to update. # value - The value for the column. # # The `value` argument is typically a literal. To perform a computed # update, an Arel literal can be used instead: # # update_value = Arel.sql('bar * baz') # # update_column_in_batches(:projects, :foo, update_value) do |table, query| # query.where(table[:some_column].eq('hello')) # end # # Rubocop's Metrics/AbcSize metric is disabled for this method as Rubocop # determines this method to be too complex while there's no way to make it # less "complex" without introducing extra methods (which actually will # make things _more_ complex). # # `batch_column_name` option is for tables without primary key, in this # case another unique integer column can be used. Example: :user_id # # rubocop: disable Metrics/AbcSize def update_column_in_batches(table, column, value, batch_size: nil, batch_column_name: :id) if transaction_open? raise 'update_column_in_batches can not be run inside a transaction, ' \ 'you can disable transactions by calling disable_ddl_transaction! ' \ 'in the body of your migration class' end table = Arel::Table.new(table) count_arel = table.project(Arel.star.count.as('count')) count_arel = yield table, count_arel if block_given? total = exec_query(count_arel.to_sql).to_a.first['count'].to_i return if total == 0 if batch_size.nil? # Update in batches of 5% until we run out of any rows to update. batch_size = ((total / 100.0) * 5.0).ceil max_size = 1000 # The upper limit is 1000 to ensure we don't lock too many rows. For # example, for "merge_requests" even 1% of the table is around 35 000 # rows for GitLab.com. batch_size = max_size if batch_size > max_size end start_arel = table.project(table[batch_column_name]).order(table[batch_column_name].asc).take(1) start_arel = yield table, start_arel if block_given? start_id = exec_query(start_arel.to_sql).to_a.first[batch_column_name.to_s].to_i loop do stop_arel = table.project(table[batch_column_name]) .where(table[batch_column_name].gteq(start_id)) .order(table[batch_column_name].asc) .take(1) .skip(batch_size) stop_arel = yield table, stop_arel if block_given? stop_row = exec_query(stop_arel.to_sql).to_a.first update_arel = Arel::UpdateManager.new .table(table) .set([[table[column], value]]) .where(table[batch_column_name].gteq(start_id)) if stop_row stop_id = stop_row[batch_column_name.to_s].to_i start_id = stop_id update_arel = update_arel.where(table[batch_column_name].lt(stop_id)) end update_arel = yield table, update_arel if block_given? execute(update_arel.to_sql) # There are no more rows left to update. break unless stop_row end end # Adds a column with a default value without locking an entire table. # # @deprecated With PostgreSQL 11, adding columns with a default does not lead to a table rewrite anymore. # As such, this method is not needed anymore and the default `add_column` helper should be used. # This helper is subject to be removed in a >13.0 release. def add_column_with_default(table, column, type, default:, limit: nil, allow_null: false) raise 'Deprecated: add_column_with_default does not support being passed blocks anymore' if block_given? add_column(table, column, type, default: default, limit: limit, null: allow_null) end # Renames a column without requiring downtime. # # Concurrent renames work by using database triggers to ensure both the # old and new column are in sync. However, this method will _not_ remove # the triggers or the old column automatically; this needs to be done # manually in a post-deployment migration. This can be done using the # method `cleanup_concurrent_column_rename`. # # table - The name of the database table containing the column. # old - The old column name. # new - The new column name. # type - The type of the new column. If no type is given the old column's # type is used. # batch_column_name - option is for tables without primary key, in this # case another unique integer column can be used. Example: :user_id def rename_column_concurrently(table, old, new, type: nil, type_cast_function: nil, batch_column_name: :id) unless column_exists?(table, batch_column_name) raise "Column #{batch_column_name} does not exist on #{table}" end if transaction_open? raise 'rename_column_concurrently can not be run inside a transaction' end check_trigger_permissions!(table) create_column_from(table, old, new, type: type, batch_column_name: batch_column_name, type_cast_function: type_cast_function) install_rename_triggers(table, old, new) end # Reverses operations performed by rename_column_concurrently. # # This method takes care of removing previously installed triggers as well # as removing the new column. # # table - The name of the database table. # old - The name of the old column. # new - The name of the new column. def undo_rename_column_concurrently(table, old, new) trigger_name = rename_trigger_name(table, old, new) check_trigger_permissions!