/* * This is a manifest file that'll automatically include all the stylesheets available in this directory * and any sub-directories. You're free to add application-wide styles to this file and they'll appear at * the top of the compiled file, but it's generally better to create a new file per style scope. *= require_self *= require cropper.css */ // Welcome to GitLab css! // If you need to add or modify UI component that is common for many pages // like a table or typography then make changes in the framework/ directory. // If you need to add unique style that should affect only one page - use pages/ // directory. @import '@gitlab/at.js/dist/css/jquery.atwho'; @import 'dropzone/dist/basic'; @import 'select2/select2'; // GitLab UI framework @import 'framework'; // Font icons @import 'font-awesome'; // Page specific styles (issues, projects etc): @import 'pages/**/*'; // Component specific styles, will be moved to gitlab-ui @import 'components/**/*'; // Vendors specific styles @import 'vendors/**/*'; // Styles for JS behaviors. @import 'behaviors'; // EE-only stylesheets @import 'application_ee'; // CSS util classes /** These are deprecated in favor of the Gitlab UI utilities imported below. Please check https://unpkg.com/browse/@gitlab/ui/src/scss/utilities.scss to see the available utility classes. **/ @import 'utilities'; // Gitlab UI util classes @import '@gitlab/ui/src/scss/utilities'; /* print styles */ @media print { @import 'print'; }