import InputSetter from '~/droplab/plugins/input_setter'; describe('InputSetter', () => { let testContext; beforeEach(() => { testContext = {}; }); describe('init', () => { beforeEach(() => { testContext.config = { InputSetter: {} }; testContext.hook = { config: testContext.config }; testContext.inputSetter = { addEvents: jest.fn(), };, testContext.hook); }); it('should set .hook', () => { expect(testContext.inputSetter.hook).toBe(testContext.hook); }); it('should set .config', () => { expect(testContext.inputSetter.config).toBe(testContext.config.InputSetter); }); it('should set .eventWrapper', () => { expect(testContext.inputSetter.eventWrapper).toEqual({}); }); it('should call .addEvents', () => { expect(testContext.inputSetter.addEvents).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe('if config.InputSetter is not set', () => { beforeEach(() => { testContext.config = { InputSetter: undefined }; testContext.hook = { config: testContext.config };, testContext.hook); }); it('should set .config to an empty object', () => { expect(testContext.inputSetter.config).toEqual({}); }); it('should set hook.config to an empty object', () => { expect(testContext.hook.config.InputSetter).toEqual({}); }); }); }); describe('addEvents', () => { beforeEach(() => { testContext.hook = { list: { list: { addEventListener: jest.fn(), }, }, }; testContext.inputSetter = { eventWrapper: {}, hook: testContext.hook, setInputs: () => {} };; }); it('should set .eventWrapper.setInputs', () => { expect(testContext.inputSetter.eventWrapper.setInputs).toEqual(expect.any(Function)); }); it('should call .addEventListener', () => { expect(testContext.hook.list.list.addEventListener).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'click.dl', testContext.inputSetter.eventWrapper.setInputs, ); }); }); describe('removeEvents', () => { beforeEach(() => { testContext.hook = { list: { list: { removeEventListener: jest.fn(), }, }, }; testContext.eventWrapper = { setInputs: jest.fn(), }; testContext.inputSetter = { eventWrapper: testContext.eventWrapper, hook: testContext.hook };; }); it('should call .removeEventListener', () => { expect(testContext.hook.list.list.removeEventListener).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'click.dl', testContext.eventWrapper.setInputs, ); }); }); describe('setInputs', () => { beforeEach(() => { testContext.event = { detail: { selected: {} } }; testContext.config = [0, 1]; testContext.inputSetter = { config: testContext.config, setInput: () => {} }; jest.spyOn(testContext.inputSetter, 'setInput').mockImplementation(() => {});, testContext.event); }); it('should call .setInput for each config element', () => { const allArgs = testContext.inputSetter.setInput.mock.calls; expect(allArgs.length).toEqual(2); allArgs.forEach((args, i) => { expect(args[0]).toBe(testContext.config[i]); expect(args[1]).toBe(testContext.event.detail.selected); }); }); describe('if config isnt an array', () => { beforeEach(() => { testContext.inputSetter = { config: {}, setInput: () => {} };, testContext.event); }); it('should set .config to an array with .config as the first element', () => { expect(testContext.inputSetter.config).toEqual([{}]); }); }); }); describe('setInput', () => { beforeEach(() => { testContext.selectedItem = { getAttribute: () => {} }; testContext.input = { value: 'oldValue', tagName: 'INPUT', hasAttribute: () => {} }; testContext.config = { valueAttribute: {}, input: testContext.input }; testContext.inputSetter = { hook: { trigger: {} } }; testContext.newValue = 'newValue'; jest.spyOn(testContext.selectedItem, 'getAttribute').mockReturnValue(testContext.newValue); jest.spyOn(testContext.input, 'hasAttribute').mockReturnValue(false); testContext.inputSetter, testContext.config, testContext.selectedItem, ); }); it('should call .getAttribute', () => { expect(testContext.selectedItem.getAttribute).toHaveBeenCalledWith( testContext.config.valueAttribute, ); }); it('should call .hasAttribute', () => { expect(testContext.input.hasAttribute).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined); }); it('should set the value of the input', () => { expect(testContext.input.value).toBe(testContext.newValue); }); describe('if no config.input is provided', () => { beforeEach(() => { testContext.config = { valueAttribute: {} }; testContext.trigger = { value: 'oldValue', tagName: 'INPUT', hasAttribute: () => {} }; testContext.inputSetter = { hook: { trigger: testContext.trigger } }; testContext.inputSetter, testContext.config, testContext.selectedItem, ); }); it('should set the value of the hook.trigger', () => { expect(testContext.trigger.value).toBe(testContext.newValue); }); }); describe('if the input tag is not INPUT', () => { beforeEach(() => { testContext.input = { textContent: 'oldValue', tagName: 'SPAN', hasAttribute: () => {} }; testContext.config = { valueAttribute: {}, input: testContext.input }; testContext.inputSetter, testContext.config, testContext.selectedItem, ); }); it('should set the textContent of the input', () => { expect(testContext.input.textContent).toBe(testContext.newValue); }); }); describe('if there is an inputAttribute', () => { beforeEach(() => { testContext.selectedItem = { getAttribute: () => {} }; testContext.input = { id: 'oldValue', hasAttribute: () => {}, setAttribute: () => {} }; testContext.inputSetter = { hook: { trigger: {} } }; testContext.newValue = 'newValue'; testContext.inputAttribute = 'id'; testContext.config = { valueAttribute: {}, input: testContext.input, inputAttribute: testContext.inputAttribute, }; jest.spyOn(testContext.selectedItem, 'getAttribute').mockReturnValue(testContext.newValue); jest.spyOn(testContext.input, 'hasAttribute').mockReturnValue(true); jest.spyOn(testContext.input, 'setAttribute').mockImplementation(() => {}); testContext.inputSetter, testContext.config, testContext.selectedItem, ); }); it('should call setAttribute', () => { expect(testContext.input.setAttribute).toHaveBeenCalledWith( testContext.inputAttribute, testContext.newValue, ); }); it('should not set the value or textContent of the input', () => { expect(testContext.input.value).not.toBe('newValue'); expect(testContext.input.textContent).not.toBe('newValue'); }); }); }); describe('destroy', () => { beforeEach(() => { testContext.inputSetter = { removeEvents: jest.fn(), };; }); it('should call .removeEvents', () => { expect(testContext.inputSetter.removeEvents).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); });