import _ from 'underscore'; export const placeholderImage = ''; const SCROLL_THRESHOLD = 300; export default class LazyLoader { constructor(options = {}) { this.lazyImages = []; this.observerNode = options.observerNode || '#content-body'; const throttledScrollCheck = _.throttle(() => this.scrollCheck(), 300); const debouncedElementsInView = _.debounce(() => this.checkElementsInView(), 300); window.addEventListener('scroll', throttledScrollCheck); window.addEventListener('resize', debouncedElementsInView); const scrollContainer = options.scrollContainer || window; scrollContainer.addEventListener('load', () => this.loadCheck()); } searchLazyImages() { const that = this; requestIdleCallback( () => { that.lazyImages = []'.lazy')); if (that.lazyImages.length) { that.checkElementsInView(); } }, { timeout: 500 }, ); } startContentObserver() { const contentNode = document.querySelector(this.observerNode) || document.querySelector('body'); if (contentNode) { const observer = new MutationObserver(() => this.searchLazyImages()); observer.observe(contentNode, { childList: true, subtree: true, }); } } loadCheck() { this.searchLazyImages(); this.startContentObserver(); } scrollCheck() { requestAnimationFrame(() => this.checkElementsInView()); } checkElementsInView() { const scrollTop = window.pageYOffset; const visHeight = scrollTop + window.innerHeight + SCROLL_THRESHOLD; // Loading Images which are in the current viewport or close to them this.lazyImages = this.lazyImages.filter(selectedImage => { if (selectedImage.getAttribute('data-src')) { const imgBoundRect = selectedImage.getBoundingClientRect(); const imgTop = scrollTop +; const imgBound = imgTop + imgBoundRect.height; if (scrollTop < imgBound && visHeight > imgTop) { requestAnimationFrame(() => { LazyLoader.loadImage(selectedImage); }); return false; } return true; } return false; }); } static loadImage(img) { if (img.getAttribute('data-src')) { let imgUrl = img.getAttribute('data-src'); // Only adding width + height for avatars for now if (imgUrl.indexOf('/avatar/') > -1 && imgUrl.indexOf('?') === -1) { let targetWidth = null; if (img.getAttribute('width')) { targetWidth = img.getAttribute('width'); } else { targetWidth = img.width; } if (targetWidth) imgUrl += `?width=${targetWidth}`; } img.setAttribute('src', imgUrl); img.removeAttribute('data-src'); img.classList.remove('lazy'); img.classList.add('js-lazy-loaded'); } } }