require 'spec_helper' describe Ci::JobArtifact do let(:artifact) { create(:ci_job_artifact, :archive) } describe "Associations" do it { belong_to(:project) } it { belong_to(:job) } end it { respond_to(:file) } it { respond_to(:created_at) } it { respond_to(:updated_at) } it { delegate_method(:open).to(:file) } it { delegate_method(:exists?).to(:file) } describe '.test_reports' do subject { described_class.test_reports } context 'when there is a test report' do let!(:artifact) { create(:ci_job_artifact, :junit) } it { eq([artifact]) } end context 'when there are no test reports' do let!(:artifact) { create(:ci_job_artifact, :archive) } it { be_empty } end end describe '.erasable' do subject { described_class.erasable } context 'when there is an erasable artifact' do let!(:artifact) { create(:ci_job_artifact, :junit) } it { eq([artifact]) } end context 'when there are no erasable artifacts' do let!(:artifact) { create(:ci_job_artifact, :trace) } it { be_empty } end end describe 'callbacks' do subject { create(:ci_job_artifact, :archive) } describe '#schedule_background_upload' do context 'when object storage is disabled' do before do stub_artifacts_object_storage(enabled: false) end it 'does not schedule the migration' do expect(ObjectStorage::BackgroundMoveWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async) subject end end context 'when object storage is enabled' do context 'when background upload is enabled' do before do stub_artifacts_object_storage(background_upload: true) end it 'schedules the model for migration' do expect(ObjectStorage::BackgroundMoveWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with('JobArtifactUploader',, :file, kind_of(Numeric)) subject end end context 'when background upload is disabled' do before do stub_artifacts_object_storage(background_upload: false) end it 'schedules the model for migration' do expect(ObjectStorage::BackgroundMoveWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async) subject end end end end end context 'creating the artifact' do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:artifact) { create(:ci_job_artifact, :archive, project: project) } it 'sets the size from the file size' do expect(artifact.size).to eq(106365) end it 'updates the project statistics' do expect { artifact } .to change { project.statistics.reload.build_artifacts_size } .by(106365) end end context 'updating the artifact file' do it 'updates the artifact size' do artifact.update!(file: fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/dk.png')) expect(artifact.size).to eq(1062) end it 'updates the project statistics' do expect { artifact.update!(file: fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/dk.png')) } .to change { artifact.project.statistics.reload.build_artifacts_size } .by(1062 - 106365) end end describe 'validates file format' do subject { artifact } described_class::TYPE_AND_FORMAT_PAIRS.except(:trace).each do |file_type, file_format| context "when #{file_type} type with #{file_format} format" do let(:artifact) { build(:ci_job_artifact, file_type: file_type, file_format: file_format) } it { be_valid } end context "when #{file_type} type without format specification" do let(:artifact) { build(:ci_job_artifact, file_type: file_type, file_format: nil) } it { is_expected.not_to be_valid } end context "when #{file_type} type with other formats" do described_class.file_formats.except(file_format).values.each do |other_format| let(:artifact) { build(:ci_job_artifact, file_type: file_type, file_format: other_format) } it { is_expected.not_to be_valid } end end end end describe 'validates DEFAULT_FILE_NAMES' do subject { described_class::DEFAULT_FILE_NAMES } described_class.file_types.each do |file_type, _| it "expects #{file_type} to be included" do include(file_type.to_sym) end end end describe 'validates TYPE_AND_FORMAT_PAIRS' do subject { described_class::TYPE_AND_FORMAT_PAIRS } described_class.file_types.each do |file_type, _| it "expects #{file_type} to be included" do expect(described_class.file_formats).to include(subject[file_type.to_sym]) end end end describe '#file' do subject { artifact.file } context 'the uploader api' do it { respond_to(:store_dir) } it { respond_to(:cache_dir) } it { respond_to(:work_dir) } end end describe '#each_blob' do context 'when file format is gzip' do context 'when gzip file contains one file' do let(:artifact) { build(:ci_job_artifact, :junit) } it 'iterates blob once' do expect { |b| artifact.each_blob(&b) }.to yield_control.once end end context 'when gzip file contains three files' do let(:artifact) { build(:ci_job_artifact, :junit_with_three_testsuites) } it 'iterates blob three times' do expect { |b| artifact.each_blob(&b) }.to yield_control.exactly(3).times end end end context 'when there are no adapters for the file format' do let(:artifact) { build(:ci_job_artifact, :junit, file_format: :zip) } it 'raises an error' do expect { |b| artifact.each_blob(&b) }.to raise_error(described_class::NotSupportedAdapterError) end end end describe '#expire_in' do subject { artifact.expire_in } it { be_nil } context 'when expire_at is specified' do let(:expire_at) { + 7.days } before do artifact.expire_at = expire_at end it { be_within(5).of(expire_at - } end end describe '#expire_in=' do subject { artifact.expire_in } it 'when assigning valid duration' do artifact.expire_in = '7 days' be_within(10).of(7.days.to_i) end it 'when assigning invalid duration' do expect { artifact.expire_in = '7 elephants' }.to raise_error(ChronicDuration::DurationParseError) be_nil end it 'when resetting value' do artifact.expire_in = nil be_nil end it 'when setting to 0' do artifact.expire_in = '0' be_nil end end context 'when destroying the artifact' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'updates the project statistics' do artifact = build.job_artifacts.first expect(ProjectStatistics) .to receive(:increment_statistic) .and_call_original expect { artifact.destroy } .to change { project.statistics.reload.build_artifacts_size } .by(-106365) end context 'when it is destroyed from the project level' do it 'does not update the project statistics' do expect(ProjectStatistics) .not_to receive(:increment_statistic) project.update(pending_delete: true) project.destroy! end end end describe 'file is being stored' do subject { create(:ci_job_artifact, :archive) } context 'when object has nil store' do before do subject.update_column(:file_store, nil) subject.reload end it 'is stored locally' do expect(subject.file_store).to be(nil) expect(subject.file).to be_file_storage expect(subject.file.object_store).to eq(ObjectStorage::Store::LOCAL) end end context 'when existing object has local store' do it 'is stored locally' do expect(subject.file_store).to be(ObjectStorage::Store::LOCAL) expect(subject.file).to be_file_storage expect(subject.file.object_store).to eq(ObjectStorage::Store::LOCAL) end end context 'when direct upload is enabled' do before do stub_artifacts_object_storage(direct_upload: true) end context 'when file is stored' do it 'is stored remotely' do expect(subject.file_store).to eq(ObjectStorage::Store::REMOTE) expect(subject.file).not_to be_file_storage expect(subject.file.object_store).to eq(ObjectStorage::Store::REMOTE) end end end end end