import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { GlStackedColumnChart } from '@gitlab/ui/dist/charts'; import StackedColumnChart from '~/monitoring/components/charts/stacked_column.vue'; import { stackedColumnMockedData } from '../../mock_data'; jest.mock('~/lib/utils/icon_utils', () => ({ getSvgIconPathContent: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('mockSvgPathContent'), })); describe('Stacked column chart component', () => { let wrapper; const glStackedColumnChart = () => wrapper.find(GlStackedColumnChart); beforeEach(() => { wrapper = shallowMount(StackedColumnChart, { propsData: { graphData: stackedColumnMockedData, }, }); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); describe('with graphData present', () => { it('is a Vue instance', () => { expect(glStackedColumnChart().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('should contain the same number of elements in the seriesNames computed prop as the graphData metrics prop', () => wrapper.vm .$nextTick() .then(expect(wrapper.vm.seriesNames).toHaveLength(stackedColumnMockedData.metrics.length))); it('should contain the same number of elements in the groupBy computed prop as the graphData result prop', () => wrapper.vm .$nextTick() .then( expect(wrapper.vm.groupBy).toHaveLength( stackedColumnMockedData.metrics[0].result[0].values.length, ), )); }); });