# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe LooksAhead do include GraphqlHelpers let_it_be(:the_user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:label_a) { create(:label) } let_it_be(:label_b) { create(:label) } let_it_be(:issue_a) { create(:issue, author: the_user, labels: [label_a, label_b]) } let_it_be(:issue_b) { create(:issue, author: the_user, labels: [label_a]) } let_it_be(:issue_c) { create(:issue, author: the_user, labels: [label_b]) } # Simplified schema to test lookahead let_it_be(:schema) do issues_resolver = Class.new(GraphQL::Schema::Resolver) do include LooksAhead def resolve_with_lookahead(**args) apply_lookahead(object.issues) end def preloads { labels: [:labels] } end end label = Class.new(GraphQL::Schema::Object) do graphql_name 'Label' field :id, Integer, null: false end issue = Class.new(GraphQL::Schema::Object) do graphql_name 'Issue' field :title, String, null: true field :labels, label.connection_type, null: true end user = Class.new(GraphQL::Schema::Object) do graphql_name 'User' field :name, String, null: true field :issues, issue.connection_type, null: true field :issues_with_lookahead, issue.connection_type, resolver: issues_resolver, null: true end Class.new(GraphQL::Schema) do query(Class.new(GraphQL::Schema::Object) do graphql_name 'Query' field :find_user, user, null: true do argument :username, String, required: true end def find_user(username:) context[:user_db].find { |u| u.username == username } end end) end end def query(doc = document) GraphQL::Query.new(schema, document: doc, context: { user_db: [the_user] }, variables: { username: the_user.username }) end let(:document) do GraphQL.parse <<-GRAPHQL query($username: String!){ findUser(username: $username) { name issues { nodes { title labels { nodes { id } } } } issuesWithLookahead { nodes { title labels { nodes { id } } } } } } GRAPHQL end def run_query(gql_query) query(GraphQL.parse(gql_query)).result end shared_examples 'a working query on the test schema' do it 'has a good test setup', :aggregate_failures do expected_label_ids = [label_a, label_b].cycle.take(4).map(&:id) issue_titles = [issue_a, issue_b, issue_c].map(&:title) res = query.result expect(res['errors']).to be_blank expect(res.dig('data', 'findUser', 'name')).to eq(the_user.name) %w(issues issuesWithLookahead).each do |field| expect(all_issue_titles(res, field)).to match_array(issue_titles) expect(all_label_ids(res, field)).to match_array(expected_label_ids) end end end it_behaves_like 'a working query on the test schema' it 'preloads labels on issues' do expect(the_user.issues).to receive(:preload).with(:labels) query.result end it 'issues fewer queries than the naive approach' do the_user.reload # ensure no attributes are loaded before we begin naive = <<-GQL query($username: String!){ findUser(username: $username) { name issues { nodes { labels { nodes { id } } } } } } GQL with_lookahead = <<-GQL query($username: String!){ findUser(username: $username) { name issuesWithLookahead { nodes { labels { nodes { id } } } } } } GQL expect { run_query(with_lookahead) }.to issue_fewer_queries_than { run_query(naive) } end private def all_label_ids(result, field_name) result.dig('data', 'findUser', field_name, 'nodes').flat_map do |node| node.dig('labels', 'nodes').map { |n| n['id'] } end end def all_issue_titles(result, field_name) result.dig('data', 'findUser', field_name, 'nodes').map do |node| node['title'] end end end