(table) remove_rename_triggers(table, trigger_name) remove_column(table, new) end # Installs triggers in a table that keep a new column in sync with an old # one. # # table - The name of the table to install the trigger in. # old_column - The name of the old column. # new_column - The name of the new column. # trigger_name - The name of the trigger to use (optional). def install_rename_triggers(table, old, new, trigger_name: nil) Gitlab::Database::UnidirectionalCopyTrigger.on_table(table, connection: connection).create(old, new, trigger_name: trigger_name) end # Removes the triggers used for renaming a column concurrently. def remove_rename_triggers(table, trigger) Gitlab::Database::UnidirectionalCopyTrigger.on_table(table, connection: connection).drop(trigger) end # Returns the (base) name to use for triggers when renaming columns. def rename_trigger_name(table, old, new) Gitlab::Database::UnidirectionalCopyTrigger.on_table(table, connection: connection).name(old, new) end # Changes the type of a column concurrently. # # table - The table containing the column. # column - The name of the column to change. # new_type - The new column type. def change_column_type_concurrently(table, column, new_type, type_cast_function: nil, batch_column_name: :id) temp_column = "#{column}_for_type_change" rename_column_concurrently(table, column, temp_column, type: new_type, type_cast_function: type_cast_function, batch_column_name: batch_column_name) end # Reverses operations performed by change_column_type_concurrently. # # table - The table containing the column. # column - The name of the column to change. def undo_change_column_type_concurrently(table, column) temp_column = "#{column}_for_type_change" undo_rename_column_concurrently(table, column, temp_column) end # Performs cleanup of a concurrent type change. # # table - The table containing the column. # column - The name of the column to change. # new_type - The new column type. def cleanup_concurrent_column_type_change(table, column) temp_column = "#{column}_for_type_change" transaction do # This has to be performed in a transaction as otherwise we might have # inconsistent data. cleanup_concurrent_column_rename(table, column, temp_column) rename_column(table, temp_column, column) end end # Reverses operations performed by cleanup_concurrent_column_type_change. # # table - The table containing the column. # column - The name of the column to change. # old_type - The type of the original column used with change_column_type_concurrently. # type_cast_function - Required if the conversion back to the original type is not automatic # batch_column_name - option for tables without a primary key, in this case # another unique integer column can be used. Example: :user_id def undo_cleanup_concurrent_column_type_change(table, column, old_type, type_cast_function: nil, batch_column_name: :id, limit: nil) temp_column = "#{column}_for_type_change" # Using a descriptive name that includes orinal column's name risks # taking us above the 63 character limit, so we use a hash identifier = "#{table}_#{column}_for_type_change" hashed_identifier = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(identifier).first(10) temp_undo_cleanup_column = "tmp_undo_cleanup_column_#{hashed_identifier}" unless column_exists?(table, batch_column_name) raise "Column #{batch_column_name} does not exist on #{table}" end if transaction_open? raise 'undo_cleanup_concurrent_column_type_change can not be run inside a transaction' end check_trigger_permissions!(table) begin create_column_from( table, column, temp_undo_cleanup_column, type: old_type, batch_column_name: batch_column_name, type_cast_function: type_cast_function, limit: limit ) transaction do # This has to be performed in a transaction as otherwise we might # have inconsistent data. rename_column(table, column, temp_column) rename_column(table, temp_undo_cleanup_column, column) install_rename_triggers(table, column, temp_column) end rescue StandardError # create_column_from can not run inside a transaction, which means # that there is a risk that if any of the operations that follow it # fail, we'll be left with an inconsistent schema # For those reasons, we make sure that we drop temp_undo_cleanup_column # if an error is caught if column_exists?(table, temp_undo_cleanup_column) remove_column(table, temp_undo_cleanup_column) end raise end end # Cleans up a concurrent column name. # # This method takes care of removing previously installed triggers as well # as removing the old column. # # table - The name of the database table. # old - The name of the old column. # new - The name of the new column. def cleanup_concurrent_column_rename(table, old, new) trigger_name = rename_trigger_name(table, old, new) check_trigger_permissions!(table) remove_rename_triggers(table, trigger_name) remove_column(table, old) end # Reverses the operations performed by cleanup_concurrent_column_rename. # # This method adds back the old_column removed # by cleanup_concurrent_column_rename. # It also adds back the (old_column > new_column) trigger that is removed # by cleanup_concurrent_column_rename. # # table - The name of the database table containing the column. # old - The old column name. # new - The new column name. # type - The type of the old column. If no type is given the new column's # type is used. # batch_column_name - option is for tables without primary key, in this # case another unique integer column can be used. Example: :user_id def undo_cleanup_concurrent_column_rename(table, old, new, type: nil, batch_column_name: :id) unless column_exists?