# Milestones Milestones allow you to organize issues and merge requests into a cohesive group, optionally setting a due date. A common use is keeping track of an upcoming software version. Milestones can be created per-project or per-group. ## Creating a project milestone >**Note:** You need [Master permissions](../../permissions.md) in order to create a milestone. You can find the milestones page under your project's **Issues ➔ Milestones**. To create a new milestone, simply click the **New milestone** button when in the milestones page. A milestone can have a title, a description and start/due dates. Once you fill in all the details, hit the **Create milestone** button. ![Creating a milestone](img/milestone_create.png) ## Creating a group milestone >**Note:** You need [Master permissions](../../permissions.md) in order to create a milestone. You can create a milestone for several projects in the same group simultaneously. On the group's **Issues ➔ Milestones** page, you will be able to see the status of that milestone across all of the selected projects. To create a new milestone for selected projects in the group, click the **New milestone** button. The form is the same as when creating a milestone for a specific project with the addition of the selection of the projects you want to inherit this milestone. ![Creating a group milestone](img/milestone_group_create.png) ## Special milestone filters In addition to the milestones that exist in the project or group, there are some special options available when filtering by milestone: * **No Milestone** - only show issues or merge requests without a milestone. * **Upcoming** - show issues or merge request that belong to the next open milestone with a due date, by project. (For example: if project A has milestone v1 due in three days, and project B has milestone v2 due in a week, then this will show issues or merge requests from milestone v1 in project A and milestone v2 in project B.) * **Started** - show issues or merge requests from any milestone with a start date less than today. Note that this can return results from several milestones in the same project.