import { TEST_HOST } from 'helpers/test_constants'; import { waitForText } from 'helpers/wait_for_text'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import { useOverclockTimers } from 'test_helpers/utils/overclock_timers'; import { createCommitId } from 'test_helpers/factories/commit_id'; import { initIde } from '~/ide'; import extendStore from '~/ide/stores/extend'; import * as ideHelper from './ide_helper'; const TEST_DATASET = { emptyStateSvgPath: '/test/empty_state.svg', noChangesStateSvgPath: '/test/no_changes_state.svg', committedStateSvgPath: '/test/committed_state.svg', pipelinesEmptyStateSvgPath: '/test/pipelines_empty_state.svg', promotionSvgPath: '/test/promotion.svg', ciHelpPagePath: '/test/ci_help_page', webIDEHelpPagePath: '/test/web_ide_help_page', clientsidePreviewEnabled: 'true', renderWhitespaceInCode: 'false', codesandboxBundlerUrl: 'test/codesandbox_bundler', }; describe('WebIDE', () => { useOverclockTimers(); let vm; let root; beforeEach(() => { root = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(root); global.jsdom.reconfigure({ url: `${TEST_HOST}/-/ide/project/gitlab-test/lorem-ipsum`, }); }); afterEach(() => { vm.$destroy(); vm = null; root.remove(); }); const createComponent = () => { const el = document.createElement('div'); Object.assign(el.dataset, TEST_DATASET); root.appendChild(el); vm = initIde(el, { extendStore }); }; it('runs', () => { createComponent(); expect(root).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('user commits changes', async () => { createComponent(); await ideHelper.createFile('foo/bar/test.txt', 'Lorem ipsum dolar sit'); await ideHelper.deleteFile('foo/bar/.gitkeep'); await ideHelper.commit(); const commitId = createCommitId(1); const commitShortId = commitId.slice(0, 8); await waitForText('All changes are committed'); await waitForText(commitShortId); expect(mockServer.db.branches.findBy({ name: 'master' }).commit).toMatchObject({ short_id: commitShortId, id: commitId, message: 'Update foo/bar/test.txt\nDeleted foo/bar/.gitkeep', __actions: [ { action: 'create', content: 'Lorem ipsum dolar sit\n', encoding: 'text', file_path: 'foo/bar/test.txt', last_commit_id: '', }, { action: 'delete', encoding: 'text', file_path: 'foo/bar/.gitkeep', }, ], }); }); it('user adds file that starts with +', async () => { createComponent(); await ideHelper.createFile('+test', 'Hello world!'); await ideHelper.openFile('+test'); // Wait for monaco things await waitForPromises(); // Assert that +test is the only open tab const tabs = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.multi-file-tab')); expect( => x.textContent.trim())).toEqual(['+test']); }); });