import $ from 'jquery'; import { flatten } from 'lodash'; import { loadHTMLFixture, resetHTMLFixture } from 'helpers/fixtures'; import Shortcuts from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts'; const mockMousetrap = { bind: jest.fn(), unbind: jest.fn(), }; jest.mock('mousetrap', () => { return jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => mockMousetrap); }); jest.mock('mousetrap/plugins/pause/mousetrap-pause', () => {}); describe('Shortcuts', () => { const fixtureName = 'snippets/show.html'; const createEvent = (type, target) => $.Event(type, { target, }); beforeEach(() => { loadHTMLFixture(fixtureName); jest.spyOn(document.querySelector('.js-new-note-form .js-md-preview-button'), 'focus'); jest.spyOn(document.querySelector('.edit-note .js-md-preview-button'), 'focus'); jest.spyOn(document.querySelector('#search'), 'focus'); new Shortcuts(); // eslint-disable-line no-new }); afterEach(() => { resetHTMLFixture(); }); describe('toggleMarkdownPreview', () => { it('focuses preview button in form', () => { Shortcuts.toggleMarkdownPreview( createEvent('KeyboardEvent', document.querySelector('.js-new-note-form .js-note-text')), ); expect( document.querySelector('.js-new-note-form .js-md-preview-button').focus, ).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('focuses preview button inside edit comment form', () => { document.querySelector('.js-note-edit').click(); Shortcuts.toggleMarkdownPreview( createEvent('KeyboardEvent', document.querySelector('.edit-note .js-note-text')), ); expect( document.querySelector('.js-new-note-form .js-md-preview-button').focus, ).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(document.querySelector('.edit-note .js-md-preview-button').focus).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('markdown shortcuts', () => { let shortcuts; beforeEach(() => { // Get all shortcuts specified with md-shortcuts attributes in the fixture. // `shortcuts` will look something like this: // [ // [ 'mod+b' ], // [ 'mod+i' ], // [ 'mod+k' ] // ] shortcuts = $('.edit-note .js-md') .map(function getShortcutsFromToolbarBtn() { const mdShortcuts = $(this).data('md-shortcuts'); // automatically unwraps arrays, so we // have to double wrap the array to counteract this return mdShortcuts ? [mdShortcuts] : undefined; }) .get(); }); describe('initMarkdownEditorShortcuts', () => { beforeEach(() => { Shortcuts.initMarkdownEditorShortcuts($('.edit-note textarea')); }); it('attaches a Mousetrap handler for every markdown shortcut specified with md-shortcuts', () => { const expectedCalls = => [s, expect.any(Function)]); expect(mockMousetrap.bind.mock.calls).toEqual(expectedCalls); }); it('attaches a stopCallback that allows each markdown shortcut specified with md-shortcuts', () => { flatten(shortcuts).forEach((s) => { expect(mockMousetrap.stopCallback(null, null, s)).toBe(false); }); }); }); describe('removeMarkdownEditorShortcuts', () => { it('does nothing if initMarkdownEditorShortcuts was not previous called', () => { Shortcuts.removeMarkdownEditorShortcuts($('.edit-note textarea')); expect(mockMousetrap.unbind.mock.calls).toEqual([]); }); it('removes Mousetrap handlers for every markdown shortcut specified with md-shortcuts', () => { Shortcuts.initMarkdownEditorShortcuts($('.edit-note textarea')); Shortcuts.removeMarkdownEditorShortcuts($('.edit-note textarea')); const expectedCalls = => [s]); expect(mockMousetrap.unbind.mock.calls).toEqual(expectedCalls); }); }); }); describe('focusSearch', () => { describe('when super sidebar is NOT enabled', () => { let originalGon; beforeEach(() => { originalGon = window.gon; window.gon = { use_new_navigation: false }; }); afterEach(() => { window.gon = originalGon; }); it('focuses the search bar', () => { Shortcuts.focusSearch(createEvent('KeyboardEvent')); expect(document.querySelector('#search').focus).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); });