# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Profiles::NotificationsController do let(:user) do create(:user) do |user| user.emails.create(email: 'original@example.com') user.emails.create(email: 'new@example.com') user.notification_email = 'original@example.com' user.save! end end describe 'GET show' do it 'renders' do sign_in(user) get :show expect(response).to render_template :show end end describe 'POST update' do it 'updates only permitted attributes' do sign_in(user) put :update, params: { user: { notification_email: 'new@example.com', notified_of_own_activity: true, admin: true } } user.reload expect(user.notification_email).to eq('new@example.com') expect(user.notified_of_own_activity).to eq(true) expect(user.admin).to eq(false) expect(controller).to set_flash[:notice].to('Notification settings saved') end it 'shows an error message if the params are invalid' do sign_in(user) put :update, params: { user: { notification_email: '' } } expect(user.reload.notification_email).to eq('original@example.com') expect(controller).to set_flash[:alert].to('Failed to save new settings') end end end