// Prop validator for alert information, expecting an object like the example below. // // { // '/root/autodevops-deploy/prometheus/alerts/16.json?environment_id=37': { // alert_path: "/root/autodevops-deploy/prometheus/alerts/16.json?environment_id=37", // metricId: '1', // operator: ">", // query: "rate(http_requests_total[5m])[30m:1m]", // threshold: 0.002, // title: "Core Usage (Total)", // } // } export function alertsValidator(value) { return Object.keys(value).every(key => { const alert = value[key]; return ( alert.alert_path && key === alert.alert_path && alert.metricId && typeof alert.metricId === 'string' && alert.operator && typeof alert.threshold === 'number' ); }); } // Prop validator for query information, expecting an array like the example below. // // [ // { // metricId: '16', // label: 'Total Cores' // }, // { // metricId: '17', // label: 'Sub-total Cores' // } // ] export function queriesValidator(value) { return value.every( query => query.metricId && typeof query.metricId === 'string' && typeof query.label === 'string', ); }