# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe FileUploader do let(:group) { create(:group, name: 'awesome') } let(:project) { create(:project, :legacy_storage, namespace: group, name: 'project') } let(:uploader) { described_class.new(project, :avatar) } let(:upload) { double(model: project, path: "#{secret}/foo.jpg") } let(:secret) { "55dc16aa0edd05693fd98b5051e83321" } # this would be nicer as SecureRandom.hex, but the shared_examples breaks subject { uploader } shared_examples 'builds correct legacy storage paths' do include_examples 'builds correct paths', store_dir: %r{awesome/project/\h+}, upload_path: %r{\h+/<filename>}, absolute_path: %r{#{described_class.root}/awesome/project/55dc16aa0edd05693fd98b5051e83321/foo.jpg} end context 'legacy storage' do it_behaves_like 'builds correct legacy storage paths' context 'uses hashed storage' do context 'when rolled out attachments' do let(:project) { build_stubbed(:project, namespace: group, name: 'project') } include_examples 'builds correct paths', store_dir: %r{@hashed/\h{2}/\h{2}/\h+}, upload_path: %r{\h+/<filename>} end context 'when only repositories are rolled out' do let(:project) { build_stubbed(:project, namespace: group, name: 'project', storage_version: Project::HASHED_STORAGE_FEATURES[:repository]) } it_behaves_like 'builds correct legacy storage paths' end end end context 'object store is remote' do before do stub_uploads_object_storage end include_context 'with storage', described_class::Store::REMOTE # always use hashed storage path for remote uploads it_behaves_like 'builds correct paths', store_dir: %r{@hashed/\h{2}/\h{2}/\h+}, upload_path: %r{@hashed/\h{2}/\h{2}/\h+/\h+/<filename>} end describe 'initialize' do let(:uploader) { described_class.new(double, secret: secret) } it 'accepts a secret parameter' do expect(described_class).not_to receive(:generate_secret) expect(uploader.secret).to eq(secret) end end describe 'callbacks' do describe '#prune_store_dir after :remove' do before do uploader.store!(fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/doc_sample.txt')) end def store_dir File.expand_path(uploader.store_dir, uploader.root) end it 'is called' do expect(uploader).to receive(:prune_store_dir).once uploader.remove! end it 'prune the store directory' do expect { uploader.remove! } .to change { File.exist?(store_dir) }.from(true).to(false) end end end describe 'copy_to' do let(:new_project) { create(:project) } let(:moved) { described_class.copy_to(subject, new_project) } shared_examples 'returns a valid uploader' do describe 'returned uploader' do it 'generates a new secret' do expect(subject).to be expect(described_class).to receive(:generate_secret).once.and_call_original expect(moved).to be end it 'creates new upload correctly' do upload = moved.upload expect(upload).not_to eq(subject.upload) expect(upload.model).to eq(new_project) expect(upload.uploader).to eq('FileUploader') expect(upload.secret).not_to eq(subject.upload.secret) end it 'copies the file' do expect(subject.file).to exist expect(moved.file).to exist expect(subject.file).not_to eq(moved.file) expect(subject.object_store).to eq(moved.object_store) end end end context 'files are stored locally' do before do subject.store!(fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/dk.png')) end include_examples 'returns a valid uploader' it 'copies the file to the correct location' do expect(moved.upload.path).to eq("#{moved.upload.secret}/dk.png") expect(moved.file.path).to end_with("public/uploads/#{new_project.disk_path}/#{moved.upload.secret}/dk.png") expect(moved.filename).to eq('dk.png') end end context 'files are stored remotely' do before do stub_uploads_object_storage subject.store!(fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/dk.png')) subject.migrate!(ObjectStorage::Store::REMOTE) end include_examples 'returns a valid uploader' it 'copies the file to the correct location' do expect(moved.upload.path).to eq("#{new_project.disk_path}/#{moved.upload.secret}/dk.png") expect(moved.file.path).to eq("#{new_project.disk_path}/#{moved.upload.secret}/dk.png") expect(moved.filename).to eq('dk.png') end end end describe '.extract_dynamic_path' do shared_examples 'a valid secret' do |root_path| context 'with a 32-byte hexadecimal secret' do let(:secret) { SecureRandom.hex } let(:path) { File.join(*[root_path, secret, 'dummy.txt'].compact) } it 'extracts the secret' do expect(described_class.extract_dynamic_path(path)[:secret]).to eq(secret) end it 'extracts the identifier' do expect(described_class.extract_dynamic_path(path)[:identifier]).to eq('dummy.txt') end end context 'with a 10-byte hexadecimal