# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Ci module Build module Artifacts module Adapters class GzipStream attr_reader :stream InvalidStreamError = Class.new(StandardError) def initialize(stream) raise InvalidStreamError, "Stream is required" unless stream @stream = stream end def each_blob stream.seek(0) until stream.eof? gzip(stream) do |gz| yield gz.read, gz.orig_name unused = gz.unused&.length.to_i # pos has already reached to EOF at the moment # We rewind the pos to the top of unused files # to read next gzip stream, to support multistream archives # https://golang.org/src/compress/gzip/gunzip.go#L117 stream.seek(-unused, IO::SEEK_CUR) end end end private def gzip(stream, &block) gz = Zlib::GzipReader.new(stream) yield(gz) rescue Zlib::Error => e raise InvalidStreamError, e.message ensure gz&.finish end end end end end end end