# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::ImportExport::AfterExportStrategyBuilder do let!(:strategies_namespace) { 'Gitlab::ImportExport::AfterExportStrategies' } describe '.build!' do context 'when klass param is' do it 'null it returns the default strategy' do expect(described_class.build!(nil).class).to eq described_class.default_strategy end it 'not a valid class it raises StrategyNotFoundError exception' do expect { described_class.build!('Whatever') }.to raise_error(described_class::StrategyNotFoundError) end it 'not a descendant of AfterExportStrategy' do expect { described_class.build!('User') }.to raise_error(described_class::StrategyNotFoundError) end end it 'initializes strategy with attributes param' do params = { param1: 1, param2: 2, param3: 3 } strategy = described_class.build!("#{strategies_namespace}::DownloadNotificationStrategy", params) params.each { |k, v| expect(strategy.public_send(k)).to eq v } end end end