class Spinach::Features::AdminApplications < Spinach::FeatureSteps include SharedAuthentication include SharedPaths include SharedAdmin step 'I click on new application button' do click_on 'New Application' end step 'I should see application form' do page.should have_content "New application" end step 'I fill application form out and submit' do fill_in :doorkeeper_application_name, with: 'test' fill_in :doorkeeper_application_redirect_uri, with: '' click_on "Submit" end step 'I see application' do page.should have_content "Application: test" page.should have_content "Application Id" page.should have_content "Secret" end step 'I click edit' do click_on "Edit" end step 'I see edit application form' do page.should have_content "Edit application" end step 'I change name of application and submit' do page.should have_content "Edit application" fill_in :doorkeeper_application_name, with: 'test_changed' click_on "Submit" end step 'I see that application was changed' do page.should have_content "test_changed" page.should have_content "Application Id" page.should have_content "Secret" end step 'I click to remove application' do within '.oauth-applications' do click_on "Destroy" end end step "I see that application is removed" do page.find(".oauth-applications").should_not have_content "test_changed" end end