# frozen_string_literal: true module API module Helpers module Pagination def paginate(relation) strategy = if params[:pagination] == 'keyset' && Feature.enabled?('api_keyset_pagination') KeysetPaginationStrategy else DefaultPaginationStrategy end strategy.new(self).paginate(relation) end class Base private def per_page @per_page ||= params[:per_page] end def base_request_uri @base_request_uri ||= URI.parse(request.url).tap do |uri| uri.host = Gitlab.config.gitlab.host uri.port = Gitlab.config.gitlab.port end end def build_page_url(query_params:) base_request_uri.tap do |uri| uri.query = query_params end.to_s end def page_href(next_page_params = {}) query_params = params.merge(**next_page_params, per_page: per_page).to_query build_page_url(query_params: query_params) end end class KeysetPaginationInfo attr_reader :relation, :request_context def initialize(relation, request_context) # This is because it's rather complex to support multiple values with possibly different sort directions # (and we don't need this in the API) if relation.order_values.size > 1 raise "Pagination only supports ordering by a single column." \ "The following columns were given: #{relation.order_values.map { |v| v.expr.name }}" end @relation = relation @request_context = request_context end def fields keys.zip(values).reject { |_, v| v.nil? }.to_h end def column_for_order_by(relation) relation.order_values.first&.expr&.name end # Sort direction (`:asc` or `:desc`) def sort @sort ||= if order_by_primary_key? # Default order is by id DESC :desc else # API defaults to DESC order if param `sort` not present request_context.params[:sort]&.to_sym || :desc end end # Do we only sort by primary key? def order_by_primary_key? keys.size == 1 && keys.first == primary_key end def primary_key relation.model.primary_key.to_sym end def sort_ascending? sort == :asc end # Build hash of request parameters for a given record (relevant to pagination) def params_for(record) return {} unless record keys.each_with_object({}) do |key, h| h["ks_prev_#{key}".to_sym] = record.attributes[key.to_s] end end private # All values present in request parameters that correspond to #keys. def values @values ||= keys.map do |key| request_context.params["ks_prev_#{key}".to_sym] end end # All keys relevant to pagination. # This always includes the primary key. Optionally, the `order_by` key is prepended. def keys @keys ||= [column_for_order_by(relation), primary_key].compact.uniq end end class KeysetPaginationStrategy < Base attr_reader :request_context delegate :params, :header, :request, to: :request_context def initialize(request_context) @request_context = request_context end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def paginate(relation) pagination = KeysetPaginationInfo.new(relation, request_context) paged_relation = relation.limit(per_page) if conds = conditions(pagination) paged_relation = paged_relation.where(*conds) end # In all cases: sort by primary key (possibly in addition to another sort column) paged_relation = paged_relation.order(pagination.primary_key => pagination.sort) add_default_pagination_headers if last_record = paged_relation.last next_page_params = pagination.params_for(last_record) add_navigation_links(next_page_params) end paged_relation end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord private def conditions(pagination) fields = pagination.fields return if fields.empty? placeholder = fields.map { '?' } comp = if pagination.sort_ascending? '>' else '<' end [ # Row value comparison: # (A, B) < (a, b) <=> (A < a) OR (A = a AND B < b) # <=> A <= a AND ((A < a) OR (A = a AND B < b)) "(#{fields.keys.join(',')}) #{comp} (#{placeholder.join(',')})", *fields.values ] end def add_default_pagination_headers header 'X-Per-Page', per_page.to_s end def add_navigation_links(next_page_params) header 'X-Next-Page', page_href(next_page_params) header 'Link', link_for('next', next_page_params) end def link_for(rel, next_page_params) %(<#{page_href(next_page_params)}>; rel="#{rel}") end end class DefaultPaginationStrategy < Base attr_reader :request_context delegate :params, :header, :request, to: :request_context def initialize(request_context) @request_context = request_context end def paginate(relation) paginate_with_limit_optimization(add_default_order(relation)).tap do |data| add_pagination_headers(data) end end private def paginate_with_limit_optimization(relation) pagination_data = relation.page(params[:page]).per(params[:per_page]) return pagination_data unless pagination_data.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation) return pagination_data unless Feature.enabled?(:api_kaminari_count_with_limit) limited_total_count = pagination_data.total_count_with_limit if limited_total_count > Kaminari::ActiveRecordRelationMethods::MAX_COUNT_LIMIT # The call to `total_count_with_limit` memoizes `@arel` because of a call to `references_eager_loaded_tables?` # We need to call `reset` because `without_count` relies on `@arel` being unmemoized pagination_data.reset.without_count else pagination_data end end def add_default_order(relation) if relation.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation) && relation.order_values.empty? relation = relation.order(:id) # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord end relation end def add_pagination_headers(paginated_data) header 'X-Per-Page', paginated_data.limit_value.to_s header 'X-Page', paginated_data.current_page.to_s header 'X-Next-Page', paginated_data.next_page.to_s header 'X-Prev-Page', paginated_data.prev_page.to_s header 'Link', pagination_links(paginated_data) return if data_without_counts?(paginated_data) header 'X-Total', paginated_data.total_count.to_s header 'X-Total-Pages', total_pages(paginated_data).to_s end def pagination_links(paginated_data) [].tap do |links| links << %(<#{page_href(page: paginated_data.prev_page)}>; rel="prev") if paginated_data.prev_page links << %(<#{page_href(page: paginated_data.next_page)}>; rel="next") if paginated_data.next_page links << %(<#{page_href(page: 1)}>; rel="first") links << %(<#{page_href(page: total_pages(paginated_data))}>; rel="last") unless data_without_counts?(paginated_data) end.join(', ') end def total_pages(paginated_data) # Ensure there is in total at least 1 page [paginated_data.total_pages, 1].max end def data_without_counts?(paginated_data) paginated_data.is_a?(Kaminari::PaginatableWithoutCount) end end end end end