import mutations from '~/notes/stores/mutations'; import { note, discussionMock, notesDataMock, userDataMock, noteableDataMock, individualNote } from '../mock_data'; describe('Notes Store mutations', () => { describe('ADD_NEW_NOTE', () => { let state; let noteData; beforeEach(() => { state = { notes: [] }; noteData = { expanded: true, id: note.discussion_id, individual_note: true, notes: [note], reply_id: note.discussion_id, }; mutations.ADD_NEW_NOTE(state, note); }); it('should add a new note to an array of notes', () => { expect(state).toEqual({ notes: [noteData], }); expect(state.notes.length).toBe(1); }); it('should not add the same note to the notes array', () => { mutations.ADD_NEW_NOTE(state, note); expect(state.notes.length).toBe(1); }); }); describe('ADD_NEW_REPLY_TO_DISCUSSION', () => { it('should add a reply to a specific discussion', () => { const state = { notes: [discussionMock] }; const newReply = Object.assign({}, note, { discussion_id: }); mutations.ADD_NEW_REPLY_TO_DISCUSSION(state, newReply); expect(state.notes[0].notes.length).toEqual(4); }); }); describe('DELETE_NOTE', () => { it('should delete a note ', () => { const state = { notes: [discussionMock] }; const toDelete = discussionMock.notes[0]; const lengthBefore = discussionMock.notes.length; mutations.DELETE_NOTE(state, toDelete); expect(state.notes[0].notes.length).toEqual(lengthBefore - 1); }); }); describe('REMOVE_PLACEHOLDER_NOTES', () => { it('should remove all placeholder notes in indivudal notes and discussion', () => { const placeholderNote = Object.assign({}, individualNote, { isPlaceholderNote: true }); const state = { notes: [placeholderNote] }; mutations.REMOVE_PLACEHOLDER_NOTES(state); expect(state.notes).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('SET_NOTES_DATA', () => { it('should set an object with notesData', () => { const state = { notesData: {}, }; mutations.SET_NOTES_DATA(state, notesDataMock); expect(state.notesData).toEqual(notesDataMock); }); }); describe('SET_NOTEABLE_DATA', () => { it('should set the issue data', () => { const state = { noteableData: {}, }; mutations.SET_NOTEABLE_DATA(state, noteableDataMock); expect(state.noteableData).toEqual(noteableDataMock); }); }); describe('SET_USER_DATA', () => { it('should set the user data', () => { const state = { userData: {}, }; mutations.SET_USER_DATA(state, userDataMock); expect(state.userData).toEqual(userDataMock); }); }); describe('SET_INITIAL_NOTES', () => { it('should set the initial notes received', () => { const state = { notes: [], }; const legacyNote = { id: 2, individual_note: true, notes: [{ note: '1', }, { note: '2', }], }; mutations.SET_INITIAL_NOTES(state, [note, legacyNote]); expect(state.notes[0].id).toEqual(; expect(state.notes[1].notes[0].note).toBe(legacyNote.notes[0].note); expect(state.notes[2].notes[0].note).toBe(legacyNote.notes[1].note); expect(state.notes.length).toEqual(3); }); }); describe('SET_LAST_FETCHED_AT', () => { it('should set timestamp', () => { const state = { lastFetchedAt: [], }; mutations.SET_LAST_FETCHED_AT(state, 'timestamp'); expect(state.lastFetchedAt).toEqual('timestamp'); }); }); describe('SET_TARGET_NOTE_HASH', () => { it('should set the note hash', () => { const state = { targetNoteHash: [], }; mutations.SET_TARGET_NOTE_HASH(state, 'hash'); expect(state.targetNoteHash).toEqual('hash'); }); }); describe('SHOW_PLACEHOLDER_NOTE', () => { it('should set a placeholder note', () => { const state = { notes: [], }; mutations.SHOW_PLACEHOLDER_NOTE(state, note); expect(state.notes[0].isPlaceholderNote).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('TOGGLE_AWARD', () => { it('should add award if user has not reacted yet', () => { const state = { notes: [note], userData: userDataMock, }; const data = { note, awardName: 'cartwheel', }; mutations.TOGGLE_AWARD(state, data); const lastIndex = state.notes[0].award_emoji.length - 1; expect(state.notes[0].award_emoji[lastIndex]).toEqual({ name: 'cartwheel', user: { id:, name:, username: userDataMock.username }, }); }); it('should remove award if user already reacted', () => { const state = { notes: [note], userData: { id: 1, name: 'Administrator', username: 'root', }, }; const data = { note, awardName: 'bath_tone3', }; mutations.TOGGLE_AWARD(state, data); expect(state.notes[0].award_emoji.length).toEqual(2); }); }); describe('TOGGLE_DISCUSSION', () => { it('should open a closed discussion', () => { const discussion = Object.assign({}, discussionMock, { expanded: false }); const state = { notes: [discussion], }; mutations.TOGGLE_DISCUSSION(state, { discussionId: }); expect(state.notes[0].expanded).toEqual(true); }); it('should close a opened discussion', () => { const state = { notes: [discussionMock], }; mutations.TOGGLE_DISCUSSION(state, { discussionId: }); expect(state.notes[0].expanded).toEqual(false); }); }); describe('UPDATE_NOTE', () => { it('should update a note', () => { const state = { notes: [individualNote], }; const updated = Object.assign({}, individualNote.notes[0], { note: 'Foo' }); mutations.UPDATE_NOTE(state, updated); expect(state.notes[0].notes[0].note).toEqual('Foo'); }); }); describe('CLOSE_ISSUE', () => { it('should set issue as closed', () => { const state = { notes: [], targetNoteHash: null, lastFetchedAt: null, isToggleStateButtonLoading: false, notesData: {}, userData: {}, noteableData: {}, }; mutations.CLOSE_ISSUE(state); expect(state.noteableData.state).toEqual('closed'); }); }); describe('REOPEN_ISSUE', () => { it('should set issue as closed', () => { const state = { notes: [], targetNoteHash: null, lastFetchedAt: null, isToggleStateButtonLoading: false, notesData: {}, userData: {}, noteableData: {}, }; mutations.REOPEN_ISSUE(state); expect(state.noteableData.state).toEqual('reopened'); }); }); describe('TOGGLE_STATE_BUTTON_LOADING', () => { it('should set isToggleStateButtonLoading as true', () => { const state = { notes: [], targetNoteHash: null, lastFetchedAt: null, isToggleStateButtonLoading: false, notesData: {}, userData: {}, noteableData: {}, }; mutations.TOGGLE_STATE_BUTTON_LOADING(state, true); expect(state.isToggleStateButtonLoading).toEqual(true); }); it('should set isToggleStateButtonLoading as false', () => { const state = { notes: [], targetNoteHash: null, lastFetchedAt: null, isToggleStateButtonLoading: true, notesData: {}, userData: {}, noteableData: {}, }; mutations.TOGGLE_STATE_BUTTON_LOADING(state, false); expect(state.isToggleStateButtonLoading).toEqual(false); }); }); });