(table, batch_column_name) raise "Column #{batch_column_name} does not exist on #{table}" end if transaction_open? raise 'undo_cleanup_concurrent_column_rename can not be run inside a transaction' end check_trigger_permissions!(table) create_column_from(table, new, old, type: type, batch_column_name: batch_column_name) install_rename_triggers(table, old, new) end def convert_to_bigint_column(column) "#{column}_convert_to_bigint" end # Initializes the conversion of a set of integer columns to bigint # # It can be used for converting both a Primary Key and any Foreign Keys # that may reference it or any other integer column that we may want to # upgrade (e.g. columns that store IDs, but are not set as FKs). # # - For primary keys and Foreign Keys (or other columns) defined as NOT NULL, # the new bigint column is added with a hardcoded NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 # which allows us to skip a very costly verification step once we # are ready to switch it. # This is crucial for Primary Key conversions, because setting a column # as the PK converts even check constraints to NOT NULL constraints # and forces an inline re-verification of the whole table. # - It sets up a trigger to keep the two columns in sync. # # Note: this helper is intended to be used in a regular (pre-deployment) migration. # # This helper is part 1 of a multi-step migration process: # 1. initialize_conversion_of_integer_to_bigint to create the new columns and database trigger # 2. backfill_conversion_of_integer_to_bigint to copy historic data using background migrations # 3. remaining steps TBD, see #288005 # # table - The name of the database table containing the column # columns - The name, or array of names, of the column(s) that we want to convert to bigint. # primary_key - The name of the primary key column (most often :id) def initialize_conversion_of_integer_to_bigint(table, columns, primary_key: :id) create_temporary_columns_and_triggers(table, columns, primary_key: primary_key, data_type: :bigint) end # Reverts `initialize_conversion_of_integer_to_bigint` # # table - The name of the database table containing the columns # columns - The name, or array of names, of the column(s) that we're converting to bigint. def revert_initialize_conversion_of_integer_to_bigint(table, columns) columns = Array.wrap(columns) temporary_columns = columns.map { |column| convert_to_bigint_column(column) } trigger_name = rename_trigger_name(table, columns, temporary_columns) remove_rename_triggers(table, trigger_name) temporary_columns.each { |column| remove_column(table, column) } end alias_method :cleanup_conversion_of_integer_to_bigint, :revert_initialize_conversion_of_integer_to_bigint # Reverts `cleanup_conversion_of_integer_to_bigint` # # table - The name of the database table containing the columns # columns - The name, or array of names, of the column(s) that we have converted to bigint. # primary_key - The name of the primary key column (most often :id) def restore_conversion_of_integer_to_bigint(table, columns, primary_key: :id) create_temporary_columns_and_triggers(table, columns, primary_key: primary_key, data_type: :int) end # Backfills the new columns used in an integer-to-bigint conversion using background migrations. # # - This helper should be called from a post-deployment migration. # - In order for this helper to work properly, the new columns must be first initialized with # the `initialize_conversion_of_integer_to_bigint` helper. # - It tracks the scheduled background jobs through Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration, # which allows a more thorough check that all jobs succeeded in the # cleanup migration and is way faster for very large tables. # # Note: this helper is intended to be used in a post-deployment migration, to ensure any new code is # deployed (including background job changes) before we begin processing the background migration. # # This helper is part 2 of a multi-step migration process: # 1. initialize_conversion_of_integer_to_bigint to create the new columns and database trigger # 2. backfill_conversion_of_integer_to_bigint to copy historic data using background migrations # 3. remaining steps TBD, see #288005 # # table - The name of the database table containing the column # columns - The name, or an array of names, of the column(s) we want to convert to bigint. # primary_key - The name of the primary key column (most often :id) # batch_size - The number of rows to schedule in a single background migration # sub_batch_size - The smaller batches that will be used by each scheduled job # to update the table. Useful to keep each update at ~100ms while executing # more updates per interval (2.minutes) # Note that each