/* eslint-disable comma-dangle, no-new */ import $ from 'jquery'; import Vue from 'vue'; import Flash from '../../flash'; import { __ } from '../../locale'; import Sidebar from '../../right_sidebar'; import eventHub from '../../sidebar/event_hub'; import AssigneeTitle from '../../sidebar/components/assignees/assignee_title.vue'; import Assignees from '../../sidebar/components/assignees/assignees.vue'; import DueDateSelectors from '../../due_date_select'; import RemoveBtn from './sidebar/remove_issue.vue'; import IssuableContext from '../../issuable_context'; import LabelsSelect from '../../labels_select'; import Subscriptions from '../../sidebar/components/subscriptions/subscriptions.vue'; import MilestoneSelect from '../../milestone_select'; const Store = gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore; window.gl = window.gl || {}; window.gl.issueBoards = window.gl.issueBoards || {}; gl.issueBoards.BoardSidebar = Vue.extend({ components: { AssigneeTitle, Assignees, RemoveBtn, Subscriptions, }, props: { currentUser: { type: Object, default: () => ({}), }, }, data() { return { detail: Store.detail, issue: {}, list: {}, loadingAssignees: false, }; }, computed: { showSidebar () { return Object.keys(this.issue).length; }, milestoneTitle() { return this.issue.milestone ? this.issue.milestone.title : 'No Milestone'; }, canRemove() { return !this.list.preset; }, hasLabels() { return this.issue.labels && this.issue.labels.length; }, labelDropdownTitle() { return this.hasLabels ? `${this.issue.labels[0].title} ${this.issue.labels.length - 1}+ more` : 'Label'; }, selectedLabels() { return this.hasLabels ? this.issue.labels.map(l => l.title).join(',') : ''; } }, watch: { detail: { handler () { if (this.issue.id !== this.detail.issue.id) { $('.block.assignee') .find('input:not(.js-vue)[name="issue[assignee_ids][]"]') .each((i, el) => { $(el).remove(); }); $('.js-issue-board-sidebar', this.$el).each((i, el) => { $(el).data('glDropdown').clearMenu(); }); } this.issue = this.detail.issue; this.list = this.detail.list; }, deep: true }, }, created () { // Get events from glDropdown eventHub.$on('sidebar.removeAssignee', this.removeAssignee); eventHub.$on('sidebar.addAssignee', this.addAssignee); eventHub.$on('sidebar.removeAllAssignees', this.removeAllAssignees); eventHub.$on('sidebar.saveAssignees', this.saveAssignees); }, beforeDestroy() { eventHub.$off('sidebar.removeAssignee', this.removeAssignee); eventHub.$off('sidebar.addAssignee', this.addAssignee); eventHub.$off('sidebar.removeAllAssignees', this.removeAllAssignees); eventHub.$off('sidebar.saveAssignees', this.saveAssignees); }, mounted () { new IssuableContext(this.currentUser); new MilestoneSelect(); new DueDateSelectors(); new LabelsSelect(); new Sidebar(); }, methods: { closeSidebar () { this.detail.issue = {}; }, assignSelf () { // Notify gl dropdown that we are now assigning to current user this.$refs.assigneeBlock.dispatchEvent(new Event('assignYourself')); this.addAssignee(this.currentUser); this.saveAssignees(); }, removeAssignee (a) { gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore.detail.issue.removeAssignee(a); }, addAssignee (a) { gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore.detail.issue.addAssignee(a); }, removeAllAssignees () { gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore.detail.issue.removeAllAssignees(); }, saveAssignees () { this.loadingAssignees = true; gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore.detail.issue.update() .then(() => { this.loadingAssignees = false; }) .catch(() => { this.loadingAssignees = false; Flash(__('An error occurred while saving assignees')); }); }, }, });