# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Pagination module Keyset # This class is a special ORDER BY clause which is compatible with ActiveRecord. It helps # building keyset paginated queries. # # In ActiveRecord we use the `order()` method which will generate the `ORDER BY X` SQL clause # # Project.where(active: true).order(id: :asc) # # # Or # # Project.where(active: true).order(created_at: :asc, id: desc) # # Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset::Order class encapsulates more information about the order columns # in order to implement keyset pagination in a generic way # # - Extract values from a record (usually the last item of the previous query) # - Build query conditions based on the column configuration # # Example 1: Order by primary key # # # Simple order definition for the primary key as an ActiveRecord scope # scope :id_asc_ordered, -> { # keyset_order = Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset::Order.build([ # Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset::ColumnOrderDefinition.new( # attribute: :id, # order_expression: Project.arel_table[:id].asc # ) # ]) # # reorder(keyset_order) # } # # # ... Later in the application code: # # # Compatible with ActiveRecord's `order()` method # page1 = Project.where(active: true).id_asc_ordered.limit(5) # keyset_order = Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset::Order.extract_keyset_order_object(page1) # # last_record = page1.last # cursor_values = keyset_order.cursor_attributes_for_node(last_record) # { id: x } # # page2 = keyset_order.apply_cursor_conditions(Project.where(active: true).id_asc_ordered, cursor_values).limit(5) # # last_record = page2.last # cursor_values = keyset_order.cursor_attributes_for_node(last_record) # # page3 = keyset_order.apply_cursor_conditions(Project.where(active: true).id_asc_ordered, cursor_values).limit(5) # # Example 2: Order by creation time and primary key (primary key is the tie breaker) # # scope :created_at_ordered, -> { # keyset_order = Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset::Order.build([ # Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset::ColumnOrderDefinition.new( # attribute_name: :created_at, # column_expression: Project.arel_table[:created_at], # order_expression: Project.arel_table[:created_at].asc, # distinct: false, # values in the column are not unique # nullable: :nulls_last # we might see NULL values (bottom) # ), # Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset::ColumnOrderDefinition.new( # attribute_name: :id, # order_expression: Project.arel_table[:id].asc # ) # ]) # # reorder(keyset_order) # } # class Order < Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral attr_reader :column_definitions def initialize(column_definitions:) @column_definitions = column_definitions super(to_sql_literal(@column_definitions)) end # Tells whether the given ActiveRecord::Relation has keyset ordering def self.keyset_aware?(scope) scope.order_values.first.is_a?(self) && scope.order_values.one? end def self.extract_keyset_order_object(scope) scope.order_values.first end def self.build(column_definitions) new(column_definitions: column_definitions) end def cursor_attributes_for_node(node) column_definitions.each_with_object({}.with_indifferent_access) do |column_definition, hash| field_value = node[column_definition.attribute_name] hash[column_definition.attribute_name] = if field_value.is_a?(Time) field_value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N %Z') elsif field_value.nil? nil else field_value.to_s end end end # This methods builds the conditions for the keyset pagination # # Example: # # |created_at|id| # |----------|--| # |2020-01-01| 1| # | null| 2| # | null| 3| # |2020-02-01| 4| # # Note: created_at is not distinct and nullable # Order `ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC` # # We get the following cursor values from the previous page: # { id: 4, created_at: '2020-02-01' } # # To get the next rows, we need to build the following conditions: # # (created_at = '2020-02-01' AND id < 4) OR (created_at < '2020-01-01') # # DESC ordering ensures that NULL values are on top so we don't need conditions for NULL values # # Another cursor example: # { id: 3, created_at: nil } # # To get the next rows, we need to build the following conditions: # # (id < 3 AND created_at IS NULL) OR (created_at IS NOT NULL) def build_where_values(values) return [] if values.blank? verify_incoming_values!(values) where_values = [] reversed_column_definitions = column_definitions.reverse reversed_column_definitions.each_with_index do |column_definition, i| value = values[column_definition.attribute_name] conditions_for_column(column_definition, value).each do |condition| column_definitions_after_index = reversed_column_definitions.last(column_definitions.reverse.size - i - 1) equal_conditon_for_rest = column_definitions_after_index.map do |definition| definition.column_expression.eq(values[definition.attribute_name]) end where_values << Arel::Nodes::Grouping.new(Arel::Nodes::And.new([condition, *equal_conditon_for_rest].compact)) end end where_values end def where_values_with_or_query(values) build_or_query(build_where_values(values.with_indifferent_access)) end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def apply_cursor_conditions(scope, values = {}, options = { use_union_optimization: false }) values ||= {} transformed_values = values.with_indifferent_access scope = apply_custom_projections(scope) where_values = build_where_values(transformed_values) if options[:use_union_optimization] && where_values.size > 1 build_union_query(scope, where_values).reorder(self) else scope.where(build_or_query(where_values)) # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord end end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def reversed_order self.class.build(column_definitions.map(&:reverse)) end alias_method :to_sql, :to_s private # Adds extra columns to the SELECT clause def apply_custom_projections(scope) additional_projections = column_definitions.select(&:add_to_projections).map do |column_definition| # avoid mutating the original column_expression column_definition.column_expression.dup.as(column_definition.attribute_name).to_sql end scope = scope.select(*scope.arel.projections, *additional_projections) if additional_projections scope end def conditions_for_column(column_definition, value) conditions = [] # Depending on the order, build a query condition fragment for taking the next rows if column_definition.distinct? || (!column_definition.distinct? && value.present?) conditions << compare_column_with_value(column_definition, value) end # When the column is nullable, additional conditions for NULL a NOT NULL values are necessary. # This depends on the position of the nulls (top or bottom of the resultset). if column_definition.nulls_first? && value.blank? conditions << column_definition.column_expression.not_eq(nil) elsif column_definition.nulls_last? && value.present? conditions << column_definition.column_expression.eq(nil) end conditions end def compare_column_with_value(column_definition, value) if column_definition.descending_order? column_definition.column_expression.lt(value) else column_definition.column_expression.gt(value) end end def build_or_query(expressions) return [] if expressions.blank? or_expression = expressions.reduce { |or_expression, expression| Arel::Nodes::Or.new(or_expression, expression) } Arel::Nodes::Grouping.new(or_expression) end def build_union_query(scope, where_values) scopes = where_values.map do |where_value| scope.dup.where(where_value).reorder(self) # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord end scope.model.from_union(scopes, remove_duplicates: false, remove_order: false) end def to_sql_literal(column_definitions) column_definitions.map do |column_definition| if column_definition.order_expression.respond_to?(:to_sql) column_definition.order_expression.to_sql else column_definition.order_expression.to_s end end.join(', ') end def verify_incoming_values!(values) value_keys = values.keys.map(&:to_s) order_attrbute_names = column_definitions.map(&:attribute_name).map(&:to_s) missing_items = order_attrbute_names - value_keys extra_items = value_keys - order_attrbute_names if missing_items.any? || extra_items.any? error_text = ['Incorrect cursor values were given'] error_text << "Extra items: #{extra_items.join(', ')}" if extra_items.any? error_text << "Missing items: #{missing_items.join(', ')}" if missing_items.any? error_text.compact raise error_text.join('. ') end end end end end end