execution of a sub-batch adds a constant 100ms sleep # time in between the updates, which must be taken into account # while calculating the batch, sub_batch and interval values. # interval - The time interval between every background migration # # example: # Assume that we have figured out that updating 200 records of the events # table takes ~100ms on average. # We can set the sub_batch_size to 200, leave the interval to the default # and set the batch_size to 50_000 which will require # ~50s = (50000 / 200) * (0.1 + 0.1) to complete and leaves breathing space # between the scheduled jobs def backfill_conversion_of_integer_to_bigint( table, columns, primary_key: :id, batch_size: 20_000, sub_batch_size: 1000, interval: 2.minutes ) unless table_exists?(table) raise "Table #{table} does not exist" end unless column_exists?(table, primary_key) raise "Column #{primary_key} does not exist on #{table}" end conversions = Array.wrap(columns).to_h do |column| raise ArgumentError, "Column #{column} does not exist on #{table}" unless column_exists?(table, column) temporary_name = convert_to_bigint_column(column) raise ArgumentError, "Column #{temporary_name} does not exist on #{table}" unless column_exists?(table, temporary_name) [column, temporary_name] end queue_batched_background_migration( 'CopyColumnUsingBackgroundMigrationJob', table, primary_key, conversions.keys, conversions.values, job_interval: interval, batch_size: batch_size, sub_batch_size: sub_batch_size) end # Reverts `backfill_conversion_of_integer_to_bigint` # # table - The name of the database table containing the column # columns - The name, or an array of names, of the column(s) we want to convert to bigint. # primary_key - The name of the primary key column (most often :id) def revert_backfill_conversion_of_integer_to_bigint(table, columns, primary_key: :id) columns = Array.wrap(columns) conditions = ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize_sql([ 'job_class_name = :job_class_name AND table_name = :table_name AND column_name = :column_name AND job_arguments = :job_arguments', job_class_name: 'CopyColumnUsingBackgroundMigrationJob', table_name: table, column_name: primary_key, job_arguments: [columns, columns.map { |column| convert_to_bigint_column(column) }].to_json ]) execute("DELETE FROM batched_background_migrations WHERE #{conditions}") end def ensure_batched_background_migration_is_finished(job_class_name:, table_name:, column_name:, job_arguments:) migration = Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration .for_configuration(job_class_name, table_name, column_name, job_arguments).first configuration = { job_class_name: job_class_name, table_name: table_name, column_name: column_name, job_arguments: job_arguments } if migration.nil? Gitlab::AppLogger.warn "Could not find batched background migration for the given configuration: #{configuration}" elsif !migration.finished? raise "Expected batched background migration for the given configuration to be marked as 'finished', " \ "but it is '#{migration.status}':" \ "\t#{configuration}" \ "\n\n" \ "Finalize it manualy by running" \ "\n\n" \ "\tsudo gitlab-rake gitlab:background_migrations:finalize[#{job_class_name},#{table_name},#{column_name},'#{job_arguments.inspect.gsub(',', '\,')}']" \ "\n\n" \ "For more information, check the documentation" \ "\n\n" \ "\thttps://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/admin_area/monitoring/background_migrations.html#database-migrations-failing-because-of-batched-background-migration-not-finished" end end # Returns an Array containing the indexes for the given column def indexes_for(table, column) column = column.to_s indexes(table).select { |index| index.columns.include?(column) } end # Returns an Array containing the foreign keys for the given column. def foreign_keys_for(table, column) column = column.to_s foreign_keys(table).select { |fk| fk.column == column } end # Copies all indexes for the old column to a new column. # # table - The table containing the columns and indexes. # old - The old column. # new - The new column. def copy_indexes(table, old, new) old = old.to_s new = new.to_s indexes_for(table, old).each do |index| new_columns = index.columns.map do |column| column == old ? new : column end # This is necessary as we can't properly rename indexes such as # "ci_taggings_idx". unless index.name.include?