# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'User creates release', :js do include Spec::Support::Helpers::Features::ReleasesHelpers let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:milestone_1) { create(:milestone, project: project, title: '1.1') } let_it_be(:milestone_2) { create(:milestone, project: project, title: '1.2') } let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let(:new_page_url) { new_project_release_path(project) } before do project.add_developer(user) sign_in(user) visit new_page_url wait_for_requests end it 'renders the breadcrumbs', :aggregate_failures do within('.breadcrumbs') do expect(page).to have_content("#{project.creator.name} #{project.name} New Release") expect(page).to have_link(project.creator.name, href: user_path(project.creator)) expect(page).to have_link(project.name, href: project_path(project)) expect(page).to have_link('New Release', href: new_project_release_path(project)) end end it 'defaults the "Create from" dropdown to the project\'s default branch' do expect(page.find('.ref-selector button')).to have_content(project.default_branch) end context 'when the "Save release" button is clicked', quarantine: 'https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/297507' do let(:tag_name) { 'v1.0' } let(:release_title) { 'A most magnificent release' } let(:release_notes) { 'Best. Release. **Ever.** :rocket:' } let(:link_1) { { url: 'https://gitlab.example.com/runbook', title: 'An example runbook', type: 'runbook' } } let(:link_2) { { url: 'https://gitlab.example.com/other', title: 'An example link', type: 'other' } } before do fill_out_form_and_submit end it 'creates a new release when "Create release" is clicked', :aggregate_failures do release = project.releases.last expect(release.tag).to eq(tag_name) expect(release.sha).to eq(commit.id) expect(release.name).to eq(release_title) expect(release.milestones.first.title).to eq(milestone_1.title) expect(release.milestones.second.title).to eq(milestone_2.title) expect(release.description).to eq(release_notes) expect(release.links.length).to eq(2) link = release.links.find { |l| l.link_type == link_1[:type] } expect(link.url).to eq(link_1[:url]) expect(link.name).to eq(link_1[:title]) link = release.links.find { |l| l.link_type == link_2[:type] } expect(link.url).to eq(link_2[:url]) expect(link.name).to eq(link_2[:title]) end it 'redirects to the dedicated page for the newly created release' do release = project.releases.last expect(page).to have_current_path(project_release_path(project, release)) end end context 'when the "Cancel" button is clicked' do before do click_link_or_button 'Cancel' wait_for_all_requests end it 'redirects to the main "Releases" page' do expect(page).to have_current_path(project_releases_path(project)) end context 'when the URL includes a back_url query parameter' do let(:back_path) { project_releases_path(project, params: { page: 2 }) } let(:new_page_url) do new_project_release_path(project, params: { back_url: back_path }) end it 'redirects to the page specified with back_url' do expect(page).to have_current_path(back_path) end end end context 'when the release notes "Preview" tab is clicked' do before do find_field('Release notes').click fill_release_notes('**some** _markdown_ [content](https://example.com)') click_on 'Preview' wait_for_all_requests end it 'renders a preview of the release notes markdown' do within('[data-testid="release-notes"]') do expect(page).to have_text('some markdown content') end end end def fill_out_form_and_submit fill_tag_name(tag_name) select_create_from(branch.name) fill_release_title(release_title) select_milestone(milestone_1.title, and_tab: false) select_milestone(milestone_2.title) # Focus the "Release notes" field by clicking instead of tabbing # because tabbing to the field requires too many tabs # (see https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/238619) find_field('Release notes').click fill_release_notes(release_notes) # Tab past the "assets" documentation link focused_element.send_keys(:tab) fill_asset_link(link_1) add_another_asset_link fill_asset_link(link_2) # Submit using the Control+Enter shortcut focused_element.send_keys([:control, :enter]) wait_for_all_requests end def branch project.repository.branches.find { |b| b.name == 'feature' } end def commit branch.dereferenced_target end end