# frozen_string_literal: true # Proxies calls to a Grafana-integrated Prometheus instance # through the Grafana proxy API # This allows us to fetch and render metrics in GitLab from a Prometheus # instance for which dashboards are configured in Grafana module Grafana class ProxyService < BaseService include ReactiveCaching self.reactive_cache_key = ->(service) { service.cache_key } self.reactive_cache_lease_timeout = 30.seconds self.reactive_cache_refresh_interval = 30.seconds self.reactive_cache_worker_finder = ->(_id, *args) { from_cache(*args) } attr_accessor :project, :datasource_id, :proxy_path, :query_params # @param project_id [Integer] Project id for which grafana is configured. # # See #initialize for other parameters. def self.from_cache(project_id, datasource_id, proxy_path, query_params) project = Project.find(project_id) new(project, datasource_id, proxy_path, query_params) end # @param project [Project] Project for which grafana is configured. # @param datasource_id [String] Grafana datasource id for Prometheus instance # @param proxy_path [String] Path to Prometheus endpoint; EX) 'api/v1/query_range' # @param query_params [Hash] Supported params: [query, start, end, step] def initialize(project, datasource_id, proxy_path, query_params) @project = project @datasource_id = datasource_id @proxy_path = proxy_path @query_params = query_params end def execute return cannot_proxy_response unless client with_reactive_cache(*cache_key) { |result| result } end def calculate_reactive_cache(*) return cannot_proxy_response unless client response = client.proxy_datasource( datasource_id: datasource_id, proxy_path: proxy_path, query: query_params ) success(http_status: response.code, body: response.body) rescue ::Grafana::Client::Error => error service_unavailable_response(error) end # Required for ReactiveCaching; Usage overridden by # self.reactive_cache_worker_finder def id nil end def cache_key [project.id, datasource_id, proxy_path, query_params] end private def client project.grafana_integration&.client end def service_unavailable_response(exception) error(exception.message, :service_unavailable) end def cannot_proxy_response error('Proxy support for this API is not available currently') end end end