require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::Ci::Trace do let(:build) { create(:ci_build) } let(:trace) { } describe "associations" do it { expect(trace).to respond_to(:job) } it { expect(trace).to delegate_method(:old_trace).to(:job) } end describe '#html' do before do trace.set("12\n34") end it "returns formatted html" do expect(trace.html).to eq("12
34") end it "returns last line of formatted html" do expect(trace.html(last_lines: 1)).to eq("34") end end describe '#raw' do before do trace.set("12\n34") end it "returns raw output" do expect(trace.raw).to eq("12\n34") end it "returns last line of raw output" do expect(trace.raw(last_lines: 1)).to eq("34") end end describe '#extract_coverage' do let(:regex) { '\(\d+.\d+\%\) covered' } context 'matching coverage' do before do trace.set('Coverage 1033 / 1051 LOC (98.29%) covered') end it "returns valid coverage" do expect(trace.extract_coverage(regex)).to eq("98.29") end end context 'no coverage' do before do trace.set('No coverage') end it 'returs nil' do expect(trace.extract_coverage(regex)).to be_nil end end end describe '#extract_sections' do let(:log) { 'No sections' } let(:sections) { trace.extract_sections } before do trace.set(log) end context 'no sections' do it 'returs []' do expect(trace.extract_sections).to eq([]) end end context 'multiple sections available' do let(:log) {'trace/trace_with_sections')) } let(:sections_data) do [ { name: 'prepare_script', lines: 2, duration: 3.seconds }, { name: 'get_sources', lines: 4, duration: 1.second }, { name: 'restore_cache', lines: 0, duration: 0.seconds }, { name: 'download_artifacts', lines: 0, duration: 0.seconds }, { name: 'build_script', lines: 2, duration: 1.second }, { name: 'after_script', lines: 0, duration: 0.seconds }, { name: 'archive_cache', lines: 0, duration: 0.seconds }, { name: 'upload_artifacts', lines: 0, duration: 0.seconds } ] end it "returns valid sections" do expect(sections).not_to be_empty expect(sections.size).to eq(sections_data.size), "expected #{sections_data.size} sections, got #{sections.size}" buff = sections.each_with_index do |s, i| expected = sections_data[i] expect(s[:name]).to eq(expected[:name]) expect(s[:date_end] - s[:date_start]).to eq(expected[:duration])[:byte_start], IO::SEEK_SET) length = s[:byte_end] - s[:byte_start] lines ="\n") expect(lines).to eq(expected[:lines]) end end end context 'logs contains "section_start"' do let(:log) { "section_start:1506417476:a_section\r\033[0Klooks like a section_start:invalid\nsection_end:1506417477:a_section\r\033[0K"} it "returns only one section" do expect(sections).not_to be_empty expect(sections.size).to eq(1) section = sections[0] expect(section[:name]).to eq('a_section') expect(section[:byte_start]).not_to eq(section[:byte_end]), "got an empty section" end end context 'missing section_end' do let(:log) { "section_start:1506417476:a_section\r\033[0KSome logs\nNo section_end\n"} it "returns no sections" do expect(sections).to be_empty end end context 'missing section_start' do let(:log) { "Some logs\nNo section_start\nsection_end:1506417476:a_section\r\033[0K"} it "returns no sections" do expect(sections).to be_empty end end context 'inverted section_start section_end' do let(:log) { "section_end:1506417476:a_section\r\033[0Klooks like a section_start:invalid\nsection_start:1506417477:a_section\r\033[0K"} it "returns no sections" do expect(sections).to be_empty end end end describe '#set' do before do trace.set("12") end it "returns trace" do expect(trace.raw).to eq("12") end context 'overwrite trace' do before do trace.set("34") end it "returns new trace" do expect(trace.raw).to eq("34") end end context 'runners token' do let(:token) { 'my_secret_token' } before do build.project.update(runners_token: token) trace.set(token) end it "hides token" do expect(trace.raw).not_to include(token) end end context 'hides build token' do let(:token) { 'my_secret_token' } before do build.update(token: token) trace.set(token) end it "hides token" do expect(trace.raw).not_to include(token) end end end describe '#append' do before do trace.set("1234") end it "returns correct trace" do expect(trace.append("56", 4)).to eq(6) expect(trace.raw).to eq("123456") end context 'tries to append trace at different offset' do it "fails with append" do expect(trace.append("56", 2)).to eq(-4) expect(trace.raw).to eq("1234") end end context 'runners token' do let(:token) { 'my_secret_token' } before do build.project.update(runners_token: token) trace.append(token, 0) end it "hides token" do expect(trace.raw).not_to include(token) end end context 'build token' do let(:token) { 'my_secret_token' } before do build.update(token: token) trace.append(token, 0) end it "hides token" do expect(trace.raw).not_to include(token) end end end describe '#read' do shared_examples 'read successfully with IO' do it 'yields with source' do do |stream| expect(stream).to be_a(Gitlab::Ci::Trace::Stream) expect( be_a(IO) end end end shared_examples 'read successfully with StringIO' do it 'yields with source' do do |stream| expect(stream).to be_a(Gitlab::Ci::Trace::Stream) expect( be_a(StringIO) end end end shared_examples 'failed to read' do it 'yields without source' do do |stream| expect(stream).to be_a(Gitlab::Ci::Trace::Stream) expect( be_nil end end end context 'when trace artifact exists' do before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :trace, job: build) end it_behaves_like 'read successfully with IO' end context 'when current_path (with project_id) exists' do before do expect(trace).to receive(:default_path) { expand_fixture_path('trace/sample_trace') } end it_behaves_like 'read successfully with IO' end context 'when current_path (with project_ci_id) exists' do before do expect(trace).to receive(:deprecated_path) { expand_fixture_path('trace/sample_trace') } end it_behaves_like 'read successfully with IO' end context 'when db trace exists' do before do build.send(:write_attribute, :trace, "data") end it_behaves_like 'read successfully with StringIO' end context 'when no sources exist' do it_behaves_like 'failed to read' end end describe 'trace handling' do subject { trace.exist? } context 'trace does not exist' do it { expect(trace.exist?).to be(false) } end context 'when trace artifact exists' do before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :trace, job: build) end it { be_truthy } context 'when the trace artifact has been erased' do before do trace.erase! end it { be_falsy } it 'removes associations' do expect(Ci::JobArtifact.exists?