/** * Styles that apply to all GFM related forms. */ .gfm-commit, .gfm-commit_range { @extend .commit-sha; } .gfm-project_member { padding: 0 2px; background-color: $blue-100; border-radius: $border-radius-default; } .gfm-color_chip { display: inline-block; line-height: 1; margin: 0 0 2px 4px; vertical-align: middle; border-radius: 3px; $chip-size: 0.9em; $bg-size: $chip-size / 0.9; $bg-pos: $bg-size / 2; width: $chip-size; height: $chip-size; background: $white-light; background-image: linear-gradient(135deg, $gray-dark 25%, transparent 0%, transparent 75%, $gray-dark 0%), linear-gradient(135deg, $gray-dark 25%, transparent 0%, transparent 75%, $gray-dark 0%); background-size: $bg-size $bg-size; background-position: 0 0, $bg-pos $bg-pos; > span { display: inline-block; width: 100%; height: 100%; margin-bottom: 2px; border-radius: 3px; border: 1px solid $black-transparent; } }