# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::Email::Smime::Certificate do include SmimeHelper # cert generation is an expensive operation and they are used read-only, # so we share them as instance variables in all tests before :context do @root_ca = generate_root @cert = generate_cert(root_ca: @root_ca) end describe 'testing environment setup' do describe 'generate_root' do subject { @root_ca } it 'generates a root CA that expires a long way in the future' do expect(subject[:cert].not_after).to be > 999.years.from_now end end describe 'generate_cert' do subject { @cert } it 'generates a cert properly signed by the root CA' do expect(subject[:cert].issuer).to eq(@root_ca[:cert].subject) end it 'generates a cert that expires soon' do expect(subject[:cert].not_after).to be < 60.minutes.from_now end it 'generates a cert intended for email signing' do expect(subject[:cert].extensions).to include(an_object_having_attributes(oid: 'extendedKeyUsage', value: match('E-mail Protection'))) end context 'passing in INFINITE_EXPIRY' do subject { generate_cert(root_ca: @root_ca, expires_in: SmimeHelper::INFINITE_EXPIRY) } it 'generates a cert that expires a long way in the future' do expect(subject[:cert].not_after).to be > 999.years.from_now end end end end describe '.from_strings' do it 'parses correctly a certificate and key' do parsed_cert = described_class.from_strings(@cert[:key].to_s, @cert[:cert].to_pem) common_cert_tests(parsed_cert, @cert, @root_ca) end end describe '.from_files' do it 'parses correctly a certificate and key' do allow(File).to receive(:read).with('a_key').and_return(@cert[:key].to_s) allow(File).to receive(:read).with('a_cert').and_return(@cert[:cert].to_pem) parsed_cert = described_class.from_files('a_key', 'a_cert') common_cert_tests(parsed_cert, @cert, @root_ca) end end def common_cert_tests(parsed_cert, cert, root_ca) expect(parsed_cert.cert).to be_a(OpenSSL::X509::Certificate) expect(parsed_cert.cert.subject).to eq(cert[:cert].subject) expect(parsed_cert.cert.issuer).to eq(root_ca[:cert].subject) expect(parsed_cert.cert.not_before).to eq(cert[:cert].not_before) expect(parsed_cert.cert.not_after).to eq(cert[:cert].not_after) expect(parsed_cert.cert.extensions).to include(an_object_having_attributes(oid: 'extendedKeyUsage', value: match('E-mail Protection'))) expect(parsed_cert.key).to be_a(OpenSSL::PKey::RSA) end end