(old) raise "The index #{index.name} can not be copied as it does not "\ "mention the old column. You have to rename this index manually first." end name = index.name.gsub(old, new) options = { unique: index.unique, name: name, length: index.lengths, order: index.orders } options[:using] = index.using if index.using options[:where] = index.where if index.where unless index.opclasses.blank? opclasses = index.opclasses.dup # Copy the operator classes for the old column (if any) to the new # column. opclasses[new] = opclasses.delete(old) if opclasses[old] options[:opclass] = opclasses end add_concurrent_index(table, new_columns, options) end end # Copies all foreign keys for the old column to the new column. # # table - The table containing the columns and indexes. # old - The old column. # new - The new column. def copy_foreign_keys(table, old, new) foreign_keys_for(table, old).each do |fk| add_concurrent_foreign_key(fk.from_table, fk.to_table, column: new, on_delete: fk.on_delete) end end # Returns the column for the given table and column name. def column_for(table, name) name = name.to_s column = columns(table).find { |column| column.name == name } raise(missing_schema_object_message(table, "column", name)) if column.nil? column end # This will replace the first occurrence of a string in a column with # the replacement using `regexp_replace` def replace_sql(column, pattern, replacement) quoted_pattern = Arel::Nodes::Quoted.new(pattern.to_s) quoted_replacement = Arel::Nodes::Quoted.new(replacement.to_s) replace = Arel::Nodes::NamedFunction.new( "regexp_replace", [column, quoted_pattern, quoted_replacement] ) Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral.new(replace.to_sql) end def remove_foreign_key_if_exists(source, target = nil, **kwargs) reverse_lock_order = kwargs.delete(:reverse_lock_order) return unless foreign_key_exists?(source, target, **kwargs) if target && reverse_lock_order && transaction_open? execute("LOCK TABLE #{target}, #{source} IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE") end if target remove_foreign_key(source, target, **kwargs) else remove_foreign_key(source, **kwargs) end end def remove_foreign_key_without_error(*args, **kwargs) remove_foreign_key(*args, **kwargs) rescue ArgumentError end def sidekiq_queue_migrate(queue_from, to:) while sidekiq_queue_length(queue_from) > 0 Sidekiq.redis do |conn| conn.rpoplpush "queue:#{queue_from}", "queue:#{to}" end end end def sidekiq_queue_length(queue_name) Sidekiq.redis do |conn| conn.llen("queue:#{queue_name}") end end def check_trigger_permissions!(table) unless Grant.create_and_execute_trigger?(table) dbname = ApplicationRecord.database.database_name user = ApplicationRecord.database.username raise <<-EOF Your database user is not allowed to create, drop, or execute triggers on the table #{table}. If you are using PostgreSQL you can solve this by logging in to the GitLab database (#{dbname}) using a super user and running: ALTER #{user} WITH SUPERUSER This query will grant the user super user permissions, ensuring you don't run into similar problems in the future (e.g. when new tables are created). EOF end end # Fetches indexes on a column by name for postgres. # # This will include indexes using an expression on the column, for example: # `CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_name ON table (LOWER(column));` # # We can remove this when upgrading to Rails 5 with an updated `index_exists?`: # - https://github.com/rails/rails/commit/edc2b7718725016e988089b5fb6d6fb9d6e16882 # # Or this can be removed when we no longer support postgres < 9.5, so we # can use `CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS`. def index_exists_by_name?(table, index) # We can't fall back to the normal `index_exists?` method because that # does not find indexes without passing a column name. if indexes(table).map(&:name).include?(index.to_s) true else postgres_exists_by_name?(table, index) end end def postgres_exists_by_name?(table, name) index_sql = <<~SQL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = #{connection.quote(current_schema)} AND tablename = #{connection.quote(table)} AND indexname = #{connection.quote(name)} SQL connection.select_value(index_sql).to_i > 0 end def create_or_update_plan_limit(limit_name, plan_name, limit_value) limit_name_quoted = quote_column_name(limit_name) plan_name_quoted = quote(plan_name) limit_value_quoted = quote(limit_value) execute <<~SQL INSERT INTO plan_limits (plan_id, #{limit_name_quoted}) SELECT id, #{limit_value_quoted} FROM plans WHERE name = #{plan_name_quoted} LIMIT 1 ON CONFLICT (plan_id) DO UPDATE SET #{limit_name_quoted} = EXCLUDED.#{limit_name_quoted}; SQL end # Note this should only be used with very small tables def backfill_iids(table) sql = <<-END UPDATE #{table} SET iid = #{table}_with_calculated_iid.iid_num FROM ( SELECT id, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY project_id ORDER BY id ASC) AS iid_num FROM #{table} ) AS #{table}_with_calculated_iid WHERE #{table}.id = #{table}_with_calculated_iid.id END execute(sql) end # Returns the name for a check constraint # # type: # - Any value, as long as it is unique # - Constraint names are unique per table in Postgres, and, additionally, # we can have multiple check constraints over a column # So we use the (table, column, type) triplet as a unique name # - e.g. we use 'max_length' when adding checks for text limits # or 'not_null' when adding a NOT NULL constraint # def check_constraint_name(table, column, type) identifier = "#{table}_#{column}_check_#{type}" # Check concurrent_foreign_key_name() for info on why we use a hash hashed_identifier = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(identifier).first(10) "check_#{hashed_identifier}" end def check_constraint_exists?