.bs-callout.clearfix %p User cohorts are shown for the last #{@cohorts[:months_included]} months. Only users with activity are counted in the cohort total; inactive users are counted separately. = link_to icon('question-circle'), help_page_path('user/instance_statistics/user_cohorts', anchor: 'cohorts'), title: 'About this feature', target: '_blank' .table-holder %table.table %thead %tr %th Registration month %th Inactive users %th Cohort total - @cohorts[:months_included].times do |i| %th Month #{i} %tbody - @cohorts[:cohorts].each do |cohort| %tr %td= cohort[:registration_month] %td= cohort[:inactive] %td= cohort[:total] - cohort[:activity_months].each do |activity_month| %td - next if cohort[:total] == '0' = activity_month[:percentage] %br = activity_month[:total]