import { groupQueriesByChartInfo, normalizeMetric, uniqMetricsId } from '~/monitoring/stores/utils'; describe('groupQueriesByChartInfo', () => { let input; let output; it('groups metrics with the same chart title and y_axis label', () => { input = [ { title: 'title', y_label: 'MB', queries: [{}] }, { title: 'title', y_label: 'MB', queries: [{}] }, { title: 'new title', y_label: 'MB', queries: [{}] }, ]; output = [ { title: 'title', y_label: 'MB', queries: [{ metricId: null }, { metricId: null }], }, { title: 'new title', y_label: 'MB', queries: [{ metricId: null }] }, ]; expect(groupQueriesByChartInfo(input)).toEqual(output); }); // Functionality associated with the /additional_metrics endpoint it("associates a chart's stringified metric_id with the metric", () => { input = [{ id: 3, title: 'new title', y_label: 'MB', queries: [{}] }]; output = [{ id: 3, title: 'new title', y_label: 'MB', queries: [{ metricId: '3' }] }]; expect(groupQueriesByChartInfo(input)).toEqual(output); }); // Functionality associated with the /metrics_dashboard endpoint it('aliases a stringified metrics_id on the metric to the metricId key', () => { input = [{ title: 'new title', y_label: 'MB', queries: [{ metric_id: 3 }] }]; output = [{ title: 'new title', y_label: 'MB', queries: [{ metricId: '3', metric_id: 3 }] }]; expect(groupQueriesByChartInfo(input)).toEqual(output); }); }); describe('normalizeMetric', () => { [ { args: [], expected: 'undefined_undefined' }, { args: [undefined], expected: 'undefined_undefined' }, { args: [{ id: 'something' }], expected: 'undefined_something' }, { args: [{ id: 45 }], expected: 'undefined_45' }, { args: [{ metric_id: 5 }], expected: '5_undefined' }, { args: [{ metric_id: 'something' }], expected: 'something_undefined' }, { args: [{ metric_id: 5, id: 'system_metrics_kubernetes_container_memory_total' }], expected: '5_system_metrics_kubernetes_container_memory_total', }, ].forEach(({ args, expected }) => { it(`normalizes metric to "${expected}" with args=${JSON.stringify(args)}`, () => { expect(normalizeMetric(...args)).toEqual({ metric_id: expected }); }); }); }); describe('uniqMetricsId', () => { [ { input: { id: 1 }, expected: 'undefined_1' }, { input: { metric_id: 2 }, expected: '2_undefined' }, { input: { metric_id: 2, id: 21 }, expected: '2_21' }, { input: { metric_id: 22, id: 1 }, expected: '22_1' }, { input: { metric_id: 'aaa', id: '_a' }, expected: 'aaa__a' }, ].forEach(({ input, expected }) => { it(`creates unique metric ID with ${JSON.stringify(input)}`, () => { expect(uniqMetricsId(input)).toEqual(expected); }); }); });