import eventHub from '~/ide/eventhub'; import Model from '~/ide/lib/common/model'; import { file } from '../../helpers'; describe('Multi-file editor library model', () => { let model; beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(eventHub, '$on'); const f = file('path'); f.mrChange = { diff: 'ABC' }; f.baseRaw = 'test'; model = new Model(f); }); afterEach(() => { model.dispose(); }); it('creates original model & base model & new model', () => { expect(model.originalModel).not.toBeNull(); expect(model.model).not.toBeNull(); expect(model.baseModel).not.toBeNull(); expect(model.originalModel.uri.path).toBe('original/path--path'); expect(model.model.uri.path).toBe('path--path'); expect(model.baseModel.uri.path).toBe('target/path--path'); }); it('creates model with head file to compare against', () => { const f = file('path'); model.dispose(); model = new Model(f, { ...f, content: '123 testing', }); expect(model.head).not.toBeNull(); expect(model.getOriginalModel().getValue()).toBe('123 testing'); }); it('adds eventHub listener', () => { expect(eventHub.$on).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `editor.update.model.dispose.${model.file.key}`, expect.anything(), ); }); describe('path', () => { it('returns file path', () => { expect(model.path).toBe(model.file.key); }); }); describe('getModel', () => { it('returns model', () => { expect(model.getModel()).toBe(model.model); }); }); describe('getOriginalModel', () => { it('returns original model', () => { expect(model.getOriginalModel()).toBe(model.originalModel); }); }); describe('getBaseModel', () => { it('returns base model', () => { expect(model.getBaseModel()).toBe(model.baseModel); }); }); describe('setValue', () => { it('updates models value', () => { model.setValue('testing 123'); expect(model.getModel().getValue()).toBe('testing 123'); }); }); describe('onChange', () => { it('calls callback on change', done => { const spy = jest.fn(); model.onChange(spy); model.getModel().setValue('123'); setImmediate(() => { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(model, expect.anything()); done(); }); }); }); describe('dispose', () => { it('calls disposable dispose', () => { jest.spyOn(model.disposable, 'dispose'); model.dispose(); expect(model.disposable.dispose).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('clears events', () => { model.onChange(() => {}); expect(; model.dispose(); expect(; }); it('removes eventHub listener', () => { jest.spyOn(eventHub, '$off'); model.dispose(); expect(eventHub.$off).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `editor.update.model.dispose.${model.file.key}`, expect.anything(), ); }); it('calls onDispose callback', () => { const disposeSpy = jest.fn(); model.onDispose(disposeSpy); model.dispose(); expect(disposeSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('applies custom options and triggers onChange callback', () => { const changeSpy = jest.fn(); jest.spyOn(model, 'applyCustomOptions'); model.onChange(changeSpy); model.dispose(); expect(model.applyCustomOptions).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(changeSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('updateOptions', () => { it('sets the options on the options object', () => { model.updateOptions({ insertSpaces: true, someOption: 'some value' }); expect(model.options).toEqual({ endOfLine: 0, insertFinalNewline: true, insertSpaces: true, someOption: 'some value', trimTrailingWhitespace: false, }); }); it.each` option | value ${'insertSpaces'} | ${true} ${'insertSpaces'} | ${false} ${'indentSize'} | ${4} ${'tabSize'} | ${3} `("correctly sets option: $option=$value to Monaco's TextModel", ({ option, value }) => { model.updateOptions({ [option]: value }); expect(model.getModel().getOptions()).toMatchObject({ [option]: value }); }); it('applies custom options immediately', () => { jest.spyOn(model, 'applyCustomOptions'); model.updateOptions({ trimTrailingWhitespace: true, someOption: 'some value' }); expect(model.applyCustomOptions).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('applyCustomOptions', () => { it.each` option | value | contentBefore | contentAfter ${'endOfLine'} | ${0} | ${'hello\nworld\n'} | ${'hello\nworld\n'} ${'endOfLine'} | ${0} | ${'hello\r\nworld\r\n'} | ${'hello\nworld\n'} ${'endOfLine'} | ${1} | ${'hello\nworld\n'} | ${'hello\r\nworld\r\n'} ${'endOfLine'} | ${1} | ${'hello\r\nworld\r\n'} | ${'hello\r\nworld\r\n'} ${'insertFinalNewline'} | ${true} | ${'hello\nworld'} | ${'hello\nworld\n'} ${'insertFinalNewline'} | ${true} | ${'hello\nworld\n'} | ${'hello\nworld\n'} ${'insertFinalNewline'} | ${false} | ${'hello\nworld'} | ${'hello\nworld'} ${'trimTrailingWhitespace'} | ${true} | ${'hello \t\nworld \t\n'} | ${'hello\nworld\n'} ${'trimTrailingWhitespace'} | ${true} | ${'hello \t\r\nworld \t\r\n'} | ${'hello\nworld\n'} ${'trimTrailingWhitespace'} | ${false} | ${'hello \t\r\nworld \t\r\n'} | ${'hello \t\nworld \t\n'} `( 'correctly applies custom option $option=$value to content', ({ option, value, contentBefore, contentAfter }) => { model.options[option] = value; model.updateNewContent(contentBefore); model.applyCustomOptions(); expect(model.getModel().getValue()).toEqual(contentAfter); }, ); }); });