require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::BitbucketImport::Importer do include ImportSpecHelper before do stub_omniauth_provider('bitbucket') end let(:statuses) do [ "open", "resolved", "on hold", "invalid", "duplicate", "wontfix", "closed" # undocumented status ] end let(:reporters) do [ nil, { "username" => "reporter1" }, nil, { "username" => "reporter2" }, { "username" => "reporter1" }, nil, { "username" => "reporter3" } ] end let(:sample_issues_statuses) do issues = [] do |status, index| issues << { id: index, state: status, title: "Issue #{index}", kind: 'bug', content: { raw: "Some content to issue #{index}", markup: "markdown", html: "Some content to issue #{index}" } } end do |reporter, index| issues[index]['reporter'] = reporter end issues end let(:project_identifier) { 'namespace/repo' } let(:data) do { 'bb_session' => { 'bitbucket_token' => "123456", 'bitbucket_refresh_token' => "secret" } } end let(:project) do create( :project, :repository, import_source: project_identifier, import_url: "{project_identifier}.git", import_data_attributes: { credentials: data } ) end let(:importer) { } let(:gitlab_shell) { double } let(:issues_statuses_sample_data) do { count: sample_issues_statuses.count, values: sample_issues_statuses } end let(:sample) { RepoHelpers.sample_compare } before do allow(importer).to receive(:gitlab_shell) { gitlab_shell } end subject { } describe '#import_pull_requests' do before do allow(subject).to receive(:import_wiki) allow(subject).to receive(:import_issues) pull_request = instance_double( Bitbucket::Representation::PullRequest, iid: 10, source_branch_sha: sample.commits.last, source_branch_name: Gitlab::Git::BRANCH_REF_PREFIX + sample.source_branch, target_branch_sha: sample.commits.first, target_branch_name: Gitlab::Git::BRANCH_REF_PREFIX + sample.target_branch, title: 'This is a title', description: 'This is a test pull request', state: 'merged', author: 'other', created_at:, updated_at: # @inline_note = instance_double( Bitbucket::Representation::PullRequestComment, iid: 2, file_path: '.gitmodules', old_pos: nil, new_pos: 4, note: 'Hello world', author: 'root', created_at:, updated_at:, inline?: true, has_parent?: false) @reply = instance_double( Bitbucket::Representation::PullRequestComment, iid: 3, file_path: '.gitmodules', note: 'Hello world', author: 'root', created_at:, updated_at:, inline?: true, has_parent?: true, parent_id: 2) comments = [@inline_note, @reply] allow(subject.client).to receive(:repo) allow(subject.client).to receive(:pull_requests).and_return([pull_request]) allow(subject.client).to receive(:pull_request_comments).with(anything, pull_request.iid).and_return(comments) end it 'imports threaded discussions' do expect { subject.execute }.to change { MergeRequest.count }.by(1) merge_request = MergeRequest.first expect(merge_request.notes.count).to eq(2) expect( eq(1) notes = merge_request.notes.order(:id).to_a start_note = notes.first expect(start_note).to be_a(DiffNote) expect(start_note.note).to eq(@inline_note.note) reply_note = notes.last expect(reply_note).to be_a(DiffNote) expect(reply_note.note).to eq(@reply.note) end end context 'issues statuses' do before do # HACK: Bitbucket::Representation.const_get('Issue') seems to return ::Issue without this{}) stub_request( :get, "{project_identifier}" ).to_return(status: 200, headers: { "Content-Type" => "application/json" }, body: { has_issues: true, full_name: project_identifier }.to_json) stub_request( :get, "{project_identifier}/issues?pagelen=50&sort=created_on" ).to_return(status: 200, headers: { "Content-Type" => "application/json" }, body: issues_statuses_sample_data.to_json) stub_request(:get, "") .with(headers: { 'Accept' => '*/*', 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3', 'Authorization' => 'Bearer', 'User-Agent' => 'Faraday v0.9.2' }) .to_return(status: 200, body: "", headers: {}) sample_issues_statuses.each_with_index do |issue, index| stub_request( :get, "{project_identifier}/issues/#{issue[:id]}/comments?pagelen=50&sort=created_on" ).to_return( status: 200, headers: { "Content-Type" => "application/json" }, body: { author_info: { username: "username" }, utc_created_on: index }.to_json ) end stub_request( :get, "{project_identifier}/pullrequests?pagelen=50&sort=created_on&state=ALL" ).to_return(status: 200, headers: { "Content-Type" => "application/json" }, body: {}.to_json) end it 'maps statuses to open or closed' do allow(importer).to receive(:import_wiki) importer.execute expect(project.issues.where(state: "closed").size).to eq(5) expect(project.issues.where(state: "opened").size).to eq(2) end describe 'wiki import' do it 'is skipped when the wiki exists' do expect( receive(:repository_exists?) { true } expect(importer.gitlab_shell).not_to receive(:import_wiki_repository) importer.execute expect(importer.errors).to be_empty end it 'imports to the project disk_path' do expect( receive(:repository_exists?) { false } expect(importer.gitlab_shell).to receive(:import_wiki_repository) importer.execute expect(importer.errors).to be_empty end end describe 'issue import' do it 'maps reporters to anonymous if bitbucket reporter is nil' do allow(importer).to receive(:import_wiki) importer.execute expect(project.issues.size).to eq(7) expect(project.issues.where("description LIKE ?", '%Anonymous%').size).to eq(3) expect(project.issues.where("description LIKE ?", '%reporter1%').size).to eq(2) expect(project.issues.where("description LIKE ?", '%reporter2%').size).to eq(1) expect(project.issues.where("description LIKE ?", '%reporter3%').size).to eq(1) expect(importer.errors).to be_empty end end end end