--- stage: Create group: Editor info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments type: howto --- # GitLab Web Editor Sometimes it's easier to make quick changes directly from the GitLab interface than to clone the project and use the Git command-line tool. In this feature highlight, we look at how you can create a new file, directory, branch, or tag from the file browser. All of these actions are available from a single dropdown menu. ## Create a file From a project's files page, click the '+' button to the right of the branch selector. Choose **New file** from the dropdown. ![New file dropdown menu](img/web_editor_new_file_dropdown.png) Enter a filename in the **Filename** box. Then, add file content in the editor area. Add a descriptive commit message and choose a branch. The branch field defaults to the branch you were viewing in the file browser. If you enter a new branch name, a checkbox displays, allowing you to start a new merge request after you commit the changes. When you are satisfied with your new file, click **Commit Changes** at the bottom. ![Create file editor](img/web_editor_new_file_editor.png) ### Shortcuts You can use shortcuts when editing a file through the Web Editor. It uses the same shortcuts as the Web IDE. For details, read the documentation for [Command Palette](../web_ide/index.md#command-palette). ### Template dropdowns When starting a new project, there are some common files that the new project might need. GitLab displays a message to help you: ![First file for your project](img/web_editor_template_dropdown_first_file.png) When clicking on either `LICENSE` or `.gitignore` and so on, a dropdown displays to provide you a template that may be suitable for your project: ![MIT license selected](img/web_editor_template_dropdown_mit_license.png) The license, changelog, contribution guide, or `.gitlab-ci.yml` file can also be added through a button on the project page. In this example, the license has already been created, which creates a link to the license itself. ![New file button](img/web_editor_template_dropdown_buttons.png) NOTE: The **Set up CI/CD** button does not appear on an empty repository. For the button to display, add a file to your repository. ## Upload a file The ability to create a file is great when the content is text. However, this doesn't work well for binary data such as images, PDFs, or other binary file types. In this case, you need to upload a file. From a project's files page, click the '+' button to the right of the branch selector. Choose **Upload file** from the dropdown: ![Upload file dropdown menu](img/web_editor_upload_file_dropdown.png) After the upload dialog pops up, there are two ways to upload your file. Either drag and drop a file on the popup or use the **click to upload** link. After you select a file to upload, a file preview displays. Enter a commit message, choose a branch, and click **Upload file** when you are ready. ![Upload file dialog](img/web_editor_upload_file_dialog.png) ## Create a directory To keep files in the repository organized it is often helpful to create a new directory. From a project's files page, click the plus button (`+`) to the right of the branch selector. Choose **New directory** from the dropdown. ![New directory dropdown](img/web_editor_new_directory_dropdown.png) In the new directory dialog, enter a directory name, a commit message, and choose the target branch. Click **Create directory** to finish. ![New directory dialog](img/web_editor_new_directory_dialog.png) ## Create a new branch There are multiple ways to create a branch from the GitLab web interface. ### Create a new branch from an issue > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/-/merge_requests/2808) in GitLab 8.6. If your development workflow requires an issue for every merge request, you can create a branch directly from the issue to speed the process up. The new branch, and later its merge request, are marked as related to this issue. Once merged, the merge request closes the issue. You can see a **Create merge request** dropdown below the issue description. The **Create merge request** button doesn't display if: - A branch with the same name already exists. - The branch already has a referenced merge request. - Your project has an active fork relationship. To make this button appear, one possible workaround is to [remove your project's fork relationship](../settings/index.md#removing-a-fork-relationship). After removal, the fork relationship cannot be restored. This project can no longer be able to receive or send merge requests to the source project, or other forks. ![Create Button](img/web_editor_new_branch_from_issue_create_button_v12_6.png) This dropdown contains the options **Create merge request and branch** and **Create branch**. ![New Branch Button](img/web_editor_new_branch_from_issue_v_12_6.png) After selecting one of these options, a new branch or branch and merge request is created based on your project's default branch. By default, this branch is `master`. The branch name is based on an internal ID, and the issue title. The example screenshot above creates a branch named `2-make-static-site-auto-deploy-and-serve`. When you click the **Create branch** button in an empty repository project, GitLab performs these actions: - Creates a `master` branch. - Commits a blank `README.md` file to it. - Creates and redirects you to a new branch based on the issue title. - _If your project is [configured with a deployment service](../integrations/overview.md) like Kubernetes,_ GitLab prompts you to set up [auto deploy](../../../topics/autodevops/stages.md#auto-deploy) by helping you create a `.gitlab-ci.yml` file. After the branch is created, you can edit files in the repository to fix the issue. When a merge request is created based on the newly-created branch, the description field displays the [issue closing pattern](../issues/managing_issues.md#closing-issues-automatically) `Closes #ID`, where `ID` is the ID of the issue. This closes the issue when the merge request is merged. ### Create a new branch from a project's dashboard If you want to make changes to several files before creating a new merge request, you can create a new branch upfront. 1. From a project's files page, choose **New branch** from the dropdown. ![New branch dropdown](img/web_editor_new_branch_dropdown.png) 1. Enter a new **Branch name**. 1. (Optional) Change the **Create from** field to choose which branch, tag, or commit SHA this new branch originates from. This field autocompletes if you start typing an existing branch or tag. 1. Click **Create branch** to return to the file browser on this new branch. ![New branch page](img/web_editor_new_branch_page.png) You can now make changes to any files, as needed. When you're ready to merge the changes back to `master`, you can use the widget at the top of the screen. This widget only appears for a period of time after you create the branch or modify files. ![New push widget](img/web_editor_new_push_widget.png) ## Create a new tag Tags help you mark major milestones such as production releases and release candidates. You can create a tag from a branch or a commit SHA: 1. From a project's files page, choose **New tag** from the dropdown. ![New tag dropdown](img/web_editor_new_tag_dropdown.png) 1. Give the tag a name such as `v1.0.0`. 1. Choose the branch or SHA from which you want to create this new tag. 1. (Optional) Add a message and release notes. The release notes section supports Markdown format. 1. (Optional) Upload an attachment. 1. Click **Create tag**, and GitLab redirects you to the tag list page. ![New tag page](img/web_editor_new_tag_page.png) ## Tips When creating or uploading a new file or creating a new directory, you can trigger a new merge request rather than committing directly to `master`: 1. Enter a new branch name in the **Target branch** field. 1. GitLab displays the **Start a new merge request with these changes** check box. 1. Commit your changes, and GitLab redirects you to a new merge request form. ![Start a new merge request with these changes](img/web_editor_start_new_merge_request.png) If you'd prefer to not use your primary email address for commits created through the web editor, you can choose to use another of your linked email addresses from the **User Settings > Edit Profile** page.