(job_id:, file_type: :trace)).to be_falsy end end end context 'new trace path is used' do before do trace.send(:ensure_directory), "w") do |file| file.write("data") end end it "trace exist" do expect(trace.exist?).to be(true) end it "can be erased" do trace.erase! expect(trace.exist?).to be(false) end end context 'deprecated path' do let(:path) { trace.send(:deprecated_path) } context 'with valid ci_id' do before do build.project.update(ci_id: 1000) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(path)), "w") do |file| file.write("data") end end it "trace exist" do expect(trace.exist?).to be(true) end it "can be erased" do trace.erase! expect(trace.exist?).to be(false) end end context 'without valid ci_id' do it "does not return deprecated path" do expect(path).to be_nil end end end context 'stored in database' do before do build.send(:write_attribute, :trace, "data") end it "trace exist" do expect(trace.exist?).to be(true) end it "can be erased" do trace.erase! expect(trace.exist?).to be(false) end it "returns database data" do expect(trace.raw).to eq("data") end end end describe '#archive!' do subject { trace.archive! } shared_examples 'archive trace file' do it do expect { subject }.to change { Ci::JobArtifact.count }.by(1) build.reload expect(build.trace.exist?).to be_truthy expect(build.job_artifacts_trace.file.exists?).to be_truthy expect(build.job_artifacts_trace.file.filename).to eq('job.log') expect(File.exist?(src_path)).to be_falsy expect(src_checksum) .to eq(Digest::SHA256.file(build.job_artifacts_trace.file.path).hexdigest) expect(build.job_artifacts_trace.file_sha256).to eq(src_checksum) end end shared_examples 'source trace file stays intact' do |error:| it do expect { subject }.to raise_error(error) build.reload expect(build.trace.exist?).to be_truthy expect(build.job_artifacts_trace).to be_nil expect(File.exist?(src_path)).to be_truthy end end shared_examples 'archive trace in database' do it do expect { subject }.to change { Ci::JobArtifact.count }.by(1) build.reload expect(build.trace.exist?).to be_truthy expect(build.job_artifacts_trace.file.exists?).to be_truthy expect(build.job_artifacts_trace.file.filename).to eq('job.log') expect(build.old_trace).to be_nil expect(src_checksum) .to eq(Digest::SHA256.file(build.job_artifacts_trace.file.path).hexdigest) expect(build.job_artifacts_trace.file_sha256).to eq(src_checksum) end end shared_examples 'source trace in database stays intact' do |error:| it do expect { subject }.to raise_error(error) build.reload expect(build.trace.exist?).to be_truthy expect(build.job_artifacts_trace).to be_nil expect(build.old_trace).to eq(trace_content) end end context 'when job does not have trace artifact' do context 'when trace file stored in default path' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_live) } let!(:src_path) { { |s| return s.path } } let!(:src_checksum) { Digest::SHA256.file(src_path).hexdigest } it_behaves_like 'archive trace file' context 'when failed to create clone file' do before do allow(IO).to receive(:copy_stream).and_return(0) end it_behaves_like 'source trace file stays intact', error: Gitlab::Ci::Trace::ArchiveError end context 'when failed to create job artifact record' do before do allow_any_instance_of(Ci::JobArtifact).to receive(:save).and_return(false) allow_any_instance_of(Ci::JobArtifact).to receive_message_chain(:errors, :full_messages) .and_return(%w[Error Error]) end it_behaves_like 'source trace file stays intact', error: ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid end end context 'when trace is stored in database' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :success) } let(:trace_content) { 'Sample trace' } let!(:src_checksum) { Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(trace_content) } before do build.update_column(:trace, trace_content) end it_behaves_like 'archive trace in database' context 'when failed to create clone file' do before do allow(IO).to receive(:copy_stream).and_return(0) end it_behaves_like 'source trace in database stays intact', error: Gitlab::Ci::Trace::ArchiveError end context 'when failed to create job artifact record' do before do allow_any_instance_of(Ci::JobArtifact).to receive(:save).and_return(false) allow_any_instance_of(Ci::JobArtifact).to receive_message_chain(:errors, :full_messages) .and_return(%w[Error Error]) end it_behaves_like 'source trace in database stays intact', error: ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid end end end context 'when job has trace artifact' do before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :trace, job: build) end it 'does not archive' do expect_any_instance_of(described_class).not_to receive(:archive_stream!) expect { subject }.to raise_error('Already archived') expect(build.job_artifacts_trace.file.exists?).to be_truthy end end context 'when job is not finished yet' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :running, :trace_live) } it 'does not archive' do expect_any_instance_of(described_class).not_to receive(:archive_stream!) expect { subject }.to raise_error('Job is not finished yet') expect(build.trace.exist?).to be_truthy end end end end