# frozen_string_literal: true # rubocop:disable RSpec/FactoriesInMigrationSpecs require 'spec_helper' require Rails.root.join('db', 'post_migrate', '20180723130817_delete_inconsistent_internal_id_records.rb') describe DeleteInconsistentInternalIdRecords, :migration do let!(:project1) { create(:project) } let!(:project2) { create(:project) } let!(:project3) { create(:project) } let(:internal_id_query) { ->(project) { InternalId.where(usage: InternalId.usages[scope.to_s.tableize], project: project) } } let(:create_models) do 3.times { create(scope, project: project1) } 3.times { create(scope, project: project2) } 3.times { create(scope, project: project3) } end shared_examples_for 'deleting inconsistent internal_id records' do before do create_models internal_id_query.call(project1).first.tap do |iid| iid.last_value = iid.last_value - 2 # This is an inconsistent record iid.save! end internal_id_query.call(project3).first.tap do |iid| iid.last_value = iid.last_value + 2 # This is a consistent record iid.save! end end it "deletes inconsistent issues" do expect { migrate! }.to change { internal_id_query.call(project1).size }.from(1).to(0) end it "retains consistent issues" do expect { migrate! }.not_to change { internal_id_query.call(project2).size } end it "retains consistent records, especially those with a greater last_value" do expect { migrate! }.not_to change { internal_id_query.call(project3).size } end end context 'for issues' do let(:scope) { :issue } it_behaves_like 'deleting inconsistent internal_id records' end context 'for merge_requests' do let(:scope) { :merge_request } let(:create_models) do 3.times { |i| create(scope, target_project: project1, source_project: project1, source_branch: i.to_s) } 3.times { |i| create(scope, target_project: project2, source_project: project2, source_branch: i.to_s) } 3.times { |i| create(scope, target_project: project3, source_project: project3, source_branch: i.to_s) } end it_behaves_like 'deleting inconsistent internal_id records' end context 'for deployments' do let(:scope) { :deployment } let(:deployments) { table(:deployments) } let(:internal_ids) { table(:internal_ids) } before do internal_ids.create!(project_id: project1.id, usage: 2, last_value: 2) internal_ids.create!(project_id: project2.id, usage: 2, last_value: 2) internal_ids.create!(project_id: project3.id, usage: 2, last_value: 2) end let(:create_models) do 3.times { |i| deployments.create!(project_id: project1.id, iid: i, environment_id: 1, ref: 'master', sha: 'a', tag: false) } 3.times { |i| deployments.create!(project_id: project2.id, iid: i, environment_id: 1, ref: 'master', sha: 'a', tag: false) } 3.times { |i| deployments.create!(project_id: project3.id, iid: i, environment_id: 1, ref: 'master', sha: 'a', tag: false) } end it_behaves_like 'deleting inconsistent internal_id records' end context 'for milestones (by project)' do let(:scope) { :milestone } it_behaves_like 'deleting inconsistent internal_id records' end context 'for ci_pipelines' do let(:scope) { :ci_pipeline } it_behaves_like 'deleting inconsistent internal_id records' end context 'for milestones (by group)' do # milestones (by group) is a little different than most of the other models let(:groups) { table(:namespaces) } let(:group1) { groups.create(name: 'Group 1', type: 'Group', path: 'group_1') } let(:group2) { groups.create(name: 'Group 2', type: 'Group', path: 'group_2') } let(:group3) { groups.create(name: 'Group 2', type: 'Group', path: 'group_3') } let(:internal_id_query) { ->(group) { InternalId.where(usage: InternalId.usages['milestones'], namespace: group) } } before do 3.times { create(:milestone, group_id: group1.id) } 3.times { create(:milestone, group_id: group2.id) } 3.times { create(:milestone, group_id: group3.id) } internal_id_query.call(group1).first.tap do |iid| iid.last_value = iid.last_value - 2 # This is an inconsistent record iid.save! end internal_id_query.call(group3).first.tap do |iid| iid.last_value = iid.last_value + 2 # This is a consistent record iid.save! end end it "deletes inconsistent issues" do expect { migrate! }.to change { internal_id_query.call(group1).size }.from(1).to(0) end it "retains consistent issues" do expect { migrate! }.not_to change { internal_id_query.call(group2).size } end it "retains consistent records, especially those with a greater last_value" do expect { migrate! }.not_to change { internal_id_query.call(group3).size } end end end