--- comments: false --- # GitLab Flow ---------- - A simplified branching strategy - All features and fixes first go to master - Allows for 'production' or 'stable' branches - Bug fixes/hot fix patches are cherry-picked from master ---------- ### Feature branches - Create a feature/bugfix branch to do all work - Use merge requests to merge to master ![inline](http://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/University/raw/5baea0fe222a915d0500e40747d35eb18681cdc3/training/gitlab_flow/feature_branches.png) ---------- ## Production branch - One, long-running production release branch as opposed to individual stable branches - Consider creating a tag for each version that gets deployed ---------- ## Production branch ![inline](http://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/University/raw/5baea0fe222a915d0500e40747d35eb18681cdc3/training/gitlab_flow/production_branch.png) ---------- ## Release branch - Useful if you release software to customers - When preparing a new release, create stable branch from master - Consider creating a tag for each version - Cherry-pick critical bug fixes to stable branch for patch release - Never commit bug fixes directly to stable branch ---------- ![inline](http://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/University/raw/5baea0fe222a915d0500e40747d35eb18681cdc3/training/gitlab_flow/release_branches.png) ---------- ## More details Blog post on 'GitLab Flow' at [http://doc.gitlab.com/ee/workflow/gitlab_flow.html](http://doc.gitlab.com/ee/workflow/gitlab_flow.html)