(table, constraint_name) # Constraint names are unique per table in Postgres, not per schema # Two tables can have constraints with the same name, so we filter by # the table name in addition to using the constraint_name check_sql = <<~SQL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint con INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class rel ON rel.oid = con.conrelid INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace nsp ON nsp.oid = con.connamespace WHERE con.contype = 'c' AND con.conname = #{connection.quote(constraint_name)} AND nsp.nspname = #{connection.quote(current_schema)} AND rel.relname = #{connection.quote(table)} SQL connection.select_value(check_sql) > 0 end # Adds a check constraint to a table # # This method is the generic helper for adding any check constraint # More specialized helpers may use it (e.g. add_text_limit or add_not_null) # # This method only requires minimal locking: # - The constraint is added using NOT VALID # This allows us to add the check constraint without validating it # - The check will be enforced for new data (inserts) coming in # - If `validate: true` the constraint is also validated # Otherwise, validate_check_constraint() can be used at a later stage # - Check comments on add_concurrent_foreign_key for more info # # table - The table the constraint will be added to # check - The check clause to add # e.g. 'char_length(name) <= 5' or 'store IS NOT NULL' # constraint_name - The name of the check constraint (otherwise auto-generated) # Should be unique per table (not per column) # validate - Whether to validate the constraint in this call # def add_check_constraint(table, check, constraint_name, validate: true) # Transactions would result in ALTER TABLE locks being held for the # duration of the transaction, defeating the purpose of this method. validate_not_in_transaction!(:add_check_constraint) validate_check_constraint_name!(constraint_name) if check_constraint_exists?(table, constraint_name) warning_message = <<~MESSAGE Check constraint was not created because it exists already (this may be due to an aborted migration or similar) table: #{table}, check: #{check}, constraint name: #{constraint_name} MESSAGE Gitlab::AppLogger.warn warning_message else # Only add the constraint without validating it # Even though it is fast, ADD CONSTRAINT requires an EXCLUSIVE lock # Use with_lock_retries to make sure that this operation # will not timeout on tables accessed by many processes with_lock_retries do execute <<-EOF.strip_heredoc ALTER TABLE #{table} ADD CONSTRAINT #{constraint_name} CHECK ( #{check} ) NOT VALID; EOF end end if validate validate_check_constraint(table, constraint_name) end end def validate_check_constraint(table, constraint_name) validate_check_constraint_name!(constraint_name) unless check_constraint_exists?(table, constraint_name) raise missing_schema_object_message(table, "check constraint", constraint_name) end disable_statement_timeout do # VALIDATE CONSTRAINT only requires a SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE LOCK # It only conflicts with other validations and creating indexes execute("ALTER TABLE #{table} VALIDATE CONSTRAINT #{constraint_name};") end end def remove_check_constraint(table, constraint_name) # This is technically not necessary, but aligned with add_check_constraint # and allows us to continue use with_lock_retries here validate_not_in_transaction!(:remove_check_constraint) validate_check_constraint_name!(constraint_name) # DROP CONSTRAINT requires an EXCLUSIVE lock # Use with_lock_retries to make sure that this will not timeout with_lock_retries do execute <<-EOF.strip_heredoc ALTER TABLE #{table} DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS #{constraint_name} EOF end end # Copies all check constraints for the old column to the new column. # # table - The table containing the columns. # old - The old column. # new - The new column. # schema - The schema the table is defined for # If it is not provided, then the current_schema is used def copy_check_constraints(table, old, new, schema: nil) if transaction_open? raise 'copy_check_constraints can not be run inside a transaction' end unless column_exists?(table, old) raise "Column #{old} does not exist on #{table}" end unless column_exists?(table, new) raise "Column #{new} does not exist on #{table}" end table_with_schema = schema.present? ? "#{schema}.#{table}" : table check_constraints_for(table, old, schema: schema).each do |check_c| validate = !(check_c["constraint_def"].end_with? "NOT VALID") # Normalize: # - Old constraint definitions: # '(char_length(entity_path) <= 5500)' # - Definitionss from pg_get_constraintdef(oid): # 'CHECK ((char_length(entity_path) <= 5500))' # - Definitions from pg_get_constraintdef(oid, pretty_bool): # 'CHECK (char_length(entity_path) <= 5500)' # - Not valid constraints: 'CHECK (...) NOT VALID' # to a single format that we can use: # '(char_length(entity_path) <= 5500)' check_definition = check_c["constraint_def"] .sub(/^\s*(CHECK)?