import Vue from 'vue'; import GraphLegend from '~/monitoring/components/graph/legend.vue'; import createTimeSeries from '~/monitoring/utils/multiple_time_series'; import mountComponent from 'spec/helpers/vue_mount_component_helper'; import { singleRowMetricsMultipleSeries, convertDatesMultipleSeries } from '../mock_data'; const convertedMetrics = convertDatesMultipleSeries(singleRowMetricsMultipleSeries); const defaultValuesComponent = {}; const { timeSeries } = createTimeSeries(convertedMetrics[0].queries, 500, 300, 120); defaultValuesComponent.timeSeries = timeSeries; describe('Legend Component', () => { let vm; let Legend; beforeEach(() => { Legend = Vue.extend(GraphLegend); }); describe('View', () => { beforeEach(() => { vm = mountComponent(Legend, { legendTitle: 'legend', timeSeries, currentDataIndex: 0, unitOfDisplay: 'Req/Sec', }); }); it('should render the usage, title and time with multiple time series', () => { const titles = vm.$el.querySelectorAll('.legend-metric-title'); expect(titles[0].textContent.indexOf('1xx')).not.toEqual(-1); expect(titles[1].textContent.indexOf('2xx')).not.toEqual(-1); }); it('should container the same number of rows in the table as time series', () => { expect(vm.$el.querySelectorAll('.prometheus-table tr').length).toEqual(vm.timeSeries.length); }); }); });