# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Projects::Alerting::NotifyService do let_it_be(:project, reload: true) { create(:project) } before do # We use `let_it_be(:project)` so we make sure to clear caches project.clear_memoization(:licensed_feature_available) end shared_examples 'processes incident issues' do |amount| let(:create_incident_service) { spy } let(:new_alert) { instance_double(AlertManagement::Alert, id: 503, persisted?: true) } it 'processes issues' do expect(AlertManagement::Alert) .to receive(:create) .and_return(new_alert) expect(IncidentManagement::ProcessAlertWorker) .to receive(:perform_async) .with(project.id, kind_of(Hash), new_alert.id) .exactly(amount).times Sidekiq::Testing.inline! do expect(subject).to be_success end end end shared_examples 'sends notification email' do let(:notification_service) { spy } it 'sends a notification for firing alerts only' do expect(NotificationService) .to receive(:new) .and_return(notification_service) expect(notification_service) .to receive_message_chain(:async, :prometheus_alerts_fired) expect(subject).to be_success end end shared_examples 'does not process incident issues' do it 'does not process issues' do expect(IncidentManagement::ProcessAlertWorker) .not_to receive(:perform_async) expect(subject).to be_success end end shared_examples 'does not process incident issues due to error' do |http_status:| it 'does not process issues' do expect(IncidentManagement::ProcessAlertWorker) .not_to receive(:perform_async) expect(subject).to be_error expect(subject.http_status).to eq(http_status) end end shared_examples 'NotifyService does not create alert' do it 'does not create alert' do expect { subject }.not_to change(AlertManagement::Alert, :count) end end describe '#execute' do let(:token) { 'invalid-token' } let(:starts_at) { Time.current.change(usec: 0) } let(:service) { described_class.new(project, nil, payload) } let(:payload_raw) do { title: 'alert title', start_time: starts_at.rfc3339, severity: 'low', monitoring_tool: 'GitLab RSpec', service: 'GitLab Test Suite', description: 'Very detailed description', hosts: ['', ''] }.with_indifferent_access end let(:payload) { ActionController::Parameters.new(payload_raw).permit! } subject { service.execute(token) } context 'with activated Alerts Service' do let!(:alerts_service) { create(:alerts_service, project: project) } context 'with valid token' do let(:token) { alerts_service.token } let(:incident_management_setting) { double(send_email?: email_enabled, create_issue?: issue_enabled) } let(:email_enabled) { false } let(:issue_enabled) { false } before do allow(service) .to receive(:incident_management_setting) .and_return(incident_management_setting) end context 'with valid payload' do let(:last_alert_attributes) do AlertManagement::Alert.last.attributes .except('id', 'iid', 'created_at', 'updated_at') .with_indifferent_access end it 'creates AlertManagement::Alert' do expect { subject }.to change(AlertManagement::Alert, :count).by(1) end it 'created alert has all data properly assigned' do subject expect(last_alert_attributes).to match( project_id: project.id, title: payload_raw.fetch(:title), started_at: Time.zone.parse(payload_raw.fetch(:start_time)), severity: payload_raw.fetch(:severity), status: AlertManagement::Alert::STATUSES[:triggered], events: 1, hosts: payload_raw.fetch(:hosts), payload: payload_raw.with_indifferent_access, issue_id: nil, description: payload_raw.fetch(:description), monitoring_tool: payload_raw.fetch(:monitoring_tool), service: payload_raw.fetch(:service), fingerprint: nil, ended_at: nil ) end context 'with a minimal payload' do let(:payload_raw) do { title: 'alert title', start_time: starts_at.rfc3339 } end it 'creates AlertManagement::Alert' do expect { subject }.to change(AlertManagement::Alert, :count).by(1) end it 'created alert has all data properly assigned' do subject expect(last_alert_attributes).to match( project_id: project.id, title: payload_raw.fetch(:title), started_at: Time.zone.parse(payload_raw.fetch(:start_time)), severity: 'critical', status: AlertManagement::Alert::STATUSES[:triggered], events: 1, hosts: [], payload: payload_raw.with_indifferent_access, issue_id: nil, description: nil, monitoring_tool: nil, service: nil, fingerprint: nil, ended_at: nil ) end end end it_behaves_like 'does not process incident issues' context 'issue enabled' do let(:issue_enabled) { true } it_behaves_like 'processes incident issues', 1 context 'with an invalid payload' do before do allow(Gitlab::Alerting::NotificationPayloadParser) .to receive(:call) .and_raise(Gitlab::Alerting::NotificationPayloadParser::BadPayloadError) end it_behaves_like 'does not process incident issues due to error', http_status: :bad_request it_behaves_like 'NotifyService does not create alert' end end context 'with emails turned on' do let(:email_enabled) { true } it_behaves_like 'sends notification email' end end context 'with invalid token' do it_behaves_like 'does not process incident issues due to error', http_status: :unauthorized it_behaves_like 'NotifyService does not create alert' end context 'with deactivated Alerts Service' do let!(:alerts_service) { create(:alerts_service, :inactive, project: project) } it_behaves_like 'does not process incident issues due to error', http_status: :forbidden it_behaves_like 'NotifyService does not create alert' end end end end