\s*\({0,2}/, '(') .sub(/\){0,2}\s*(NOT VALID)?\s*$/, ')') constraint_name = begin if check_definition == "(#{old} IS NOT NULL)" not_null_constraint_name(table_with_schema, new) elsif check_definition.start_with? "(char_length(#{old}) <=" text_limit_name(table_with_schema, new) else check_constraint_name(table_with_schema, new, 'copy_check_constraint') end end add_check_constraint( table_with_schema, check_definition.gsub(old.to_s, new.to_s), constraint_name, validate: validate ) end end # Migration Helpers for adding limit to text columns def add_text_limit(table, column, limit, constraint_name: nil, validate: true) add_check_constraint( table, "char_length(#{column}) <= #{limit}", text_limit_name(table, column, name: constraint_name), validate: validate ) end def validate_text_limit(table, column, constraint_name: nil) validate_check_constraint(table, text_limit_name(table, column, name: constraint_name)) end def remove_text_limit(table, column, constraint_name: nil) remove_check_constraint(table, text_limit_name(table, column, name: constraint_name)) end def check_text_limit_exists?(table, column, constraint_name: nil) check_constraint_exists?(table, text_limit_name(table, column, name: constraint_name)) end # Migration Helpers for managing not null constraints def add_not_null_constraint(table, column, constraint_name: nil, validate: true) if column_is_nullable?(table, column) add_check_constraint( table, "#{column} IS NOT NULL", not_null_constraint_name(table, column, name: constraint_name), validate: validate ) else warning_message = <<~MESSAGE NOT NULL check constraint was not created: column #{table}.#{column} is already defined as `NOT NULL` MESSAGE Gitlab::AppLogger.warn warning_message end end def validate_not_null_constraint(table, column, constraint_name: nil) validate_check_constraint( table, not_null_constraint_name(table, column, name: constraint_name) ) end def remove_not_null_constraint(table, column, constraint_name: nil) remove_check_constraint( table, not_null_constraint_name(table, column, name: constraint_name) ) end def check_not_null_constraint_exists?(table, column, constraint_name: nil) check_constraint_exists?( table, not_null_constraint_name(table, column, name: constraint_name) ) end def create_extension(extension) execute('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS %s' % extension) rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => e dbname = ApplicationRecord.database.database_name user = ApplicationRecord.database.username warn(<<~MSG) if e.to_s =~ /permission denied/ GitLab requires the PostgreSQL extension '#{extension}' installed in database '#{dbname}', but the database user is not allowed to install the extension. You can either install the extension manually using a database superuser: CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS #{extension} Or, you can solve this by logging in to the GitLab database (#{dbname}) using a superuser and running: ALTER #{user} WITH SUPERUSER This query will grant the user superuser permissions, ensuring any database extensions can be installed through migrations. For more information, refer to https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/install/postgresql_extensions.html. MSG raise end def drop_extension(extension) execute('DROP EXTENSION IF EXISTS %s' % extension) rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => e dbname = ApplicationRecord.database.database_name user = ApplicationRecord.database.username warn(<<~MSG) if e.to_s =~ /permission denied/ This migration attempts to drop the PostgreSQL extension '#{extension}' installed in database '#{dbname}', but the database user is not allowed to drop the extension. You can either drop the extension manually using a database superuser: DROP EXTENSION IF EXISTS #{extension} Or, you can solve this by logging in to the GitLab database (#{dbname}) using a superuser and running: ALTER #{user} WITH SUPERUSER This query will grant the user superuser permissions, ensuring any database extensions can be dropped through migrations. For more information, refer to https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/install/postgresql_extensions.html. MSG raise end def rename_constraint(table_name, old_name, new_name) execute <<~SQL ALTER TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} RENAME CONSTRAINT #{quote_column_name(old_name)} TO #{quote_column_name(new_name)} SQL end private def create_temporary_columns_and_triggers(table, columns, primary_key: :id, data_type: :bigint) unless table_exists?(table) raise "Table #{table} does not exist" end unless column_exists?(table, primary_key) raise "Column #{primary_key} does not exist on #{table}" end columns = Array.wrap(columns) columns.each do |column| next if column_exists?(table, column) raise ArgumentError, "Column #{column} does not exist on #{table}" end check_trigger_permissions!