secret' do let(:secret) { SecureRandom.hex[0, 10] } let(:path) { File.join(*[root_path, secret, 'dummy.txt'].compact) } it 'extracts the secret' do expect(described_class.extract_dynamic_path(path)[:secret]).to eq(secret) end it 'extracts the identifier' do expect(described_class.extract_dynamic_path(path)[:identifier]).to eq('dummy.txt') end end context 'with an invalid secret' do let(:secret) { 'foo' } let(:path) { File.join(*[root_path, secret, 'dummy.txt'].compact) } it 'returns nil' do expect(described_class.extract_dynamic_path(path)).to be_nil end end end context 'with an absolute path without a slash in the beginning' do it_behaves_like 'a valid secret', 'export/4b227777d4dd1fc61c6f884f48641d02b4d121d3fd328cb08b5531fcacdabf8a/test/uploads' end context 'with an absolute path with a slash in the beginning' do it_behaves_like 'a valid secret', '/export/4b227777d4dd1fc61c6f884f48641d02b4d121d3fd328cb08b5531fcacdabf8a/test/uploads' end context 'with an relative path without a slash in the beginning' do it_behaves_like 'a valid secret', nil end context 'with an relative path with a slash in the beginning' do it_behaves_like 'a valid secret', '/' end end describe '#secret' do it 'generates a secret if none is provided' do expect(described_class).to receive(:generate_secret).and_return(secret) expect(uploader.secret).to eq(secret) expect(uploader.secret.size).to eq(32) end context "validation" do before do uploader.instance_variable_set(:@secret, secret) end context "32-byte hexadecimal" do let(:secret) { SecureRandom.hex } it "returns the secret" do expect(uploader.secret).to eq(secret) end end context "10-byte hexadecimal" do let(:secret) { SecureRandom.hex[0, 10] } it "returns the secret" do expect(uploader.secret).to eq(secret) end end context "invalid secret supplied" do let(:secret) { "%2E%2E%2F%2E%2E%2F%2E%2E%2F%2E%2E%2F%2E%2E%2F%2E%2E%2F%2E%2E%2Fgrafana%2Fconf%2F" } it "raises an exception" do expect { uploader.secret }.to raise_error(described_class::InvalidSecret) end end end end describe "#migrate!" do before do uploader.store!(fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/dk.png')) stub_uploads_object_storage end it_behaves_like "migrates", to_store: described_class::Store::REMOTE it_behaves_like "migrates", from_store: described_class::Store::REMOTE, to_store: described_class::Store::LOCAL end describe '#upload=' do let(:secret) { SecureRandom.hex } let(:upload) { create(:upload, :issuable_upload, secret: secret, filename: 'file.txt') } it 'handles nil' do expect(uploader).not_to receive(:apply_context!) uploader.upload = nil end it 'extract the uploader context from it' do expect(uploader).to receive(:apply_context!).with(a_hash_including(secret: secret, identifier: 'file.txt')) uploader.upload = upload end end describe '#replace_file_without_saving!' do let(:replacement) { Tempfile.create('replacement.jpg') } it 'replaces an existing file without changing its metadata' do expect { subject.replace_file_without_saving! CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new(replacement) }.not_to change { subject.upload } end end context 'when remote file is used' do let(:temp_file) { Tempfile.new("test") } let!(:fog_connection) do stub_uploads_object_storage(described_class) end let(:filename) { "my file.txt" } let(:uploaded_file) do UploadedFile.new(temp_file.path, filename: filename, remote_id: "test/123123") end let!(:fog_file) do fog_connection.directories.new(key: 'uploads').files.create( # rubocop:disable Rails/SaveBang key: 'tmp/uploads/test/123123', body: 'content' ) end before do FileUtils.touch(temp_file) uploader.store!(uploaded_file) end after do FileUtils.rm_f(temp_file) end describe '#cache!' do it 'file is stored remotely in permament location with sanitized name' do expect(uploader).to be_exists expect(uploader).not_to be_cached expect(uploader).not_to be_file_storage expect(uploader.path).not_to be_nil expect(uploader.path).not_to include('tmp/upload') expect(uploader.path).not_to include('tmp/cache') expect(uploader.url).to include('/my_file.txt') expect(uploader.object_store).to eq(described_class::Store::REMOTE) end end describe '#to_h' do subject { uploader.to_h } let(:filename) { 'my+file.txt' } it 'generates URL using original file name instead of filename returned by object storage' do # GCS returns a URL with a `+` instead of `%2B` allow(uploader.file).to receive(:url).and_return('https://storage.googleapis.com/gitlab-test-uploads/@hashed/6b/86/6b86b273ff34fce19d6b804eff5a3f5747ada4eaa22f1d49c01e52ddb7875b4b/64c5065e62100b1a12841644256a98be/my+file.txt') expect(subject[:url]).to end_with(filename) end end end end