(table) conversions = columns.to_h { |column| [column, convert_to_bigint_column(column)] } with_lock_retries do conversions.each do |(source_column, temporary_name)| column = column_for(table, source_column) if (column.name.to_s == primary_key.to_s) || !column.null # If the column to be converted is either a PK or is defined as NOT NULL, # set it to `NOT NULL DEFAULT 0` and we'll copy paste the correct values bellow # That way, we skip the expensive validation step required to add # a NOT NULL constraint at the end of the process add_column(table, temporary_name, data_type, default: column.default || 0, null: false) else add_column(table, temporary_name, data_type, default: column.default) end end install_rename_triggers(table, conversions.keys, conversions.values) end end def validate_check_constraint_name!(constraint_name) if constraint_name.to_s.length > MAX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_LENGTH raise "The maximum allowed constraint name is #{MAX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_LENGTH} characters" end end # Returns an ActiveRecord::Result containing the check constraints # defined for the given column. # # If the schema is not provided, then the current_schema is used def check_constraints_for(table, column, schema: nil) check_sql = <<~SQL SELECT ccu.table_schema as schema_name, ccu.table_name as table_name, ccu.column_name as column_name, con.conname as constraint_name, pg_get_constraintdef(con.oid) as constraint_def FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint con INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class rel ON rel.oid = con.conrelid INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace nsp ON nsp.oid = con.connamespace INNER JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage ccu ON con.conname = ccu.constraint_name AND nsp.nspname = ccu.constraint_schema AND rel.relname = ccu.table_name WHERE nsp.nspname = #{connection.quote(schema.presence || current_schema)} AND rel.relname = #{connection.quote(table)} AND ccu.column_name = #{connection.quote(column)} AND con.contype = 'c' ORDER BY constraint_name SQL connection.exec_query(check_sql) end def statement_timeout_disabled? # This is a string of the form "100ms" or "0" when disabled connection.select_value('SHOW statement_timeout') == "0" end def column_is_nullable?(table, column) # Check if table.column has not been defined with NOT NULL check_sql = <<~SQL SELECT c.is_nullable FROM information_schema.columns c WHERE c.table_schema = #{connection.quote(current_schema)} AND c.table_name = #{connection.quote(table)} AND c.column_name = #{connection.quote(column)} SQL connection.select_value(check_sql) == 'YES' end def text_limit_name(table, column, name: nil) name.presence || check_constraint_name(table, column, 'max_length') end def not_null_constraint_name(table, column, name: nil) name.presence || check_constraint_name(table, column, 'not_null') end def missing_schema_object_message(table, type, name) <<~MESSAGE Could not find #{type} "#{name}" on table "#{table}" which was referenced during the migration. This issue could be caused by the database schema straying from the expected state. To resolve this issue, please verify: 1. all previous migrations have completed 2. the database objects used in this migration match the Rails definition in schema.rb or structure.sql MESSAGE end def tables_match?(target_table, foreign_key_table) target_table.blank? || foreign_key_table == target_table end def options_match?(foreign_key_options, options) options.all? { |k, v| foreign_key_options[k].to_s == v.to_s } end def on_delete_statement(on_delete) return '' if on_delete.blank? return 'ON DELETE SET NULL' if on_delete == :nullify "ON DELETE #{on_delete.upcase}" end def create_column_from(table, old, new, type: nil, batch_column_name: :id, type_cast_function: nil, limit: nil) old_col = column_for(table, old) new_type = type || old_col.type new_limit = limit || old_col.limit add_column(table, new, new_type, limit: new_limit, precision: old_col.precision, scale: old_col.scale) # We set the default value _after_ adding the column so we don't end up # updating any existing data with the default value. This isn't # necessary since we copy over old values further down. change_column_default(table, new, old_col.default) unless old_col.default.nil? old_value = Arel::Table.new(table)[old] if type_cast_function.present? old_value = Arel::Nodes::NamedFunction.new(type_cast_function, [old_value]) end update_column_in_batches(table, new, old_value, batch_column_name: batch_column_name) add_not_null_constraint(table, new) unless old_col.null copy_indexes(table, old, new) copy_foreign_keys(table, old, new) copy_check_constraints(table, old, new) end def validate_timestamp_column_name!(column_name) return if column_name.to_s.end_with?('_at') raise <<~MESSAGE Illegal timestamp column name! Got #{column_name}. Must end with `_at`} MESSAGE end def validate_not_in_transaction!(method_name, modifier = nil) return unless transaction_open? raise <<~ERROR #{["`#{method_name}`", modifier].compact.join(' ')} cannot be run inside a transaction. You can disable transactions by calling `disable_ddl_transaction!` in the body of your migration class ERROR end end end end